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Mallet McBride
VB DD12 npc Mallet McBride
Image used as concept design for Mallet McBride in the Van Buren design document
Biography and appearance
AffiliationTibbets Prison
RoleNew Plague carrier, prisoner (former)
LocationHoover Dam
Gametitle-VBThe following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Mallet McBride is one of the escaped convicts of Tibbets prison in 2253.


Mallet McBride is one of the vital escaped Tibbets prisoners. Like many of his escapee comrades, he carries one of the New Plague mutations – a piece in a large and lethal puzzle that the Prisoner needs, and the same virus that inhabits the Prisoner's own body.

Mallet McBride is not a nice man. In fact, he's a downright asshole. If it weren't for the fact that Mallet was in prison for carrying Limit 115, he would be either in someone else's prison, or dead from a gunshot wound to the head. However, now that he escaped Tibbets Prison, he has chosen Hoover Dam as the place to sow his wild oats.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

General Services Quests
Companion: No
Merchant: No
Doctor: No
Starts quests: No
Involved in quests: No

Other interactions[]

Mallet is a pretty big guy and a very skilled unarmed fighter. He's so good, in fact, that legend has it he once laid out a super mutant with one punch, though that legend has never been tested on Beatrice.

Mallet can be found in Dusty's Desires and whittles the day away getting drunk. He takes the occasional job with Crimson Caravan to earn enough money to continue funding his carousing, but he does not have any loyalty to Crimson. Should the player approach Mallet about taking him back to Tibbets, then the player better be ready for a fight. Mallet will not go quietly and will begin to punch the player in the face until he is dead.

Appearances in games[]

Mallet McBride did not appear nor was mentioned in any of the published games, but was to appear in the canceled Fallout 3 project by Black Isle codenamed Van Buren. It is not certain if he will appear in any future Fallout game.


Design Document
CharactersGovernor Joseph Dodge · Mjr. Jack Fleming . Guido Giordano · Enzo Giordano · Vinnie Giordano · Dorris . Ailis McLafferty · Ralph Peoples · Mitch Stiller · Candice Morris · Pierre LaPoubelle · Dr. Yuri Polivich · Pablo Riviera · Frieda Van Graff · Milko · Dusty Heart · Beatrice · Otto Steed · Dianne · Farmer Dave · Bob · Mary-Jo · Billy-Bob · Mallet McBride · Ginger Flowers · Nancy Haggard · Arcade Gannon · Mike Lawson
LocationsThe Rim · Downtown (Frieda's Firearms) · Baseline · Scum Pits · Sub-Level 1C
QuestsGet Meeting with Governor Dodge · Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS · Get City Council attendance back to norm · Join up with the 3-Some Caravan Company  · Spy on Crimson Caravan for 3-Some Caravan · Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some · Successfully frame 3-Some Caravan Co. for extortion and murder · Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence · Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge  · Give filtration schematics to former BOS scribes · Get school attendance up to norm · Teach class on Wasteland survival · Clear out critters in Scum Pits for possible hydroponics lab · Get shipments from Denver for materials to build hydroponics lab · Discover Sub-level 1 · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks & get access to Scum Pits · Discover lost Hoover Dam war and Sub-level 1 history · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Help Beatrice in a bar fight · Do Bob's bounty hunter jobs · Recalibrate the two working power generators to be more efficient and increase power · Get liquor for Pablo
OrganizationsNew California Republic · Crimson Caravan · 3-Some Caravan · Followers of the Apocalypse