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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RoleCrazed cannibal
LocationEcho Lake Lumber
Dialogue FileMalcolm's dialogue
QuestsTurn Back the Fog
Editor IDDLC03FarHarborS02Malcolm
Base IDxx049cb8Ref IDxx049cb9

Got the hunger. No, no. You helped me. Go!

Malcolm is the deranged cannibal survivor of Echo Lake Lumber in 2287.


The last survivor of the Harbormen settlement at Echo Lake Lumber, Malcolm stayed behind when the Fog started to roll in long ago. Unbeknownst to those at Far Harbor.[1][2][3][4] As the last survivor of the family still clinging to his property he continues to claim ownership of the location. However the time spent not only alone, but within the fog has driven him insane and cannibalistic...[5]

When the Sole Survivor is tasked by Small Bertha to clear the supposedly abandoned settlement for resettlement, he will appear after the ferals are culled to claim his territory.... and offer the Survivor to pay for settlers to be sent to him for hunting.

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Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.

Turn Back the Fog



Icon armored vault suit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death
No additional items


Malcolm appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Got the hunger. No, no. You helped me. Go!"
  • "Send me the outsiders. Send a mountain of them. Haha."


  1. Small Bertha: "I have to talk to you. I got 14 1/2 caps. I want to hire you."
    The Sole Survivor: "I'll bite. What's the job?"
    Small Bertha: "Harbormen don't belong on this dock. If we keep clinging here, we'll bleed out and die. To get better, to grow stronger, we need land. Echo Lake Lumber Mill has power lines that connect to the old Wind Farm. If you clear the land, Harbormen can wire up the Condensers. Make it safe from the Fog."
    The Sole Survivor: "How do you know all of this?"
    Small Bertha: "My father was a mechanic. A good one. Before the Fog took him."
    (Small Bertha's dialogue)
  2. The Sole Survivor: "You know, you're quite a remarkable girl."
    Small Bertha: "If you say so, I just don't want this pier to kill what's left of my kin. I know the money's a joke, but if my friends can resettle... I'm sure they'd do anything for you. And owe you big. Please help."
    (Small Bertha's dialogue)
  3. The Sole Survivor: "So they send their 12 year old kid sister to negotiate this deal? You better not be pulling my leg."
    Small Bertha: "They've given up. All ready to walk off that pier and put an end to it. I'm not. I know the money's a joke, but if my friends can resettle... I'm sure they'd do anything for you. And owe you big. Please help."
    (Small Bertha's dialogue)
  4. The Sole Survivor: "That's his home. He has a right to it."
    Small Bertha: "So you're just leaving us to rot on the dock? For one lousy trapper? Sleep with one eye open."
    (Small Bertha's dialogue)
  5. Small Bertha: "Is the Lumber Mill safe now? People are getting anxious. A little... unstable."
    The Sole Survivor: "Who owns the Lumber Mill?"
    Small Bertha: "No one any more. There was a family there. They didn't make it. Why? Did you find anyone there?"
    The Sole Survivor: "There's one survivor at the Lumber Mill. He's a trapper."
    Small Bertha: "One Trapper. I... I think we can handle that."
    The Sole Survivor: "Malcolm says he owns the Lumber Mill. Not you. Was he lying?"
    Small Bertha: "I... We thought he was dead. Been that long in the Fog... Maybe it's better if he did die. We have people here that need a real home. People that think straight. People worth saving."
    (Small Bertha's dialogue)