The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Mentioned-only character
Maja Adams
Biography and appearance
AffiliationNuka-Cola Corporation
RoleNuclear physicist
Dialogue FileMaja Adams' dialogue
Mentioned inNuka-World
Editor IDDLC04Maja_Holotape
Base IDxx000000Ref IDxx000000
Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout 4 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Maja Adams was a disreputable corporate nuclear physicist employed by the Nuka-Cola Corporation in 2077.


A disreputable corporate nuclear physicist Maja berated Sabir about the non-union workers Sabir hired to work at the Nuka-World power plant. The complaint however wasn't about how uninformed and inexperienced the workers were. In fact they made a point to hire them so they wouldn't notice that the facility wasn't up to code, nor that they were violating Department of Labor regulations. She instead made the point that if the workers did manage to cost the corporation money that she would make sure that it was Sabir that took the blame.[1]


Maja Adams was to be mentioned in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World.

