The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fo1 MacRae
Biography and appearance
RoleUnarmed combat trainer
Dialogue FileMACRAE.MSG
SPECIALStrength: 8
Perception: 9
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 8
Luck: 6
Derived StatsHit points: 59
Armor class: 28
Action points: 9
Carry weight: 225
Unarmed damage: 0
Melee damage: 3
Sequence: 18
Healing rate: 2
Experience points: 95
Normal DT/DR: 0/20%
Laser DT/DR: 0/20%
Fire DT/DR: 0/20%
Plasma DT/DR: 0/10%
Electrical DT/DR: 0/30%
EMP DT/DR: 0/500%
Explode DT/DR: 0/10%
Tag SkillsSmall Guns: 79%
Big Guns: 63%
Unarmed: 94%
Melee Weapons: 104%
Throwing: 59%
Proto id00000235 (Guard)

Well, I'm MacRae. I help the Blades some against the Deathclaws and that Regulator bunch. Teach'em a bit about protectin 'emselves against those nasties.

MacRae is a helpful man helping the Blades defend themselves in Fallout.


MacRae, a strong, stout man with a bushy beard,[1] is a bit of an oddity. Like Patrick, he sounds like a man from another planet to the wastelanders, with unmistakable Scottish influences in his manner of speaking. He is a martial artist, keeping the ancient art of pugilism (throwing punches and surviving them) alive and kicking. He helps out the Blades, as he considers them good people.[2] Certainly better than the Regulators, who often appear in the middle of the monthverification overdue, remove and drag a man away to stage an attack on Adytum.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character has no special interactions.

Effects of player action[]

  • MacRae promises to help the Vault Dweller with their skills in combat, giving +1 melee damage and +5% Damage Resistance. However, the code doesn't work properly and nothing happens.


Icon armored vault suit
Leather jacket
Assault carbine icon
Combat knife
Icon briefcase
Carried items
6 Stimpaks
Icon male severed head
Drops on death

Behind the scenes[]

  • The code used by MacRae has been fixed for Fallout 2.


MacRae appears only in Fallout.


  1. MacRae: "{100}{}{You see a strong, stout man with a bushy beard.}"
    "{101}{}{You see MacRae.}"
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{106}{}{What can you tell me about the Blades?}"
    MacRae: "{127}{}{A good group of people is what the Blades are. Stuck ere between the damn Regulators and the Deathclaws ain't meant the happiest life for em, but they survive.}"
  3. The Vault Dweller: "{111}{}{What's the deal with the Regulators}"
    MacRae: "{122}{}{I was thinkin the Deathclaws were the spawn of an unnatural act, but 'em Regulators are evil. Come once a month or so and they shows their ugly faces and drag a father away from is wee ones.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{123}{}{Anything I could do to help?}"
    MacRae: "{126}{}{You be wantin to talk to Razor. A good lass if there ever was one.}"