The lucky shades were added to the game by patch 1.2. Prior to this patch they existed within the game's files, but were not placed anywhere in the game and also lacked the effect which increased the wearer's Luck.
While these shades give +3 Perception with the Four Eyes trait, it should be noted that they do not offer +1 Perception without Four Eyes. If Four Eyes is not selected, the lucky shades only affect Luck.
With the 1.2 patch, it is possible to get more than one pair of lucky shades. Further testing is required to determine the exact details of this glitch, but the basics are this: the patches essentially reload the loot found in the safehouses that was not there in the original version of the game. So, by picking up the safehouse loot, saving, removing the patch, loading, reinstalling the patch, and loading again, the lucky shades will be both on the bed and still in your inventory.
It's unclear what the advantage of this would be however, as companions are not capable of utilizing the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses from items. This deficiency in companions is a carry over from Fallout 3.
Xbox 360 Sometimes, the lucky shades cannot be repaired by any non-player character. However, it can still be repaired with any other glasses (this happened with patch 1.2 installed, most non-player character's that offer repair, cannot repair armor/headgear anyways).