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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas locations project. This project is dedicated to standardizing Fallout: New Vegas location articles. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
Icon disambig
For the entire interstate, see I-15.
Long 15
FNV Long 15 Vista
Icon ruins
Map MarkerLong 15
Part ofCalifornia
FactionsNew California Republic
Cell NameNVDLC04NukeNCREntrance
ref idxx00b090
Gametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNV LR

The NCR military camp at the Long 15 beyond the Mojave Outpost is a location in California. It is a part of the old Interstate 15 and is a major checkpoint for travelers heading to the Mojave Wasteland. Destroying it would cut the main supply line the NCR has going to the Mojave, though the full extent of the damage would only become apparent years later.[1]

The location will only be visitable if the player chooses to launch the nukes at the NCR during the completion of the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Lonesome Road.


The part of Long 15 accessible beyond the gates of the Mojave Outpost contains highly irradiated remains of an New California Republic camp, destroyed by warheads launched at the end of the quest The Apocalypse. The area is populated with irradiated heavy troopers and glowing ones, along with their former commanding officer, Colonel Royez.

The camp consists of a small firing range, numerous ruined buildings, and several crashed Vertibirds, along with a small amount of high tech gun cases along the road to the northwest. Ammunition boxes and NCR weapons are littered about the area, while the massive explosion crater looms in the west, beyond ruined buildings.

Notable loot[]


  • Unlike every other location introduced through add-ons, companions can travel to Dry Wells and the Long 15 with the player.
  • Although the mushroom cloud seen at the end of The Apocalypse appears to be over Mojave Outpost, the outpost is undamaged.
  • The Vertibirds seen crashed around the area bear Enclave markings from Navarro, as seen in the Remnants Bunker, instead of the NCR markings of President Kimball's Vertibird.
  • The player will not receive NCR infamy for killing the irradiated NCR heavy troopers found in this area, or for killing Colonel Royez.
  • It can be very challenging to kill the Irradiated Heavy Troops, as their health recovers very rapidly from the radiation and the shared effect of Royez' Sierra armor.


The Long 15 appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Lonesome Road.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Attempting to fast-travel to another area while in the Long 15 will cause the player to drop dead as soon as it finishes loading.



  1. The Courier: "The Long 15 is no more. The main supply line into NCR is cut."
    Ulysses: "No damage done, not yet. Maybe in years. Keeps the Bear fenced... if Caesar can't drive it back, fire might. Only delays the end for the Bull, a new wall for them to scale and cross... once they're done with the Mojave. And Hoover Dam. Never again do you or any other courier and caravan need walk that route. Let the Mojave breathe without that asphalt scar raking it."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)