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Little Toe
Race Human , African AmericanHair Style Buzz Cut (HairAfricanAmericanBase) Hair Color ? Eye Color Dark Brown (EyeDarkBrown) Dialogue File Little Toe's dialogue
Editor Race African American Editor ID LittleToe Base ID 000259f9 Ref ID ? Actor 0002AB62 (MaleAdult01DefaultB)
The following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
Little Toe is a character that was going to appear in Fallout 3 , but was removed from the final game.
Background [ ]
Little Toe is a character in metal armor , connected to The Replicated Man and Trigger . He has just the bare bones functionality and doesn't appear in the game.
Interactions with the player character [ ]
Interactions overview [ ]
This character has no special interactions.
This character is involved in quests .
Inventory [ ]
Metal armor
Carried items
Drops on death
Appearances [ ]
Little Toe was supposed to appear in Fallout 3 .