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This page lists all traits in Lionheart, a fantasy RPG which uses the SPECIAL character system.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For traits in other Fallout games, please see "Trait".
  • For an overview of Lionheart content, please refer to "Lionheart".

General information[]

One can choose up to two traits when designing a character (or none at all). In Lionheart a different approach to racial traits was chosen in comparison to Fallout Tactics. For each race one is free to choose (or not) any of the regular list of traits, but if the character belonged to one of the "tainted" races (i.e. everyone except pureblood humans), the player has to choose one of the list of racial traits available to their race. These traits are the only thing that distinguish the races from humans, and often have no penalty other than marking the character as tainted.

General traits[]

Trait Race Benefit Penalty
Arrows for Words all +15 Ranged Weapons -10 Speech and Barter
Ascetic all +10 extra skill points to spend -10% Gold Rate
Fast Metabolism Pureblood, Sylvant, Demonkin. Healing Rate +1 -10% Poison Resistance & Disease Resistance
Finesse all Critical chance increased by 10% Physical attacks do -20% damage
Gifted all +1 to all stats -10 to all non-spell skills, 4 less skill points per level
Good Natured all +25 Barter -5 One-Handed, Two-Handed and Unarmed
Heavy Handed all +2 damage in melee combat Critical hits have a -30 modifier to critical chance
Nasty Disposition all +10 One-Handed, Two-Handed and Unarmed -10 Barter & Speech
One Hander all +10 One-Handed -10 Two-Handed and Ranged
Renaissance Man all +1 Intelligence -10 One-Handed, Two-Handed, Unarmed & Ranged, -3 Armor Class
Skilled all +5 additional Skill points at level up Perk Rate one level slower
Small Frame Pureblood, Sylvant, Demonkin. +1 Agility -50 Carry Weight
Studious Tinkerer all Lockpick +15, +3 levels to starting spells -1 Perception and -10 Ranged
Thick Skinned all +5% all damage resistances, +4 AC -1 Intelligence, -10 Lockpick

Racial traits[]

Demokin traits[]

Trait Race Benefit Penalty
Acid Blood Demonkin
Bloody Talons Demonkin
Demonic Frenzy Demonkin
Diabloism Demonkin
Forked Tongue Demonkin
Infernal Quickness Demonkin
Lucky Devil Demonkin
Scaly Hide Demonkin
Shroud of Darkness Demonkin
Vampiric Fury Demonkin

Feralkin traits[]

Trait Race Benefit Penalty
Beast of Burden Feralkin
Chameleon Feralkin
Eagle Eye Feralkin
Elephant Hide Feralkin
Monkey Brains Feralkin
Rabid Fervor Feralkin
Regeneration Feralkin
Serpent's Tongue Feralkin
Tusks Feralkin
Wolf Hide Feralkin

Sylvant traits[]

Trait Race Benefit Penalty
Bond of Nature Sylvant
Dark Gift Sylvant
Earth Ancestry Sylvant
Fiery Ancestry Sylvant
Frost Ancestry Sylvant
Gossamer Skin Sylvant
Polyelemental Ancestry Sylvant
Skin of Thorns Sylvant
Storm of Arrows Sylvant
Wind Ancestry Sylvant
Traits in Lionheart