A researcher of the Advanced Systems division, Liam is the son of Robotics division head Alan Binet. Due to his father's ideals on synth autonomy and a synth filling in for his mother, Eve, Liam revised the beliefs drilled into him by the Institute and began working towards synth liberation. At first it was a mere challenge, but then, as it dawned on him that synths may simply be humans, enslaved by the Institute, he started to focus his efforts on liberating them. To this end, he began hacking terminals of Institute divisions and forging work orders that allowed synths to leave the underground and work on the surface, providing an opportunity for escape.
Every synth that left the confines of the Institute did so with pieces of a cipher, Trinity. Liam hoped that people who dealt with these synths would eventually gather enough pieces to crack it and read the messages. The Railroad eventually managed to break the code with Tinker Tom's help and Patriot's messages (as they codenamed Liam) eventually proved very useful to Railroad operations.
Liam once sprained his wrist while "using a terminal", having to get a splint.[1]