The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Asian
AffiliationRivet City Security
Rolewater caravan protection overseer
LocationRivet City (outside, in the "stairway" up to the bridge)
Dialogue FileLepelletier's dialogue
QuestsProtecting the Water Way
Derived StatsHit Points: 165
Tag SkillsEnergy Weapons: 100
Melee Weapons: 100
Small Guns: 100
Base IDxx003b3cRef IDxx003b53
ActorKaren Carbone
Gametitle-FO3 BS
Gametitle-FO3 BS

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm busy coordinating "military operations".

Officer Lepelletier is a member of Rivet City Security in 2277.


A Rivet City security force team member who, through hard work and dedication, has landed herself the unfortunate position of being in charge of the Water Caravan Escort detail, coordinating the execution of the contract with Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel. Officer Lepelletier has a makeshift office set up outside Rivet City where she handles coordinating the caravans and security details. There is usually a small contingent of caravan drivers, Brahmin, and disgruntled Rivet City policemen buzzing around the bridge gangplank building. Lepelletier’s caravans have been getting hijacked more regularly, and she suspects something organized is going on.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


  • Protecting the Water Way: Scribe Bigsley directs you to Lepelletier because the caravans have been plagued by an especially nasty band of bandits. You can also pass a speech check, where you ask if you might need a heavier firearm. She agrees by saying that she 'doesn't need it pushing papers anyways' and gives you her Urban plasma rifle.

Effects of player actions[]

  • If the player joins the bandit gang, Lepelletier can be extorted for "protection money". This will result in her turning hostile and attacking the player. However, she should become neutral again if the player flees instead of fighting her. Fighting Lepelletier will temporarily cause the rest of Rivet City Security to turn hostile towards the player as well.


Icon armored vault suit
Rivet City security uniform
Assault carbine icon
Urban plasma rifle
N99 10mm pistol
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


Lepelletier appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.88: "Officer Lepelletier
    A Rivet City security force team member who, through hard work and dedication, has landed herself the unfortunate position of being in charge of the Water Caravan Escort detail. Rivet City has contracted out with the Brotherhood of Steel to help escort water caravans to their destination, in exchange for getting money and technology from the Brotherhood. Officer Lepelletier has a makeshift office set up outside Rivet City where she handles coordinating the caravans and security details. There is usually a small contingent of caravan drivers, Brahmin, and disgruntled Rivet City policemen buzzing around the bridge gangplank building. Lepelletier's caravans have been getting hijacked more regularly, and she suspects something organized is going on. She'd like you to help investigate what's going on by escorting one of the caravans. She can't pay you, so you'll have to get paid from Bigsley at Project Purity. All her money and gear has already been assigned to other escort details."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)