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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For other characters in the Fallout universe named Lenny, see Lenny.
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FOD Lenny
Biography and appearance
Dialogue FileLENNY.MSG
Proto id00000000

Lenny is a man living in Scrapheap in 2161.


To put it bluntly, Lenny is a bit strange: he is neither bright nor popular with the inhabitants of Scrapheap. He smells distinctly of brahmin[1] on account that he sleeps with them in the pen at night.[2] According to him, people just don't understand him and how important the brahmin are to him.[3]

He considers Lex and the brahmin to be his only friends; he even considers selling a brahmin to be slavery.[4] As the town loser, he is routinely picked on by the Fools.[5] His lack of intelligence is extremely evident when he speaks of his "friend" Lex. He is completely unaware that once a month Lex takes one of Lenny's brahmin "home for dinner" – as Lenny puts it, "[he] lets them play with a bunch of sky Brahmin. Isn't that nice?"[6]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character has no special interactions.


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Icon armored vault suit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


Lenny appears only in the Fallout demo.


  1. Lenny's character description: "{101}{}{You see a loser who smells like a Brahmin.}"
  2. Max Stone: "{108}{}{How come these animals stink so much?}"
    Lenny: "{109}{}{They do? I hadn't noticed. I guess I've been hanging around them for so long, it doesn't bother me. They're my friends.}"
    Max Stone: "{107}{}{What are these animals?}"
    Lenny: "{110}{}{These are Brahmin. They're my friends. I sleep in the pen with them so they don't get frightened at night. This place can get a little scary, if you know what I mean.}"
  3. Max Stone: "{115}{}{I wouldn't do that, I was just testing you.}"
    Lenny: "{117}{}{Oh, I understand. You don't realize how important Brahmin are to me. That's okay. I don't think people understand me.}"
  4. Max Stone: "{112}{}{Can I buy one?}"
    Lenny: "{113}{}{NO! No! I'm not a slaver, like some of these people. How could you sell your friends!?}"
    Max Stone: "{115}{}{I wouldn't do that, I was just testing you.}"
    Lenny: "{117}{}{Oh, I understand. You don't realize how important Brahmin are to me. That's okay. I don't think people understand me.}"
  5. Max Stone: "{125}{}{Tell me what you know about the Fools.}"
    Lenny: "{129}{}{I don't like the Fools, they're always picking on me. They live in the garage to the north. They fight the Crypts, but we all lose.}"
  6. Max Stone: "{141}{}{Who is Lex?}"
    Lenny: "{144}{}{Lex is nice. Lex treats my friends like family. About once a month, he even takes one of my friends home for dinner. [Lenny smiles.] Then he lets them play with a bunch of sky Brahmin. Isn't that nice?}"
    Max Stone: "{146}{}{Lenny, I think you need to know something. Lex eats your friends.}"
    Lenny: "{147}{}{No, you lie! You are a liar! Lex would never do that! You stinking liar! I'm going to hurt you for saying that in front of my friends.}"