The V’vault Dweller saved us -- all of us. Do you understand? It didn’t matter that we were ghouls. For once it didn’t matter. We w’were people again. W’worth saving.
Lenny is particularly short and old for a ghoul, having turned into one at a mature age.[3] Before the Great War transformed him, he was an accomplished medical doctor, with a practice in Bakersfield. When the war came, he and his father, William, sought refuge in Vault 12 beneath the city. Unfortunately, the Vault was designed to malfunction and the entire Vault Dweller population was turned into ghouls. Lenny used his talents to help others in the Necropolis, flying under Set's radar and avoiding violence. This helped him survive the super mutant attack intact.[4]
Around 2161, the stuttering ghoul saw a man running through the city: The Vault Dweller. He instantly recognized him as an outsider and when he passed by, he almost reached out to stop him, to ask if he could join his quest.[5] But he didn't, he lacked the courage to do so. He never forgave himself for this, especially when he learned that the Vault Dweller wiped out the Master's laboratories, destroying the Unity.
Of course, before he heard that, Lenny and his father just barely survived the super mutant retaliation that killed most ghouls in Necropolis. He migrated north, until he finally arrived in Gecko, where he settled as a doctor and aide to Harold, helping manage the town's affairs and healing those who were hurt.[4] The neigbouring Vault City quickly turned out to be a painful reminder of his fate as a ghoul. If given the chance, he'd trade his extreme lifespan in for a life as a regular human, using Vault City's technology to heal himself. But VC-grade bigotry would never allow that.[6]
He resigned himself to a life of a glorified bureaucrat, until the Chosen One arrived in the city, Lenny unexpectedly received a second shot at a grand quest to save the wastes.[7]
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
This character is a permanent party member.
The player can recruit Lenny through dialogue. Lenny will gladly join, unless the player has any negative reputations (Slaver, Childkiller, Berserker), less than 1 karma, or destroyed the power plant.
Recruiting him earns the player +5 karma and improves Gecko reputation.
Lenny is a decent support character, but care needs to be taken to ensure that he has the right weapons. He has 4 Strength, meaning most higher end pistols and SMGs will be out of his reach, except for the H&K P90c. Outfitting him in power armor is a good way to fix the problem.
Lenny's primary use is to use him as a doctor. He can and will heal the player in combat.
Rescue Coffin Willie[]
The player can dig up Coffin Willie in Golgotha. Doing so will not grant the Grave Digger reputation. The specific grave is noted for its aura and a marker which says "Here lies the dumbest son of a bitch to ever set foot to New Reno." It is located in the south-western part of the area. Willie has little to say to his son, however.[1]
Notable quotes[]
"Physician, heal thyself."
Carried items
Drops on death
Behind the scenes[]
The player was supposed to be able to turn Lenny into a glowing ghoul with copious amounts of Gamma Gulp Beer and Roentgen Rum, but this functionality was scrapped, likely as a function of the fact that doing so would prevent Lenny from using any weapons except for unarmed ones.[8]
↑Lenny: "{100}{}{You see an especially short, older ghoul.}" "{101}{}{You see Lenny, Harold’s assistant.}" "{102}{}{You see a short, older ghoul. He appears to be preoccupied.}" (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑ 4.04.1The Chosen One: "{115}{}{What do you do here?}" Lenny: "{160}{}{W’well, I h’help H’harold mostly. Wh’when people get hurt, I h’help them out.}" The Chosen One: "{341}{}{What else did you say you did here?}" Lenny: "{340}{}{I h’help H’harold administer the town. Th’there’s always more p’paperwork to do.}" The Chosen One: "{163}{}{You can heal people?}" Lenny: "{200}{}{Well, b’before the W’war I w’was a doctor.}" The Chosen One: "{201}{}{Before the war? But that must have been almost 160 years ago.}" Lenny: "{210}{}{That's t’true. B’but the radiation seems to have g’given us g’ghouls a longer life-span. ‘Course, it took almost eveything else away.}" (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑Lenny: "{112}{}{I hear that you’re the Descendant of the Vault Dweller. You know, I met the Vault Dweller once.}" The Chosen One: "{120}{}{You met my ancestor?}" Lenny: "{190}{}{W’well. I didn’t actually m’meet the V’vault Dweller. But I saw them. Once. }" The Chosen One: "{191}{}{You saw the Vault Dweller? Where?}" Lenny: "{270}{}{I’it w’was a long time ago. In a place called N’necropolis. A lot of us g’ghouls lived there. One, day I saw someone running through the city.}" The Chosen One: "{271}{}{Running?}" Lenny: "{280}{}{Yes, running. You see, we ghouls c’can’t run too much anymore. So, I knew it was an outsider when I saw them. They ran by so close I could have touched them. I wish that I had joined the Vault Dweller.…}" The Chosen One: "{281}{}{You wanted to join my grandsire?}" Lenny: "{290}{}{Yes. I h’had the chance of a lifetime and I blew it.}" The Chosen One: "{291}{}{What do you mean?}" Lenny: "{300}{}{L'later, I h’heard that the Vault Dweller had fixed our water system. The V’vault Dweller saved us -- all of us. Do you understand? It didn’t matter that we were ghouls. For once it didn’t matter. We w’were people again. W’worth saving.}" The Chosen One: "{301}{}{My ancestor was the founder of our tribe. That memory is revered amongst my people.}" Lenny: "{310}{}{Later, I heard that the Vault Dweller destroyed the source of the m’mutant army. The Vault D’dweller saved all of us. Human and ghoul alike… I could have been a part of that, but I lacked the c’courage. I’ve never forgiven m’myself.}" (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑The Chosen One: "{211}{}{Took things away?}" Lenny: "{220}{}{W’well, y’yes. We look l’like f’friggin’ f’freaks. We d’don’t have any skin, for Chrisakes.}" The Chosen One: "{221}{}{Well, I guess you have seen better days.}" Lenny: "{230}{}{Y’you c’could say that. I’d trade in all those years to b’be a n’normal person again.}" The Chosen One: "{231}{}{Well, not much hope of that, I suppose.}" Lenny: "{240}{}{If those f’fools in Vault City w’would share their medical technology, I’m sure we could c’cleanse the excess r’radiation and heal ourselves.}" The Chosen One: "{241}{}{They won’t help you?}" Lenny: "{250}{}{Y’you’ve been to Vault City? Then you t’tell me wh’what you think the chances of g'getting h’help from those bigots is. M’might as well watch a p’paper dog chase an asbestos c’cat through hell.}" The Chosen One: "{251}{}{I’m sorry to hear that, but I think you’re right. Let me ask you about something else.}" (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑Lenny: "{310}{}{Later, I heard that the Vault Dweller destroyed the source of the m’mutant army. The Vault D’dweller saved all of us. Human and ghoul alike… I could have been a part of that, but I lacked the c’courage. I’ve never forgiven m’myself.}" The Chosen One: "{311}{}{I am following in my ancestor’s footsteps. Would you like another chance? Will you join me?}" "{320}{}{I'm h'happier than a bull b'brahmin in a pasture-full o' cows! I'd b'be honored to j'join you. I m'may be old and I cain't m'move t'too darn fast, leastwasy not for too long, b'but I kin sure p'patch you up when y'you need it.}" (GCLENNY.MSG)