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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For an overview of raider armor in all games, see raider armor.
Leather Rebel
Raider Commando Armor
Icon leather rebel
DR30Item HP150
EffectsCH +1
Leather armor
VariantsRaider commando armor
QuestsMill Worker
base idxx00b50e
Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

The Leather Rebel is a unique piece of armor in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.


Everett describes the armor as having been worn by a priest who said the armor was bulletproof, a theory which was proven false when put to the test. Said experiment was described by Everett as "a gloriously fun time".[1]


The Leather Rebel is a unique variant of raider commando armor and provides a damage resistance of 30, while also increasing Charisma by 1. It can be repaired with leather armor.

A leather apron, or the remains thereof, attached with straps. A large leather and metal pauldron over the left shoulder and arm. Two large double belts, attached to the bottom belt is a pouch hanging over the thigh. The pants are of a dark leather, the knees and back of knees are padded. Covering the shins are metal guards held on by leather straps. Both leather boots extend to the knees.


The Leather Rebel can be obtained by collecting 70 steel ingots for Foreman Everett.

Related quests[]

Behind the scenes[]

This armor is a reference to the Judas Priest song "Leather Rebel". Specifically, the claim that the armor was previously owned by a priest who claimed to be bulletproof. The claim of bullet proof is in the fifth verse while the "Priest" is the band name.


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "You got anything for me?"
    Everett: "Guess you earned this. Used to belong to a desert priest. Said wearing it made him bulletproof. Course, that didn't stand up to a little testing. But damn if it wasn't a gloriously fun time."
    (Everett's dialogue)