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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Mentioned-only character
Last President of the United States
Biography and appearance
AffiliationUnited States of America
Mentioned inFallout 2
Fallout 3
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Fallout Bible

President Di[2] was the last President of the United States that held the office at the time Great War, and was possibly a member of the Enclave. In March 2077, he and his cabinet relocated to Control station Enclave, in preparation for a nuclear or biological attack from China. The White House was left to a skeleton crew of laborers to maintain the property, with most of the supporting organizations - including the White House Press Corps - disbanded. The nation was effectively leaderless, with the President considered "missing" by national media. He was not at Raven Rock or at the nearby Camp David. It was only in October that Mags Veccio, Boston Bugle's investigative journalist, located the President at the oil rig and learned its official designation - Control Station Enclave - from a highly-placed anonymous source. The silence of the President was a disturbing indication of impending nuclear holocaust.[3][1]


The last president of the United States is mentioned in Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and within the Fallout Bible. Their name is never fully given.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Boston Bugle building terminals; Boston Bugle Article Terminal, Article 4: "White House Remains Empty - Where is our President?
    By Mags Veccio
    Boston Bugle Staff Writer
    For more than half a year, the West Wing of America's most famous residence has remained shrouded in near complete darkness. A skeleton crew of manual laborers remains on staff to maintain the property, but nobody has lived - or worked politically - there for several months. And even though the White House Press Corps was unofficially and unceremoniously disbanded around the same time, the media has remained steadfast in answering that most important of questions:
    Where is our President?
    At first, the assumption was that the entirety of the United States government had moved operations to Raven Rock, the military operations center located in the mountainous region of Pennsylvania just a few miles northeast of the Presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland. But further investigations have revealed that neither the President nor his Cabinet have been to the Raven Rock complex in over a year.
    So if not Raven Rock, then where?
    Thanks to an extensive and exhaustive investigation, the Boston Bugle has uncovered the answer, and our readers will likely consider it as strange as it is shocking:
    The President has been leading our country from a Poseidon Energy oil rig just off the coast of San Francisco.
    It's certainly an odd choice for a Presidential command center. Or is it? Not as much as it may seem, as our investigation discovered. Thanks to the testimony of a highly-placed anonymous source, the Boston Bugle has learned that the official designation of the oil rig is actually "Control Station Enclave" - giving credence to the long-running rumors of a secret, militarized "shadow government," known as the Enclave, that would take control of the United States in the event of a nuclear conflagration.
    And so, the mystery of the missing President has finally been solved. But in doing so, has the Boston Bugle also uncovered evidence that the end of the world, in the form of total atomic war, is also at hand?
    Sadly, the President's silence seems to speak volumes."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Letter from the President
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 March Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the president and the Enclave retreats to remote sections around the globe and make contingency plans for continuing the war."
Enclave Symbol (Fallout 3)
Enclave Symbol (Fallout 3)