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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Fo3 LEnfant Plaza
Fo3 L'Enfant Near Capitol Post
Icon metro
L'Enfant Plaza with the pyramid skylight over La Promenade (top) and Capitol Post plaza (bottom)
Map MarkerL'Enfant Plaza
L'Enfant South
Part ofWashington, D.C.
metro exitsHazmat disposal site L5
Irradiated Metro
Other ExitsCapitol Post
Madame Jealle's
QuestsSearching for Cheryl
Cell NameLenfantPlazaIntersection (shop)
LenfantSewerEntrance (bur. m.)
LenfantSouth (irr. metro entr.)
LenfantTunnel (mutant camp)
LenfantWest (disposal site)
LenfantWestS (plaza)
ref id0003491a (shop)
00036aec (burial mound)
00036aeb (irr. m. entr.)
00004831 (mutant camp)
00034920 (disposal site)
00034834 (plaza)
L'Enfant map

L'Enfant Plaza can be reached through Hazmat disposal site L5 from Mall Southwest, or from the irradiated Metro, which enters the Plaza through L'Enfant South. The plaza is populated by a large number of super mutants.


L'Enfant Plaza is a complex of one governmental and three commercial buildings, as well as the "La Promenade" underground shopping mall, in the Southwest section of Washington, D.C. The plaza is located south of Independence Avenue SW between 12th and 9th Streets SW (9th Street actually runs underneath the centers of the buildings on the easternmost side of the plaza). It was built perpendicular to L'Enfant Promenade, a north-south running street and pedestrian esplanade part of which is directly above 10th Street SW. The plaza is named for Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant, the architect and planner who first designed a street layout for the capital city.

L'Enfant south district connects via Suffragette Way, intersecting with L'Enfant. Apart from a shopping district and an L'Enfant Cafe, there's an office building that once housed the Capitol Post newspaper (simply marked "Office" on the map). The building contains a few computers with the text of the articles that appear on the loading screens. To the west of the Capitol Post newspaper office is the L'Enfant Cafe (C). The cafe has a few dead raiders, two first aid boxes, some Buffout, and a mine box.

Madame Jealle's (location will mark on map as "Shop") is to the west of the L'Enfant Cafe.


About 15 different super mutants are in the area, maybe even two or three overlords, depending on your level.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


  • Players may encounter a Vertibird landing on the central crossroads, which usually results in a major firefight between the Enclave soldiers and super mutants in the area. With the addition of some exploding vehicles, this is likely to result in many dead enemies with minimal effort.
  • Just as the Vertibird lands, if you shoot at the nearby tractor trailer truck it will create a chain reaction (with other cars in area) of nuclear blasts that will take out all mutants and Enclave soldiers. A final shot with a missile or grenade will take out the damaged Vertibird, or simply shoot it with the Tesla cannon this will make the Vertibird instantly explode no matter what as long as you hit it.
  • Despite that the Washington Monument appears to be right behind the metro station Hazmat Disposal Site L5, it is actually much farther away, and not even in that direction.


L'Enfant appears only in Fallout 3

Behind the scenes[]

  • L'Enfant Plaza is a real-world complex of office buildings, a hotel, and an underground shopping mall in Washington, D.C.
  • Pierre Charles L'Enfant was the chief urban designer of the city of Washington, D.C. in 1791.


  • PCIcon pc Following the ledge behind the L'Enfant Metro all the way to the end, it is possible to fall through and view a banner that reads Quantum hidden within the building.{{Verify|FO3}]
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 After finding and looting Gibson's corpse early in the game, he can be found in the same place, alive and hostile to the player.