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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Key to the Past
F76 Key to the Past
Entrance to the cache. Once all the pieces are collected and Rose sends the player on the red herring chase to Charleston, the keycard is found under the doormat before the door
Quest data
LocationBlackwater Mine
Devil's Backbone
Sunnytop Ski Lanes
Palace of the Winding Path
Bolton Greens
Wendigo Cave
Big Fred's BBQ Shack
Charleston Capitol Building
Pleasant Valley Ski Resort
Editor IDMTNL01_Raiders
Base ID00045a40
Related quests
Flavors of Mayhem
leads to:
The Missing Link

Key to the Past is a quest in Fallout 76.


In order to find out precisely what Hank Madigan was up to, the dwellers need to find the keys that belonged to the five raider gangs and bring them back to old Rose. She will be shadowing them like a vacuum-tubed hawk from her perch atop the Top of the World.


  • To find out where to locate the keys, the player will have to first travel to the Blackwater Mine and access the terminal in the foyer. This will provide a series of clues on where to find the keys. There are five:
    • The Blackwater Bandits' key is found on Freddie Lang, herself found deeper in the mine, in the bandits' encampment (northern branch from the main tunnel). She's a glowing ghoul, so it's impossible to miss.
    • The second belongs to the Trappers. Their encampment is found near the Devil's Backbone and the Trappers Note will point to the corpse of one Walter Griswold in the center of Huntersville. Recognizable by the camouflaged fatigues he wears, Griswold will explode with the force of a mininuke 30 seconds after the key is collect.
    • The third was held by the Diehards. The player has to travel to the Sunnytop Ski Lanes and find Margie McClintock's Holotape in the suite on the northern end of the building, by the terminal. The depressed Margie destroyed her holotape, but there's a lead: She told her lieutenant what to do. His terminal, in the basement, by the rental counter, will point to the Palace of the Winding Path. Simply going there and collecting a copy of the tape from the duplication terminal (ground floor, northwestern office, near the back porch) will complete this objective. Note that to access the terminal, the player needs to grap the palace admin password in a dresser located in the cultists' quarters, eastern wing by the courtyard.
    • The Gourmands' key is found at Bolton Greens. As usual, the key takes a bit of legwork to find. The Gourmands Note on top of the main building leads to the Wendigo Cave in the Savage Divide. As usual, the key is located deep within the cave, rather than on its doorstep. Wonderful.
    • After surviving the wendigos and mirelurks, the next stop is Big Fred's BBQ Shack. After fighting off the ghouls, located the scorched David Thorpe, kill him, and collect the fragment.
  • With all the keys in hand, all the players have to do is return to Rose at the Top of the world and hand them to her. Rose has one final request: Finding Rosalynn Thorpe at the Charleston Capitol Building. Her body is in the courthouse jail, and can be located using the jail terminal to find a Doe, J. The holotape on the table sheds light on Rose's fate before she became a Miss Nanny.
  • After all this legwork, the cache lies beneath the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort. Past the offices and the souvenir shop is a staircase that leads to the luggage sorting room. The keycard lies under the door mat before the entrance. It opens the way and gets the players through the laser grid (it won't shut-off for players for haven't completed the legwork). Inside the cache is a plethora of items and the Broken Uplink necessary to advance The Missing Link.

Quest stages[]

- Check the terminal at Blackwater Mine
- Find the Blackwater Bandits' Key Fragment
- Find the Trapper's Key Fragment
- Check Margie's last known location for clues
- Duplicate the Diehard's Key Fragment
- Find the Gourmand's Key Fragment
- Kill David and get the Cutthroat's Key Fragment
- Bring the Key Fragments to Rose
-Quest finishedGo to the Raider Cache


  • The quest may bug out and cause the stages to reset or even disappear entirely. The usual recourse is to visit the last location the player passed through in the quest and trigger any scripts. For instance, if the player delivered all the components, but the quest seems to disappear, revisiting the Charleston Capitol Building police cells can re-fire the scripts.