The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For the jumpsuits specifically for the Vault-Tec Industries Vaults, see Vault jumpsuit.
Icon info
This is a lore summary, presenting intradiegetic or in-universe information about the subject. For game characteristics and similar data, consult the table on the right.
Game-specific articles
Fallout 3Army mechanic jumpsuit
Red Racer jumpsuit
RobCo jumpsuit
Handyman jumpsuit
Red's jumpsuit
Fallout 3: OAArmy mechanic jumpsuit
Winterized Chinese jumpsuit
FO: New VegasCivilian engineer jumpsuit
Handyman jumpsuit
NCR engineer jumpsuit
Raul's Petro-Chico jumpsuit
Repconn jumpsuit Cut contentIcon cut
RobCo jumpsuit
Dead MoneyDead Money jumpsuit
Fallout 4?
Fallout ShelterHandyman jumpsuit
Advanced jumpsuit
Expert jumpsuit
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FO3 OAGametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FO4Game tile Fallouit Shelter
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FO3 OAGametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FO4Game tile Fallouit Shelter

Jumpsuits are the functional one-piece garments used by specialty utility workers—such as pilots and repairmen—and those in institutions such as prisons or Vaults.


Army mechanic jumpsuit[]

Gameplay article:
Army Mechanic Jumpsuit

The green army mechanic jumpsuit is used by American grease monkeys (U.S. Army mechanics) in the Anchorage Reclamation simulation while repairing power armor and vehicles.

Civilian engineer jumpsuit[]

Gameplay article:
Civilian Engineer jumpsuit

The civilian engineer jumpsuit is a basic white jumpsuit. They are worn by some NCR engineers at Hoover Dam.

Handyman jumpsuit[]

Gameplay articles:
Handyman Jumpsuit

A faded red jumpsuit used by repairmen and mechanics.

NCR engineer jumpsuit[]

Gameplay article:

The NCR engineer jumpsuit is light grey with the NCR logo on the back. They can be found around Hoover Dam and are often worn by NCR engineers.

Red Racer jumpsuit[]

Gameplay article:
Red Racer Jumpsuit

A mustard yellow jumpsuit once used by the employees of the Red Racer company.

RobCo jumpsuit[]

Gameplay articles:
Robco jumpsuit

A pale blue jumpsuit bearing once used by the employees of RobCo Industries.
