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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Van Buren article project
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Joseph Dodge
VB DD12 npc Joseph Dodge
Image used as concept design for Joseph Dodge in the Van Buren design document
Biography and appearance
AffiliationNew California Republic
RoleGovernor of Hoover Dam, founder
LocationHoover Dam
Gametitle-VBThe following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Governor Joseph Dodge, born in 2201, was the leader and one of the founders of the town of Hoover Dam, which has lost contact with the New California Republic as of 2253.


War, no matter the longevity, can rattle the feathers of the easiest going souls. As one of the founders of the town located at the Hoover Dam, there was a time when Governor Dodge was proud of what he and the community did with the dam. However, when the war with the Brotherhood of Steel hit, everything started to go downhill. Dodge tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but the constant state of alert, coupled with the infrequent attacks on first the front gate and then on the caravans, wore heavily on Dodge. When regular supplies ceased from the NCR proper, almost all hope was lost in the now isolated town.

However, Alice McLafferty, of the Crimson Caravan Company, brought glimmers of hope. She found a good source of weapons and firearms to help Hoover Dam defend itself from the BoS' attacks. This put Crimson Caravans in a very favorable light with Dodge. However, even though the extra equipment would prove helpful in the war effort, Dodge knew that he was living on borrowed time. The water filtration system was failing, which had a far-reaching impact on Hoover's crop growth. In addition, the crops that were growing were not enough to maintain the citizenry and trade. Dodge needed a larger area to grow crops. The area known as the Hoover Dam Scum Pits was mentioned as a good location for a hydroponics farm, but Dodge knew that a large amount of materials would be needed to construct such a thing, never mind the fact that the Scum Pits were filled with creatures which had claimed the lives of several NCR troopers. To make matters even worse, the power from the two working power generators is slowly decreasing. Dodge has Pierre LaPoubelle and Otto Steed working on the problem, but a solution does not seem like it is in sight. Feeling the combined weight of the internal problems and the war on his shoulders, Dodge is on the brink of giving up.

Interactions with the player character[]

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Joseph Dodge was to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 project by Black Isle.


  • The image used is that of McLean Stevenson, an American actor most noted for his role as Lt. Colonel Henry Blake on the TV series M*A*S*H.


Design Document
CharactersGovernor Joseph Dodge · Mjr. Jack Fleming . Guido Giordano · Enzo Giordano · Vinnie Giordano · Dorris . Ailis McLafferty · Ralph Peoples · Mitch Stiller · Candice Morris · Pierre LaPoubelle · Dr. Yuri Polivich · Pablo Riviera · Frieda Van Graff · Milko · Dusty Heart · Beatrice · Otto Steed · Dianne · Farmer Dave · Bob · Mary-Jo · Billy-Bob · Mallet McBride · Ginger Flowers · Nancy Haggard · Arcade Gannon · Mike Lawson
LocationsThe Rim · Downtown (Frieda's Firearms) · Baseline · Scum Pits · Sub-Level 1C
QuestsGet Meeting with Governor Dodge · Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS · Get City Council attendance back to norm · Join up with the 3-Some Caravan Company  · Spy on Crimson Caravan for 3-Some Caravan · Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some · Successfully frame 3-Some Caravan Co. for extortion and murder · Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence · Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge  · Give filtration schematics to former BOS scribes · Get school attendance up to norm · Teach class on Wasteland survival · Clear out critters in Scum Pits for possible hydroponics lab · Get shipments from Denver for materials to build hydroponics lab · Discover Sub-level 1 · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks & get access to Scum Pits · Discover lost Hoover Dam war and Sub-level 1 history · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Help Beatrice in a bar fight · Do Bob's bounty hunter jobs · Recalibrate the two working power generators to be more efficient and increase power · Get liquor for Pablo
OrganizationsNew California Republic · Crimson Caravan · 3-Some Caravan · Followers of the Apocalypse