The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, African American
Hair StyleHairChildF05 (HairChildF06)Hair ColorBlack
AffiliationLittle Lamplight
LocationLittle Lamplight
FamilyPenny (sister)
Dialogue FileJoseph's dialogue (Fallout 3)
QuestsPicking Up The Trail
Combat StyleDefault
assistanceHelps Friends and Allies
Alignment0 Neutral
SPECIALStrength: 3
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 4
Luck: 6
Derived StatsHit Points: 10
Fatigue: 50
Critical chance:
Melee damage:
Unarmed damage:
Poison resistance:
Radiation resistance:
Tag SkillsScribe (Scribe)
Barter: 17
Big Guns: 13
Energy Weapons: 15
Explosives: 15
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 34
Melee Weapons: 11
Repair: 19
Science: 34
Small Guns: 13
Sneak: 13
Speech: 32
Throwing, unused: 0
Unarmed: 13
Editor RaceAfrican American Child
Editor IDJoseph
Base ID0001568dRef ID00003a13
ScriptSCRI - Script: SCPT - Script [000CAB5E] <JosephSCRIPT>
Editor FactionsLamplightResidentFaction
Package 0001A4D7 (MQ06JosephActivateTerminal)

Package 000A1C1C (MQ06JosephNearTerminal) Package 00036FFD (JosephWritingPackage16x3) Package 00036FFC (JosephLunchPackage13x3) Package 00036FFB (JosephTeachingPackage7x6) Package 00036FF8 (JosephSleepPackage22x4) Package 0003883D (LLKidPlayGrandChamberDefault)

ActorSean McCoy (MaleChild01)

I'm Joseph, and as the oldest kid in Lamplight, I'm pretty much a teacher by default. I also try to keep the kids clean and fresh-faced.

— Joseph, Fallout 3.

Joseph is the eldest resident of Little Lamplight, at 15 years old[1] in Fallout 3.


At 15, Joseph is the oldest resident of Little Lamplight. Perhaps as a result of his age (or the fact that he’ll have to leave soon), he has taken it upon himself to hold classes to educate other Lamplighters, covering whatever he feels they need to know (or whatever they show interest in). When not occupied teaching, he spends his time working on his computer or reading old textbooks that were long ago scavenged from Vault 87.[1]

Joseph teaches the history of the world and Lamplight Caverns to all the kids who volunteer to learn. The player can sit in on Joseph's class by visiting the Little Lamplight schoolhouse in the mornings. If pressed during conversation, Joseph explains that he and his predecessors began by teaching survival skills to younger children, but they were able to recover some Holodisks from Vault 87's classroom at some point, and this provided them limited teaching materials. Over time, all access was cut off from Vault 87, and nothing new has been recovered in several generations.


His little sister is Penny.

Daily schedule[]

In the mornings he teaches kids in the classroom, and afterward he can be found down by the water in the Great Chamber.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


  • Picking Up The Trail: After learning of the alternate path to the Vault from Mayor MacCready, the player can talk to Joseph about accessing Vault 87 and he will activate the terminal allowing access through a maintenance door.

Other interactions[]

  • Joseph can give the player a haircut.


Icon armored vault suit
Athlete of the Wastes outfit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Joseph will not realize the player convinced the children to leave Penny behind during Rescue from Paradise, if they choose to do so. He will remain convinced all three were rescued.
  • Joseph is affected by the standard pathfinding bugs in the game. Leaving Little Lamplight and re-entering usually solves them.


Joseph appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.79: "Joseph
    At 15, Joseph is the oldest resident of Little Lamplight. Perhaps as a result of his age (or the fact that he'll have to leave soon), he has taken it upon himself to hold classes to educate other Lamplighters, covering whatever he feels they need to know (or whatever they show interest in). When not occupied teaching, he spends his time working on his computer or reading old textbooks that were long ago scavenged from Vault 87."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)