The personal weapon of PLA General Jingwei, the shocksword is made in the style of a Jian straight sword but with an integrated electric discharge device. Electrodes running across the blade release a powerful electric shock on contact with the target, both organic and synthetic. This unique weapon has been crafted with a lot of care and skill, exemplified by the insulated grip: It combines the symbols of ancient China (the lion) with the insignia of Communist China (hammer and sickle embedded near the hilt end of the blade).
The sword is an unique variant of the standard officer's sword. On top of regular cutting damage, the electrical current deals an additional 10 points of damage (2/second for 5 seconds), stacking the damage. It loses durability fast, but is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, tied with the Shishkebab without the Pyromaniac perk and behind the Mauler. The sword uses the unique vaporization effect of the Alien blaster and Firelance upon a critical hit. this also occurs with sneak attack critcals and thus will 1 hit most things in the game from stealth.
It can be repaired by standard Chinese officer swords and Vampire's Edge. The weapon will only ignite gas leaks when striking enemies. Followers cannot use the weapon, as it is marked as players only.
Can be taken out of the simulation with the Gary 23 glitch after shooting it out of Jingwei's hand.
Found in the testphil map by, carried by a test version of General Jingwei. Area can be reached by using coc testphil. If the player loses control, they can use enableplayercontrols 1.