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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Jimmy's well
Jimmys well inside
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Map MarkerJimmy's Well
Cell NameSLOldWellINT
ref id0015d8b2
Perk wild wastelandThe following is based on the Wild Wasteland trait and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Jimmy's Well is a location in the Mojave Wasteland. The well is just south of Fields' shack, to the west of Nellis Air Force Base just under the large overpass.

If you have the Wild Wasteland trait and Rex is your companion, sometime during the game he will bark at you and, if you talk to him while he is doing this, you can use a unique dialogue option to ask if a boy is in a well; he will respond by barking and a marker will be placed on your map.


If the Courier visits the well before being alerted by Rex, it will not exist, similar to Ranger Morales' corpse. Inside the well, along with a living mole rat, is a skeleton.

Notable loot[]


Jimmy's Well appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Rex alerting you to the location and the location itself are references to the television show Lassie.
  • A similar series of events takes place in Fallout 2. In Modoc, a boy named Jonny is missing. His dog will indicate that the Chosen One should look in the town well. After climbing down into the well, the player will find, in the northern portion of the tunnels, Jonny's BB gun.