The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For other characters named Jenny in the Fallout universe, see Jenny.
FO2 Klamath Jenny
Biography and appearance
LocationKlamath, Downtown, Bathhouse
Dialogue FileKCJENNY.MSG
QuestsFind Vic the Trader.
SPECIALStrength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 7
Luck: 4
Derived StatsHit points: 57
Armor class: 7
Action points: 8
Carry weight: 175
Unarmed damage: 0
Melee damage: 1
Sequence: 10
Healing rate: 1
Experience points: 60
Normal DT/DR: 0/0%
Laser DT/DR: 0/0%
Fire DT/DR: 0/0%
Plasma DT/DR: 0/0%
Electrical DT/DR: 0/0%
EMP DT/DR: 0/500%
Explode DT/DR: 0/0%
Tag SkillsSmall Guns: 70%
Big Guns: 29%
Unarmed: 66%
Melee Weapons: 77%
Speech: 43%
Barter: 55%
Proto id00000057 (Bad Merchant)

The Den is a hive of scum and villainy southeast of here. I guess about a week or so? Don’t remember too clearly. Anyhow, it’s an exciting place. Dangerous, but exciting. Sorry to leave there, in a way.

Jenny is a prostitute working in the Bathhouse in Klamath in Fallout 2.


A young, attractive woman, Jenny has learned her trade in the whorehouses of the Den. She remembers it as an exciting, but dangerous place. She even misses it a bit, likely due to Klamath being a tad dull and most of her customers having very little staying power. She doesn't complain though, being the most expensive and most beautiful prostitute at "Big Nose" Sally Dunton's Bathhouse gives her a fairly good position. If only Vic, the kindest of her regulars, didn't go missing...

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Sexpert transparent
This character is a pimp or prostitute and sells sex.

Can be hired upon first meeting.

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.



Icon armored vault suit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
$ 39
2 Healing powder
Icon male severed head
Drops on death

Behind the scenes[]

  • Jenny is another character who makes a reference to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, describing the Den as a "hive of scum and villainy",[1] exactly how Obi-Wan described Mos Eisley.


Jenny appears only in Fallout 2.


  1. The Chosen One: "{293}{}{Do you happen to know how to get to the Den from here?}"
    Jenny: "{330}{}{The Den is a hive of scum and villainy southeast of here. I guess about a week or so? Don't remember too clearly. Anyhow, it's an exciting place. Dangerous, but exciting. Sorry to leave there, in a way.}"