The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Jean Sky Diving
FNV I-15 Jean SD
22380 20180723131625 1
Icon ruins
Jean Sky Diving loc
Map MarkerJean Sky Diving
QuestsI Fought the Law
Cell NameSLJeanSkyDiving (exterior)
SLJeanSkyDivingINT (interior)
ref id000e19ca (exterior)
00148a5b (interior)

Jean Sky Diving is a location in the ruins of Jean, in the Mojave Wasteland. It is located north of Powder Ganger camp west.


These remains of an old skydiving school in the ruins of Jean is overrun with Powder Gangers.[1]


The school is a small shack on the side of Interstate 15, at the northern edge of what remains of Jean. An ancient pickup truck is parked out front with a suitcase containing minor loot. The school's air strip is just behind the shack, with an old jet plane used for sky-diving half-sunk into the desert sand.

The inside of the shack contains a fusion generator, lockers used by staff and clients, and a ham radio once used to coordinate flights on the table. A Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap and a key to the lockers sit right next to it. An ammunition box and a metal box can also be found on top of the lockers.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]

Behind the scenes[]

Jean Sky Diving is in the location of the real world, Jean Airport located in Clark County, Nevada, used mainly for skydiving and gliders.



Jean Sky Diving appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.385: "[4.12] Jean Sky Diving
    At the junction of the Long 15 and the road that winds into Goodsprings [4.05] are the remains of an old skydiving school, now overrun by a few Powder Gangers. The small plane still sits, slowly rusting into the ground. The nearest you can get to the skies is up on the roof, allowing views of the scrubland, and Bloatflies you can shoot. Inside the shack are the following items:
    * Weapon Repair Kit
    * Sunset Sarsaparilla Cap [56/100]"
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)