Jain is a devout, pompous, stubborn, and fanatical woman, whom believes completely in the doctrine and dogma of the Children of the Cathedral. As high priestess of the cult, she is in charge of expanding their operations in the Hub, currently spearheading the efforts with a public, free hospital in the city, near the Water Merchants.[2]
"It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice."
Carried items
Drops on death
Behind the scenes[]
Jain was originally supposed to summon a supermutant to abduct the player to the Vats, if they agree to follow the Children.
"Are you interested in converting to our faith? We can offer you what no one else can..."
"You are in the right place for spiritual fulfillment. The Children of the Cathedral seek a peaceful resolution of our world's problems and could use your help."
"I am not completely devoid of humor, but leading the Children is something I take seriously. Please remember that."
↑The Vault Dweller: "{1030}{}{Jain}" Butch Harris: "{1130}{buth105a}{Jain's the High Priestess of the Children of the Cathedral and sets up the hospital here in the Hub.}" (BUTCH.MSG)
↑Fallout Official Survival Guide p.98-99: "Jain: Priestess Children of the of the Cathedral Jain believes completely in the doctrine and dogma of the Children of the Cathedral. She is devout, pompous, and fanatical, and can be quite stubborn. She refers to the Master as "the Holy Flame," and genuinely believes that what she and the Children are doing is right. She will try to persuade the player to join the Children, but she has no patience for people distracting her from her work. Hints Be warned! If Jain summons a "counselor" to prepare you for your transition, that counselor will be a super-mutant who will take you to the vats. You must attempt to kill the mutant to escape if that happens, or kill Jain herself."