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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Jacobstown bungalow
Jacobstown bungalow
Icon building
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Map Markernearest Jacobstown
FactionsNightkin, super mutant
Cell NameJacobstownBungalow01 (bungalow 1)
JacobstownBungalow02 (bungalow 2)
JacobstownBungalow03 (bungalow 3)
ref id00146b8e (bungalow 1)
00146b8d (bungalow 2)
00146be4 (bungalow 3)

Jacobstown bungalows are 3 bungalows close to each other, inside Jacobstown.


There are 7 bungalows in total in Jacobstown, but only 3 of them can be entered. The rest are boarded up.

The most left bungalow has an Average Locked door. There is a service rifle here, plus ammunition on the mantlepiece, and an unowned bed. The middle bungalow is probably used for some recreational activities, since it mainly has playing cards and chips on the tables. The bungalow to the right has about the same setup as the other 2: a bed, table, couch and a bathroom.

Notable loot[]


  • In the recreational bungalow there is a set of five kings of the same suit on the table facing a skeleton laying on the floor, implying the person was murdered after being caught cheating.
  • The Bungalows can be used as player housing.
  • No super mutants live in these Bungalows.


Jacobstown bungalow appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

