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Jack Rabbit Springs
22380 20180830202435 1
Icon landmark
Jack Rabbit Springs loc
Map MarkerJack Rabbit Springs
Cell NameSLJackRabbitSprings
ref id000e1a2f

Jack Rabbit Springs is a wilderness location in Fallout: New Vegas.


These springs were once home to jackrabbits, whose warrens can still be found among the stagnant pools of terrifyingly irradiated water and barrels full of radioactive waste dumped here before the Great War. Now it's little more than particularly despoiled wasteland, inhabited by twisted centaurs, both regular and evolved, and even a couple of outcast super mutants.[1]


The springs are pools of stagnant water, five in total, clustered on the side of the mountains. There's a lot of ambient radiation to brave here (Rad-X recommended), while dodging attacks by centaurs, evolved centaurs, and even several super mutants camped out deep into the small mountain range. These include at least one super mutant master, armed with a light machine gun, minigun or a heavy incinerator, with possible support from a few more mutants.

The rewards are meager, found primarily around the central hill with the two rods protruding from it. The marker signals a stash with some ammunition boxes and loot.

Notable loot[]

Behind the scenes[]


Jack Rabbit Springs appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.390: "[4.26] Jack Rabbit Springs
    One of the most spoiled areas of this zone, the jackrabbits have long gone, but their warrens are still there, now inhabited by deviant abominations known as Centaurs, and their even more grotesque Evolved cousins. Be wary not only of their spittle, and the pools of radioactive water, but also the small Super Mutant Campfire to the east, at the top of the warrens. When you're done larking, inspect the hump with the protruding rods; a marker for a skeleton, and the following goods, then check for the Hollowed-Out Rock south of the radiation pools, on the edge of the Dry Lake."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)