This page lists all perks in J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG. |
List of perks[]
- Accelerated Healing
- Action Boy
- Advanced Research
- Armorer
- Artful Dodger
- Ayyyyyy!
- Battlefield Saint
- Biff!
- Bigger They Are...
- Body's Still Warm
- Bone Head
- Bonus HtH Attacks
- Bonus HtH Damage
- Bonus Move
- Bonus Ranged Damage
- Bonus Rate of Fire
- Born Leader
- Bracing
- Bulk Trader
- Child of the Wastes
- Comprehension
- Cotton Fingers
- Crackerjack Timing
- Critical Defense
- Cult of Personality
- Demolition Man
- Doctor On Call
- Educated
- El Bandolero
- Electronic Eye
- Esteemed Academic
- Explorer
- Firewalker
- Fists of Fury
- Flexible
- Flower Child
- Gain
- Gunsmith
- Heave, Ho!
- Here and Now
- Hit the Deck!
- I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
- In Your Face!
- Innocent Bystander
- Junk Merchant
- Lifegiver
- Light Step
- Living Anatomy
- Mental Catalogue
- Monkeywrench
- More Criticals
- Nice Grouping
- Night Vision
- Pathfinder
- Pharmacist
- Quick Equip
- Rad Child
- Sharpshooter
- Silent Death
- Silent Running
- Simple Machines
- Six-Shooter
- Slayer
- Snakeeater
- Sniper
- Specialize
- Stat!
- Steady Aim
- Stonewall
- Street Sweeper
- Strong Back
- Suicide King
- Swift Learner
- Tag!
- Team Player
- Tech Vulture
- Tough Hide
- Triage
- Two-Fisted Death
- Unbreakable
- Weapon Master