Item condition refers to the condition of the player characters equipment in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 76.
The condition of your weapons and armor directly affects its value and damage or protection.
The value of an item is equal to:[1]
For example, the 10mm pistol has a maximum value of 225 caps when in perfect condition. At 25% condition, the pistol's value is 0.251.5 = 12.5% of its base value, or 28 caps.
Weapon degradation[]
In Fallout 3, the Hit Points of a weapon is consumed by a percentage of the weapons base damage per shot fired, depending on the weapons required skill. The percentage value are as follows, Small Guns = 3%, Energy Weapons = 4%, Unarmed/Melee = 5% and Big Guns = 6%.
In Fallout: New Vegas, item HP of a weapon degrades at a flat rate of 0.2 Hit Points per shot/attack when using normal rounds (no condition penalty or bonus).
As condition degrades, weapon damage will scale linearly from full damage at 100% condition to 66% of the damage at 0% condition for firearms.[2]
This works for single-shot weapons only. For example, the 10mm pistol has a damage rating of 9 at 100% condition and 100 Small Guns. At 25% condition, the pistol's damage would be,
For fully-automatic weapons, the damage will scale linearly to about 54% of the base damage at 0% condition.[3]
For example, the assault rifle shows an in-game DAM value of 38 at 100% condition and 100 Small Guns. At 25% condition, the assault rifle's displayed damage would be,
Melee weapons scale to 50% damage at 0% condition.[2]
Weapon degradation also affects the rate of fire of a weapon, at a rate of -2% rate of fire per -10% weapon condition.[4]
Weapon Condition | Rate of Fire | Weapon Condition | Rate of Fire |
100% - 90% | 100% | 50% - 40% | 90% |
90% - 80% | 98% | 40% - 30% | 88% |
80% - 70% | 96% | 30% - 20% | 86% |
70% - 60% | 94% | 20% - 10% | 84% |
60% - 50% | 92% | 10% - 0% | 82% |
If the condition of a weapon degrades all the way to 0%, the item is broken and cannot be used until repaired. In the case of equipped armor and clothing, bonuses to skills or attributes will still apply even if the item is broken, but once removed it will have to be repaired before it can be re-equipped.
Another consequence of poor condition when using weapons is the reload animation. The lower the condition of the weapon, the more likely it is to jam, causing the player to adjust the magazine, thus taking longer to complete the animation. A weapon with 100% CND will never jam, while weapons in a poor state of repair will jam more frequently.
Armor degradation[]
Armor's damage resistance is similarly affected; it follows a linear regression fit to the following formula:
Food/Beverage degradation[]
Introduced into Fallout 76, certain food and drink items can now spoil if held for too long, becoming either Spoiled fruit, Spoiled meat, and Spoiled vegetables. With the introduction of Brewing stations and new drink recipes in Wild Appalachia, certain alcoholic beverages can be held by the player until they "spoil" or ferment into their non-fermenting counterpart, serving as an on-the-go, yet longer alternative. Perks such as Good With Salt/Fallout 76 can increase the amount of time until food spoils, as well as a refrigeration modification for the backpack.