The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Isabel Cruz's dialogue
Game Information
NPCIsabel Cruz
Data FileDLCRobot.esm
Editor IDDLC01Mechanist

Full dialogue table[]

Scene SceneDialogue Custom Enough. Let's finish this. Mechanist: Frustrated. Addressing the player, tired of waiting. She's coming out to fight. / Disgust DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face. To what end? So you can crush me as you crushed my allies? Mechanist: Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center? Mechanist: Suspicious of the player's motives. / Suspicious DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face. Very well. I will hear you out, but only for the sake of the Commonwealth. Mechanist: Agreeing to talk. / Neutral DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Quit hiding and come face me you coward. I watched you survive what should have been a guaranteed attempt to stop you. Mechanist: Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center? Mechanist: Amused the player thinks she'll leave the safety of her room. / Amused DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You're confused. It's obvious. We need to talk this out, face to face. We're speaking now. Mechanist: Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center? Mechanist: Stating the obvious to the player. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Why are you accusing me of being a bad guy? You've destroyed my robot allies. They seek to save the people of the Commonwealth and yet you deliberately stand in their way. Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face. Mechanist: / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Bots take orders. You're the only one with the motivation to stop me. Now show me what you've got and fight me. Fine. I'll show you what I'm truly capable of! Mechanist: Agreeing to fight. / SinisterSmile DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: How can either of us know who's sincere without looking each other in the eye? You can't afford to take that risk. You're right. The truth must be known. Mechanist: Agreeing to talk. / Neutral DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Don't you want to know the truth? The destruction you've caused is truth enough. Player Default: Good people listen. If you were making a grave mistake, you'd want to know the truth. Mechanist: Being defiant. / Neutral DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: To what end? So you can crush me as you crushed my allies? Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center? Player Default: Good people listen. If you were making a grave mistake, you'd want to know the truth. Mechanist: Amused at the player's efforts to get her to leave a safe spot. / Amused DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Fool! You think to turn my robots against me? Mechanist: Better they perish than serve the likes of you. Mechanist. Incredulous, taunting the player. / Amused DLC01Lair_MBattle_RoboticsExpertResponse
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: Fool! You think to turn my robots against me? Better they perish than serve the likes of you. Mechanist: Taunting the player. The robots the player took over have self-destructed. / Disgust DLC01Lair_MBattle_RoboticsExpertResponse
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Activate the Tesla Coils! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropArcTraps
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Bring the Coils back around! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropArcTraps
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Reroute power to the Coils! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropArcTraps
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Initiate power transfer... now! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropArcTraps
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Recalibrate the electromagnets, and... there. Sparks, bring them in! Mechanist: Smug, to herself. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropMines
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Watch your step. Mechanist: Smug, taunting the player. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropMines
Scene SceneDialogue Custom More mines! Now! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropMines
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks! More mines! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropMines
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Reroute the fuel tanks. Prepare to drop on my mark! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropTanks
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks, more fuel tanks! Now! Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropTanks
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Incoming! Mechanist: Taunting the player. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropTanks
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Bombs away! Mechanist: Taunting the player. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropTanks
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks: (affirmative bleep) This isn't over, Scourge. I will not rest until I see the Commonwealth free of you. Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face. Mechanist: Recovering a bit. Turning to address the player. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: Reserve power at 82%. Shut that thing off! Sparks: (alarmed bleep) Mechanist: Annoyed, angry, yelling command. / Angry DLC01Lair_Mbattle_1220_Warning
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Bring in the turret. Sparks: (affirmative bleep) Mechanist: Coldly, giving commands. / Irritated DLC01Lair_MBattle_1130_P1_Group3Start
Scene SceneDialogue Custom EyeBots. They're so... expendable, you know? Mechanist: Initiate Self-Destruct. Code 0-0-1. Mechanist: Taunting, about to have all the eyebots self destruct. / Amused DLC01Lair_MBattle_1150_SelfDestructStart
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: EyeBots. They're so... expendable, you know? Initiate Self-Destruct. Code 0-0-1. Mechanist: Commanding her Eyebots to self-destruct. / Irritated DLC01Lair_MBattle_1150_SelfDestructStart
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks: (inquisitive bleep) Of course I don't mean you, Sparks. Sparks: (wary bleep) Mechanist: Slight frustration. / Irritated DLC01Lair_MBattle_1150_SelfDestructStart2
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Impressive. But I think you fail to grasp the full reality of your situation. Mechanist: Look around you. This entire facility is at my command. For every robot you destroy, ten more will come. Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1200_Intro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: Impressive. But I think you fail to grasp the full reality of your situation. Look around you. This entire facility is at my command. For every robot you destroy, ten more will come. Mechanist: Struggle all you want. There is nothing you can do to stop me. Nothing! Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1200_Intro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: Look around you. This entire facility is at my command. For every robot you destroy, ten more will come. Struggle all you want. There is nothing you can do to stop me. Nothing! Mainframe: Warning. Power generation capacity exceeded. Now drawing reserve power. Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1200_Intro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: Warning. Power generation capacity exceeded. Now drawing reserve power. Sparks! Sparks: (alarmed bleep) Mechanist: Irritated, commanding tone. / Irritated DLC01Lair_MBattle_1200_Intro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks: (alarmed bleep) I'll deal with you myself. Come, my robots! Destroy him! Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1200_Intro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks: (alarmed bleep) I'll deal with you myself. Come, my robots! Destroy her! Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1200_Intro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: Reserve power at 58%. Sparks, bring her in. Sparks: (affirmative bleep) Mechanist: Giving commands; ordering a new robot brought in. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1230_Warning
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: Reserve power at 34%. Grr... Mechanist: Frustrated, she's losing power in her facility. / Irritated DLC01Lair_Mbattle_1240_Warning
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Hmph. Sparks, some backup! Sparks: (affirmative bleep) Mechanist: Giving commands. / Irritated DLC01Lair_MBattle_1120_P1_Group2Start
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: 7... Come on, come on! Mainframe: 5... Mechanist: Frustrated, near panic. Losing power in her facility. / Afraid DLC01Lair_MBattle_1290_JunkbotFinalCountdown
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: 3... Dammit! Mainframe: 1... Mechanist: Frustrated. About to lose power in her facility. / Angry DLC01Lair_MBattle_1290_JunkbotFinalCountdown
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: Warning. Critical power failure is imminent. Dammit, Sparks! Throw everything at him! Sparks: (inquisitive bleep) Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Angry DLC01Lair_MBattle_1280_JunkbotStart
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mainframe: Warning. Critical power failure is imminent. Dammit, Sparks! Throw everything at her! Sparks: (inquisitive bleep) Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Angry DLC01Lair_MBattle_1280_JunkbotStart
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks: (inquisitive bleep) Everything! Mechanist: Insistent, frustrated, giving commands. / Angry DLC01Lair_MBattle_1280_JunkbotStart
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Grah! Mechanist: Sparks, get the power back on. Mechanist: Frustrated, furious. Just lost power. / Angry DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: Grah! Sparks, get the power back on. Sparks: (negative bleep) Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Irritated DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks: (negative bleep) Emergency power, then! Sparks: (affirmative bleep) Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Irritated DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks, with me. Mechanist: All right, then. Mechanist: Heading out to confront the player. Commanding Sparks to follow her. / Confident DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part2Dialogue
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: Sparks, with me. All right, then. Mechanist: Straightforward. Addressing the player. Ready to speak. / Neutral DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part2Dialogue
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: Halt, miscreant! You may have infiltrated my sanctum and destroyed my robots, but your reign of terror ends here. Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this. Mechanist: Confrontational. First close meeting with the player. / Stern DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: Halt, miscreant! I cannot believe someone so respected, so honorable... Would come here and destroy my robots. Your reign of terror ends here, Shroud. Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this. Mechanist: Confrontational. Player dressed as Silver Shroud. / Stern DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo The Silver Shroud is no common criminal. Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Mechanist: Trying to sound brave and heroic. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Let us discuss this... amicably. Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Mechanist: Trying to be brave. Wants to talk it out. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Impossible. I control all points of access to this room. Player Default: You underestimated me. Mechanist: Speaking as the Mechanist. Controlled surprise. / Suspicious DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistSideConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks! You'll pay for that! Mechanist: Player killed Sparks, her constant robot companion. / Angry DLC01MQ05_750_MechSparksKilled
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks, no! Isabel: Upset. Player killed Sparks, her constant robot companion. / Disbelief DLC01MQ05_750_MechSparksKilled
Scene SceneDialogue Custom We're not done here, are we? Isabel: Player walked away from the conversation. / Nervous DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: The introduction of a human brain creates too many unknown variables. You can't claim to know them all. I took all the necessary precautions. Innocent lives should never be taken. Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved. Isabel: Confused. Thinking the possibility of the situation over. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: If you saw them in action, you'd instantly see how wrong you are. I need to think. You have to believe with the number of precautions I took, anyone would have concluded it was safe. Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people. Isabel: Concerned she could potentially be wrong, and angry at how the player is being so rude. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: You know there is a chance we are right, you are just afraid to take it. It can't be true. I would never program a robot to harm another living person, or creature for that matter. Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved. Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: A deadly misinterpretation. I am listening, I'm just... processing. So many precautions and safeguards. Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved. Isabel: Defensive. Defending her robots/work. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: I took all the necessary precautions. Innocent lives should never be taken. And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved. Mechanist: No, it's... the logic. It's there... I can see it now. Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. Comes to a realization at the end when she says "Saved." / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: You underestimated me. A regretful miscalculation. Mechanist: You bypassed the pinnacle of pre-war security systems. I can see you're no common criminal. Perhaps we can reason this out. Mechanist: Suspicious yet confident. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistSideConfrontation
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Player Default: You're done, Mechanist. There are still multiple outcomes to be had here. Mechanist: You bypassed the pinnacle of pre-war security systems. I can see you're no common criminal. Perhaps we can reason this out. Mechanist: Suspicious yet confident. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistSideConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: A regretful miscalculation. You bypassed the pinnacle of pre-war security systems. I can see you're no common criminal. Perhaps we can reason this out. Mechanist: Confident. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistSideConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: How can you not know what they're doing? You must have some way of watching them. My bots have never violated their protocol. Their data dumps only show the elimination of hostile encounters. Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people. Isabel: Explaining but with the growing realization that she may be responsible for a lot of deaths. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The Silver Shroud is no villain. The only guilty here are you and your relentless automatons. No. That can't be right. Mechanist: I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth. Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The Silver Shroud is no villain. The only guilty here are you and your relentless automatons. No, my bots would never violate their protocol. You're the only threat here. Mechanist: I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth. Isabel: Reasserting herself. Player has been so rude, she now believes she must in the right. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Did the rads fry your brain? It's over Mechanist. You're lucky we're even having this conversation. No, I... It's people like you that are ruining this world. People like you that need to be stopped. Mechanist: I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth. Isabel: Reasserting herself. Player has been so rude, she now believes she must in the right. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people. Innocent people? Mechanist: Saving by... killing? Isabel: Considering the possibility. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: And you won't regret this. I promise. None of the Commonwealth will. Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe. Isabel: Doing her best to be friendly and not come across as awkward. / Friendly DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom You can use it to shut down the security protocols. I just... I rather this place be in your hands now. Isabel: Reassuring and thankful. / Friendly DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Tell me. Why the mask? What's with the Mechanist? I'm... not good with people. The Mechanist gave me a way to put myself out there without really being out there at all. Isabel: Explaining, admitting flaws. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But... you're kind of keeping me in suspense here. I can turn this around. I just need a chance. Player Default: Though your action initially appeared felonious, your intent was not. Seek redemption, Mechanist. You have much to atone for. Isabel: Somewhat pleading, she knows her life is on the line, and hopeful. / Apologetic DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Your plan backfired. If you're telling the truth, this was one costly accident. It's the truth. I only ever wanted to make the Commonwealth a safer place. Isabel: Reinforcing her honesty. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I grew up on a settlement. I've seen how good people struggle against Raiders and Super Mutants. Isabel: Stressing how she sees herself as a good person. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I'd never want to be counted among them. Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe. Isabel: Reinforcing that she's being honest and how much she dislikes bad guys. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: There is but one sentence for evildoers. Death has come for you, Mechanist. And I am its Shroud. Damnit. I should have known that was coming. Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe. Isabel: Disappointed in the player's choice. Didn't want a fight. / Worried DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: There is but one sentence for evildoers. Death has come for you, Mechanist. And I am its Shroud. Why'd I have a feeling you'd say that? Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe. Isabel: Disappointed in the player's choice. Didn't want a fight. / Worried DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Though your action initially appeared felonious, your intent was not. Seek redemption, Mechanist. You have much to atone for. Done. Consider it done. Isabel: Relieved, happy and excited, but not overly so. / Relieved DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom And you won't regret this. I promise. None of the Commonwealth will. Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe. Isabel: Being hopeful. / Nervous DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: I found this place, and figured I could finally do my part. I accept full responsibility. I can't take back what I've done or even atone for it. Isabel: Trying to be strong to accept what's happened, but she's very nervous at the same time as well as scared, sad. / Sad DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But this doesn't have to end in violence. Player Default: Though your action initially appeared felonious, your intent was not. Seek redemption, Mechanist. You have much to atone for. Isabel: Hopeful, she believes she can still make up for the harm she's done. / Pleading DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The hero unknowingly became the villain... I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know. Isabel: Numb sadness. Speaking more to herself than to the player. / Neutral DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I found this place, and figured I could finally do my part. Mechanist: I accept full responsibility. I can't take back what I've done or even atone for it. Isabel: Numb sadness. Speaking more to herself than to the player. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The Robobrains require memory wipes? Yes. The human brain has a way of... re-wiring itself. If not properly maintained, it can... corrupt. Player Default: That sounds like a serious flaw. And a dangerous one at that. Isabel: Explaining but with the growing realization that she may be responsible for a lot of deaths. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Well, your technicality cost a lot of innocent people their lives. Judging from the numbers in the data dump, if even a small percentage are innocents... Mechanist: I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know. Isabel: Concerned she could potentially be wrong, and angry at how the player is being so rude. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped. The hero unknowingly became the villain... Mechanist: I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know. Isabel: Disappointed in herself. Under breath, as if noting an old cliche and not appreciating the similarity. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved. No, it's... the logic. It's there... I can see it now. Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I was hoping it was the Robobrains, an issue with their memory wipes... but you're right. Their primary directive was flawed. Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped. Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them. Saving by... killing? Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. Considering the possibility. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom No, it's... the logic... it's there... I can see it now. Isabel: Nervous, she's come to the realization the the player is right, her bots are killing innocents. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I was hoping it was the Robobrains, an issue with their memory wipes... but you're right. Their primary directive was flawed. Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped. Isabel: Realizing what a terrible thing she's done. / Nervous DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them. No, I don't believe you. They can't alter their programming. They're programmed to save people, not kill them. Player Default: Think about it. There's probably a reason these robots weren't in mass production. Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. In denial. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: No. That's not true. The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly. Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom The testing was thorough. I ran every scenario. All passed. Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them. Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: How can you not know what they're doing? You must have some way of watching them. My bots have never violated their protocol. Their data dumps only show the elimination of hostile encounters. Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them. Isabel: Defensive. Defending her robots/work. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: No, I... It's people like you that are ruining this world. People like you that need to be stopped. I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth. Isabel: About to go into combat. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: That sounds like a serious flaw. And a dangerous one at that. It is. But the process is thorough. They're wiped after each mission. Isabel: Considering the possibility. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom They're... I found it's best to not let them recall what they've been through. Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped. Isabel: Cuts off her thought and changes course. Speaking distantly. / Neutral DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: "Corrupt"? That's the understatement of the year. They're killing machines. I take every precaution. The risk is minimal. Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped. Isabel: Reasserting herself. Accepting responsibility. / Neutral DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: It takes a sadistic mind, indeed, to enslave a human brain for your metal monstrosities. In retrospect, I can see the adversity. But this was breakthrough science, a huge advance for robotics. Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: It takes a sadistic mind, indeed, to enslave a human brain for your metal monstrosities. It was a risk, but a minor one at the time. Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped. Isabel: Matter of fact. / Neutral DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Is that even ethical? Not only are you using human brains, but you're... wiping them, too? Why waste a resource that someone... died for? It's a skewed outlook, but it gives that life meaning. Isabel: Making scientific sense of a brutal act. / Puzzled DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Potentially, over 200 years in preservation may have made them more susceptible to corruption. Player Default: That sounds like a serious flaw. And a dangerous one at that. Isabel: Thinking again, speaking more to herself than to the player. / Thinking DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrains
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I won't be ignored! Isabel: Player walked away. This puts Isabel into combat mode. She's about to attack the player. / Irritated DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: That's where you're wrong, Mechanist. The only way this ends is with violence. Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe! Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Mechanist: Accusing the player of lying and about to go into combat. / Angry DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe! You're... you're right. I'm no match for the Silver Shroud. Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Defeated. / Apologetic DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe! You're... you're right. Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Transitioning from Mechanist to Isabel: Dropping "the Mechanist" act. Realizing that it's time to confront the player face to face. / Neutral DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe! You're right. It's time I faced the true enemy of the Commonwealth. Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Mechanist: Agreeing. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I'm Isabel. Cruz. Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Isabel: Nervous and awkward. She's finally exposed herself. / Somber DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom There. Now, we both know who we're dealing with. Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Isabel: Nervous. She's exposed herself for who she really is. / Nervous DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Lies, Shroud! Lies! The Commonwealth has suffered more than its fair share of injustices because of you. Mechanist: Now you'll face the full might of the Mechanist! My righteous robots will end your tyranny once and for all! Mechanist: Confronting her nemesis (the player). / Confident DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: The Commonwealth has suffered more than its fair share of injustices because of you. Now you'll face the full might of the Mechanist! My righteous robots will end your tyranny once and for all! Mechanist: Confronting her nemesis (the player). / Confident DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Mechanist: I'm Isabel. Cruz. The Mechanist was just an easy way for me to help the Commonwealth. Isabel: Nervous, defeated. / Somber DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But all my technical knowledge, all of these resources, and I still failed. Isabel: Defeated. / Apologetic DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom How does the Commonwealth have any hope against people like you? Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots. Isabel: Defeated. Hopeless. / Apologetic DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Very well. My righteous robots will end your tyranny once and for all! Mechanist: Speaking to her nemesis. Player has walked away. / Confident DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Halt, miscreant! Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this. Mechanist: Commanding, confrontational. First close meeting with the player. / Stern DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom The Silver Shroud. Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this. Mechanist: Confrontational. Player dressed as Silver Shroud. / Stern DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots. No. That's not true. Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly. Isabel: Confident. Truly believes she's right. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots. That can't be right... Explain yourself. Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them. Isabel: Doubting herself. Spoken more to herself than to the player. "Explain yourself" more suspicious than demanding. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots. No. They're programmed to protect. You're lying. Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people. Isabel: Concerned she could potentially be wrong, and angry at how the player is being so rude. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots. No. That can't be right. Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly. Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots. I'm not confused. That just can't be right. Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly. Isabel: Trying to sound confident, although she's beginning to doubt herself. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots. Only people that threaten the safety of the Commonwealth. They'd never harm an innocent person. Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly. Isabel: Defensive. Defending her robots/work. / Concerned DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Halt! Only the guilty would turn their back to reason. Mechanist: About to attack the player. / Confident DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Walking away only proves one thing to me: you are an enemy of the Commonwealth. Isabel: About to start combat. Player walked away. / Irritated DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Where are you going? Are we done talking? Isabel: Confused that the player walked away. / Puzzled DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: The Shroud, as always, walks the path of justice. It is you who has fallen, Mechanist. Lies, Shroud! Lies! Mechanist: The Commonwealth has suffered more than its fair share of injustices because of you. Mechanist: Confident, but disgusted with the player for dressing as the Silver Shroud. / Disgust DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontation
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Use the password to shut down the security. After that, the base is yours. Friendly/nervous. / Nervous
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Thank you for... understanding. Friendly/nervous. / Grateful
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I should have been more thorough. Upset with herself. / Depressed
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo A woman of reason and resourcefulness. I can see you're no common criminal. Mechanist: Trying to sound brave and heroic. / Confident
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo A man of reason and resourcefulness. I can see you're no common criminal. Mechanist: Trying to sound brave and heroic. / Confident
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I... understand now. Mechanist: I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know. Isabel: Knows the gravity of what she's done (killed hundreds of innocents). / Depressed DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Let me see... yes, I'm picking up a signal. Be careful. Isabel: Worried. / Concerned
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom I'm not picking up a signal from any of my bots right now, but that doesn't necessarily mean you've found them all. Isabel: Slight worry, a bit nervous. / Puzzled
Scene SceneDialogue Custom PlayerVoiceFemale01: Isabel, are you tracking any more of your rogue bots? Oh right. Let me see if I can pick up a signal. Player Default: Yes, please. Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous. / Friendly DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParentMechanistIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom PlayerVoiceFemale01: Isabel, are you tracking any more of your rogue bots? Tracking, yes. I can check on that for you. Player Default: Yes, please. Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous. / Friendly DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParentMechanistIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom PlayerVoiceFemale01: Isabel, are you tracking any more of your rogue bots? Ah yes. I can. I mean, I am. I'll locate one for you. Player Default: Yes, please. Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous. / Friendly DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParentMechanistIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Never mind. No problem. Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous. DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParentMechanistIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I'd like to trade a few things. Sure, take a look. Isabel: Friendly, nervous. / Friendly DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParentMechanistIntro
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Do you think there are any more out there? Well... it's hard to say. I wasn't keeping very close track of how many I released during my... "Mechanist phase." Isabel: Nervous. / Apologetic DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParentMechanistIntro
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Are you ready to start tracking down some robots? Question
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Let's see here... yes, there's another one out there. Hope it's not too much trouble. Isabel: Worried. / Concerned
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom All right... yes, I've picked up another one. Shouldn't be too bad... I hope. Isabel: Worried. / Concerned
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Okay... tracking something... got it. Looks like only one signal this time. Still, no point in taking any chances, right? Isabel: Worried. / Concerned
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I've got a tracking signal from another one of my bots. I hope you can take it out before it does any more damage. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: So you considered these robots to be your friends. I did. I thought, "Who could be trusted more than a robot?" but...yeah. At least I still have Sparks. IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something. Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Feeling stupid. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: So you're the crazy robot lady. Oh yeah. I haven't heard that one yet. Really. IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something. Isabel: Acting as if she's amused, but she's really hurt. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I think I just want to trade. Sounds good to me. IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something. Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Do you feel like the robots betrayed you? In a sense. In some cases, I feel like I betrayed myself. Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I look at everything I did and managed to accomplish... just to screw it all up. I trusted my robots and my ability to program them to do good. Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom And it... all blew up in my face. IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something. Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I did. I thought, "Who could be trusted more than a robot?" but...yeah. At least I still have Sparks. Anyway, I better get back to doing... something. Isabel: Nervous. Feels like she may have said too much and trying to get out of the conversation. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: It's fine. We all make mistakes. Some just bigger than others. Right, but... I'm just not used to making mistakes. I'm usually... very precise about these things. IsabelCruz: It's just... I really did think I could make a difference. Isabel: Nervous, discussing a bit about herself which she doesn't normally do. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Dressing up and playing hero got a lot of people killed. I know. And I can't... undo that. I only hope that somehow I can make up for this. IsabelCruz: It's just... I really did think I could make a difference. Isabel: Uneasy, apologetic. / Apologetic DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I just want to trade. Sounds good to me. IsabelCruz: It's just... I really did think I could make a difference. Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What started all this? The suit, the robots. It had to be something. You wouldn't understand. Player Default: You never know until you tell me. Isabel: Worried. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Right, but... I'm just not used to making mistakes. I'm usually... very precise about these things. It's just... I really did think I could make a difference. Player Default: You never know until you tell me. Isabel: Very regretful. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You never know until you tell me. You say that... IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had. Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You're right. I don't have time for this. Right. You're right. I'm sure you have better things to do. IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had. Isabel: Uneasy, apologetic. / Apologetic DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Actually, I just want to trade. Sounds good to me. IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had. Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Try me? I can be pretty understanding. That's easy to say... IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had. Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You say that... I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had. Isabel: Nervously explaining her childhood. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sparks was my very first creation. My very first real friend. Isabel: Nervously explaining her childhood. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom The General Atomics Factory originally drew me to the Commonwealth. I never expected to also find this entire military base dedicated to robotics. Isabel: Nervously explaining her childhood. Reflective. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But... I did, so I did what I knew best. I built amazing robots and hoped to save the Commonwealth. And I guess you know the rest of that story. Player Default: So you considered these robots to be your friends. Isabel: Trying to add a little humorous play out of nervousness and to wrap up the conversation. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Don't worry. It needs to be done. I wish I could do more. Being the Mechanist... it helped. IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan. Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: This is ridiculous. How many bots did you release out there? As many as I thought necessary at the time... which is unfortunately a lot. IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan. Isabel: Uneasy, apologetic. / Apologetic DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I just want to trade. Trade? Yes, let's do that. IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan. Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: So tell me: why the Mechanist? How'd you come up with that? It's a little silly. IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan. Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I wish I could do more. Being the Mechanist... it helped. I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan. Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom It was like, some sort of hero that someone had created. Even made their own posters. Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I took what I could and decided I wanted to bring that hero to life. Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom It was too late to save that caravan, but becoming the Mechanist was my way of keeping hope alive. Player Default: At least you tried. It's more than most people do these days. Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: At least you tried. It's more than most people do these days. True. But I think we'd both agree, I'd be better off if I never found this place. Isabel: Apologetic and sad. / Apologetic DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: And now it's just a symbol of terror. Way to go. Right... Right. I'll just go back about my business. Isabel: Regretful. / Apologetic DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I just want to trade. Trade? Yes, let's do that. Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: All this inspired by a drawing? I know how it sounds, but the only things I had besides robots were comic books. Isabel: Worried about making herself look bad. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I used to... dream about being a hero. Everything just came together. I thought the Mechanist was the next logical step. Player Default: At least you tried. It's more than most people do these days. Isabel: Sadly reflecting on the past. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Don't worry. I got this. I can't imagine how many more there must be out there. Isabel: More to herself than to the player. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Don't worry. I got this. Thanks. You've no idea how... relieved I am that you're doing this. Isabel: Nervous. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Don't worry. I got this. And I've no doubt there's a lot more where that came from. Isabel: More to herself than to the player. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Hardly. Against those "scrapbots"? Oh, yeah. Right. Well, that's good to know. Isabel: Awkward at first. Trying to be positive. Player was rude about her robots, but at least they're getting the job done. Trails off at the end. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Hardly. Against those "scrapbots"? Oh. Yes. I didn't meant to say you couldn't handle them. I'm just... glad they aren't a problem. Isabel: Trying to be positive. Player was rude about her robots, but at least they're getting the job done. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Hardly. Against those "scrapbots"? Right. Good. I'm glad. Isabel: Trying to be positive. Player was rude about her robots, but at least they're getting the job done. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Sure. Isabel: Agreeing to trade. / Neutral DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Oh right. Sure. Isabel: Agreeing to trade. / Neutral DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Of course. Isabel: Agreeing to trade. / Neutral DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You hanging in there? Not... bad. Not good? Coming to terms I suppose. Isabel: Confused. Feeling uncertain about herself. / Puzzled DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You hanging in there? I've been better. Just trying to keep busy. Sometimes I feel like the truth is still sinking in. Isabel: Confused. Feeling uncertain about herself. / Somber DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You hanging in there? I guess... I'm still here? Alive, that is. It helps. Knowing that you're out there. And I'm still glad you've given me a second chance. Isabel: Confused. Feeling uncertain about herself. / Puzzled DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom It's just... hard, still. You know? Isabel: Coming to terms with what's she's done. / Concerned DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Oh, good. Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz. IsabelCruz: I just wanted to say, I'm really happy... thankful, that you've let me stick around here. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. Introducing herself. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Ah, right then. Gotta work on those people skills. Isabel: Talking to herself. Player walked away. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Sure, go ahead. Oh, good. IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Relieved DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Get lost. I don't have time for you. Oh ok. Isabel: Player was rude. Kinda, shaking it off and thinking. This line should be dragged out to sound like "Oooooh-kay" / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Well... it'll just take a minute. IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz. Isabel: Recovering from the player being really rude. Decided to stay strong and press the subject. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Speak. I'm listening. Great. Here goes... IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: What's up? Just a quick thing... IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz. I just wanted to say, I'm really happy... thankful, that you've let me stick around here. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. Reinforces the word "thankful" as she realizes that's what she initially meant to say. / Happy DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom And in order to show you that I'm done with the past... I want you to have this, as a sort of promise I guess. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Happy DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom It's the Mechanist suit I made. Player Default: Thank you. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Thank you. You're welcome. IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: I don't want it. You keep it. No, really. I insist. I can't have it anymore. Just toss if it you want. I don't care, as along as I don't have it. IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You don't have to do that. I want to. I need to move on, and this just seemed the right way to handle it. IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You really don't want it anymore? No. It's part of a past I don't want to dwell on. It's time I move on. IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Neutral DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: You're welcome. There's one more thing... a much bigger thing. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom There are still robots out there. Lots of them. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom My communications are down and I can't call them back, but I can tell you where they are... if you're interested. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Sure. Great. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Happy DLC01Dialogue_IsabelOfferRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: No way. That's ok. Maybe later? If you change your mind, you... know where to find me. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelOfferRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Actually, I'd like to trade a few things. Oh ok. Maybe later then, right? Here's what I have. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Puzzled DLC01Dialogue_IsabelOfferRadiants
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Seriously? How many robots are out there? Quite a few. There's a lot of ground to cover on the Commonwealth, so... there's kind of a whole bunch out there. Player Default: Sure. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelOfferRadiants
Combat Combat Death Failure... Imminent... Dying. / InPain
Combat Combat Death No, not possible. Bleeding out, going to die. / InPain
Combat Combat Hit Argh! Mechanist: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit Argh! Isabel: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit Ugh! Mechanist: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit Ugh! Isabel: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit Nargh! Mechanist: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit Nargh! Isabel: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit Is that the best you've got? Getting hit in combat. Almost taunting. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit Do your worst. Getting hit in combat. Almost taunting. / Concerned
Combat Combat Hit I can't give up. Getting hit in combat. Trying to self motivate. / InPain
Combat Combat Hit Gotta keep going. Getting hit in combat. Trying to self motivate. / InPain
Combat Combat Taunt You've caused the Commonwealth enough pain! Taunting in combat. / Confident
Combat Combat Taunt I can't allow your reign of terror to continue. Taunting in combat. / Confident
Combat Combat Taunt Someone needs to stop this madness. Taunting in combat. / Confident
Combat Combat Taunt This ends now. Taunting in combat. / Confident
Combat Combat Taunt It didn't have to be this way. More of a hurt declaration (with fear of death) rather than a taunt. / Worried
Combat Combat Taunt I never should have trusted you. More of a hurt declaration (with fear of death) rather than a taunt. / Worried
Combat Combat Taunt Is violence all you know? More of a hurt declaration (with fear of death) rather than a taunt. / Worried
Combat Combat Attack You asked for this! Attacking the enemy in hand to hand combat. / Angry
Combat Combat Attack For the Commonwealth! Attacking the enemy in hand to hand combat. / Confident
Combat Combat Attack Take that! Attacking the enemy in hand to hand combat. / Angry
Combat Combat AvoidThreat Incoming! Spoken during combat when grenades are thrown. / Concerned
Combat Combat AvoidThreat Sparks! Look out! Spoken during combat when grenades are thrown. / Concerned
Combat Combat AvoidThreat Sparks! Take cover! Spoken during combat when grenades are thrown. / Concerned
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Speak! Demanding / Confident
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Answer me, villain. Demanding / Confident
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Choose your words carefully. Demanding / Confident
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput So awkward... Neutral
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Oh, were we still talking? Neutral
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Um, hello? Neutral
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Oh, have time for that quick chat now? Player Default: Sure, go ahead. Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Hey, just one more thing... if you have a minute. Player Default: Sure, go ahead. Isabel: Nervous/Friendly / Friendly DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuit
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting In case I haven't said it enough, I really am sorry about this. Player Default: It's fine. We all make mistakes. Some just bigger than others. Isabel: Nervous, worried. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Thanks again for helping me try to make this right. Player Default: Don't worry. It needs to be done. Isabel: Grateful, but nervous that he player might not like the idea of hunting down her loose bots. / Nervous DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Hope those robots aren't giving you too much trouble. Player Default: Don't worry. I got this. Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Be careful out there. With some of the modifications I added, the bots can be a little dangerous. Player Default: Don't worry. I got this. Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I hope you won't run into more on your way there. They pose a bigger threat in larger numbers. Player Default: Don't worry. I got this. Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I'm sorry. I know this must a real pain to deal with those robots. Player Default: Don't worry. I got this. Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Hold on... yeah, tracking at least two bots. Could be more. You should plan accordingly. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I've got a strong signal... at least two bots. Be careful. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Give me a minute... holy smokes, I'm tracking multiple bots. Be careful, okay? Isabel: Worried, nervous. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom "Holy smokes"? Who says that? Isabel: Under her breath as an afterthought. Feeling awkward. / Nervous
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I'm picking up a group of bots. Be careful. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Let me see what I can pick up... damn, this signal's too strong for a single bot. Must be a group traveling together. You'd better be careful. Isabel: Concerned, worried. / Worried
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I'm tracking multiple signals. Could be real trouble. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Let me see what we've got... hmm, assuming this is accurate, looks like a whole swarm of bots traveling together. Isabel: Concerned, worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Who knows what kind of damage they're doing. Isabel: Concerned, worried. / Worried
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Looks like a large group of bots traveling together. Not to be taken lightly. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Topic PlayerDialogue Custom Let's see here... yes, there's another one out there. Hope it's not too much trouble. Isabel: Worried. / Concerned
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots. Isabel: Worried. / Worried
Isabel Cruz's dialogue
Game Information
NPCIsabel Cruz
Data FileDLCRobot.esm
Editor IDDLC01MechanistRadioVoice

Full dialogue table[]

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo People of the Commonwealth, it is I, the Mechanist. MechanistTransmitter: I come to warn you of a new Scourge who stalks the innocent, and destroys my robot allies who only seek to save lives. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioSecondScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo People of the Commonwealth. Again, I, the Mechanist, have come to warn you of the Scourge that terrorizes this land. MechanistTransmitter: Many of my robot allies have been defeated, leaving you all vulnerable to the insidious predators of the world today. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioThirdScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: Attention, people of the Commonwealth! I, the Mechanist, have come to bring about an age of peace. Do not be alarmed. These robots are your allies, your protectors, and they will not rest until the Commonwealth is saved. MechanistTransmitter: Together we will restore justice and bring about the dawn of a new age. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioMainScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: Do not be alarmed. These robots are your allies, your protectors, and they will not rest until the Commonwealth is saved. Together we will restore justice and bring about the dawn of a new age. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioMainScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: People of the Commonwealth, it is I, the Mechanist. I come to warn you of a new Scourge who stalks the innocent, and destroys my robot allies who only seek to save lives. MechanistTransmitter: This Scourge cares nothing for the progress we have made, but we will find him and bring him to justice. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioSecondScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: I come to warn you of a new Scourge who stalks the innocent, and destroys my robot allies who only seek to save lives. This Scourge cares nothing for the progress we have made, but we will find him and bring him to justice. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioSecondScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: I come to warn you of a new Scourge who stalks the innocent, and destroys my robot allies who only seek to save lives. This Scourge cares nothing for the progress we have made, but we will find her and bring her to justice. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioSecondScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: People of the Commonwealth. Again, I, the Mechanist, have come to warn you of the Scourge that terrorizes this land. Many of my robot allies have been defeated, leaving you all vulnerable to the insidious predators of the world today. MechanistTransmitter: But fear not! I have increased production of my robots. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioThirdScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: Many of my robot allies have been defeated, leaving you all vulnerable to the insidious predators of the world today. But fear not! I have increased production of my robots. MechanistTransmitter: Soon, our patrols will be doubled, and there will be nowhere for our enemies to hide. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioThirdScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo MechanistTransmitter: But fear not! I have increased production of my robots. Soon, our patrols will be doubled, and there will be nowhere for our enemies to hide. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioThirdScene
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous SharedInfo Attention, people of the Commonwealth! I, the Mechanist, have come to bring about an age of peace. MechanistTransmitter: Do not be alarmed. These robots are your allies, your protectors, and they will not rest until the Commonwealth is saved. Mechanist Radio: Mechanist making confident declarations through her EyeBot. DLC01MechanistRadioMainScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom The Commonwealth is right to fear people like you. MechanistEyebot02: People who have no respect for human life. Who only wish death or pain for those around them. Mechanist Radio: Addressing her nemesis (the player). Speaking as a confident hero. / Confident DLC01MQ05_660_EyebotScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom MechanistEyebot02: The Commonwealth is right to fear people like you. People who have no respect for human life. Who only wish death or pain for those around them. MechanistEyebot02: That's why I, the Mechanist, have made it my solemn vow to protect the innocent. To put an end to people like you. Mechanist Radio: Addressing her nemesis (the player). Speaking as a confident hero. / Confident DLC01MQ05_660_EyebotScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom MechanistEyebot02: People who have no respect for human life. Who only wish death or pain for those around them. That's why I, the Mechanist, have made it my solemn vow to protect the innocent. To put an end to people like you. Mechanist Radio: Addressing her nemesis (the player). Speaking as a confident hero. / Confident DLC01MQ05_660_EyebotScene02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom You may be getting closer, but I will not falter. My robots will see to it that no further harm will come to the Commonwealth. MechanistEyebot03: I believe that good will always overcome evil. Justice will prevail today. Mechanist Radio: Addressing her nemesis (the player). Speaking as a confident hero. / Confident DLC01MQ05_670_EyebotScene03
Scene SceneDialogue Custom MechanistEyebot03: You may be getting closer, but I will not falter. My robots will see to it that no further harm will come to the Commonwealth. I believe that good will always overcome evil. Justice will prevail today. Mechanist Radio: Addressing her nemesis (the player). Speaking as a confident hero. / Confident DLC01MQ05_670_EyebotScene03
Scene SceneDialogue Custom So the Scourge of the Commonwealth has used my own technology against me. MechanistEyebot01: You may have gained access to my Sanctum, but you'll need better skills than that to defeat me. Mechanist Radio: Addressing her nemesis (the player). Speaking as a confident hero. / Confident DLC01MQ05_650_EyebotScene01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom MechanistEyebot01: So the Scourge of the Commonwealth has used my own technology against me. You may have gained access to my Sanctum, but you'll need better skills than that to defeat me. Mechanist Radio: Addressing her nemesis (the player). Speaking as a confident hero. / Confident DLC01MQ05_650_EyebotScene01