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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For the various forms of alcohol that appear in the Fallout series of games, see alcohol.
Irradiated Scotch
FO3 Scotch
Icon Scotch
+1 Charisma for 4 minutes
-1 Intelligence for 4 minutes
+10 Radiation
+1 Strength for 4 minutes
Old World Gourmet perk
+2 Hit Points per second for 10
+25 Dehydration
-10 Dehydration (jsawyer.esp)
Addiction10% chance of alcohol addiction
Base ID00143fef

Irradiated Scotch is a consumable item in Fallout: New Vegas.


Irradiated Scotch is an addictive alcoholic drink which when consumed provides a minor status boost - increasing Charisma and Strength by one while reducing Intelligence by one. Irradiated Scotch, as the name suggests, is a radioactive variant of Scotch - presumably produced when normal Scotch has been exposed to large amounts of radiation for an extended period. Thus, it will also impart 10 units of radiation.

As with most alcoholic item in Fallout: New Vegas, irradiated Scotch's effects (both positive and negative) are altered by the player's Survival skill. With a Survival skill of 100 the player will receive +3 to Charisma and Strength, -3 to Intelligence, and +30 radiation.

In hardcore mode Scotch will increase the player's level of dehydration. This effect is also affected by the Survival skill, ranging from +20 at lower levels to +60 at 100 Survival skill.

Effects of Survival skill[]

10+1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +2 Strength, +30 Dehydration60+2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, +4 Strength, +55 Dehydration
20+1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +2 Strength, +35 Dehydration70+2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, +4 Strength, +60 Dehydration
30+1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +3 Strength, +40 Dehydration80+2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, +5 Strength, +65 Dehydration
40+1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, +3 Strength, +45 Dehydration90+2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, +5 Strength, +70 Dehydration
50+2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, +4 Strength, +50 Dehydration100+3 Charisma, -3 Intelligence, +6 Strength, +75 Dehydration
Note: radiation levels are not affected by the Survival skill level.

Whiskey Rose[]

Whiskey Rose is a perk provided while Cass is serving as a Companion in the player's party. With this perk the penalty to Intelligence for consuming any type of alcohol is eliminated, as are the effects of alcohol addiction. However, it will still be considered radioactive, and will apply radiation to the player as normal.


