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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Irish Pride Industries shipyard
377160 20170320111217 1377160 20170320111203 1
DummyImage377160 20170320111437 1
Worldmap Loc Img 064
Map MarkerIrish Pride Industries Shipyard
FactionsIrish Pride Industries (formerly)
Cell NameIrishPrideShipyardExt
IrishPrideShipyard01 (interior)
ref id0000db63
00047993 (interior)
TerminalsIrish Pride Industries shipyard terminals:
Rory's Terminal

Irish Pride Industries shipyard is a location in the Commonwealth.


Once a small shipyard, Irish Pride Industries constructed midsize shipping vessels.[1]

Around April 30, 2078, survivors of the Great War (Wayne Tournquist, Lance, and Leon Ames) stole a couple trucks from the yard. Leon hotwired the trucks and Lance had them pull them around to the edges of the yards to start their wall at the West Everett Estates. Wayne however flipped his truck and almost crushed his house.[2]

Long after the War, Rory Rigwell settled in Irish Pride Industries shipyard to breed a colony of mirelurks (or "murkies") and keep them as pets, believing that they were not violent, merely misunderstood creatures.[1] Their natural aggression was an issue, so Rigwell recorded several peaceful and positive messages in an attempt to calm them down. Unfortunately, this behavioral training did not go as he planned,[3] and he was killed by his pets.[4]


The building is swarmed with mirelurk, particularly a large number of hatchlings. A hallway from the main reception area leads to a kitchen. The kitchen branches off to an employee locker room and the main shipyard. A room in the southwest contains an armor workbench and a backroom contains a power armor station. The ship in the center of the yard used to hold Rigwell's room on the second deck and contains his terminal and a bed. Rigwell now rests in the southeast corner of the dry dock.

Notable loot[]


Irish Pride Industries shipyard appears only in Fallout 4.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.292-293: "[2.30] IRISH PRIDE INDUSTRIES SHIPYARD
    This small shipyard produces midsized shipping vessels. Recently, the place was taken over by Rory Rigwell, lover of Mirelurks. He believed the mutated crustaceans weren’t violent, just misunderstood."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  2. West Everett estates terminals; Wayne's Terminal, Happy Birthday
  3. Rory's Terminal
  4. His legless corpse is located on a mirelurk nest.