With the equipment now built in order to access the Institute, it is time for the Sole Survivor to take a leap of faith, and enter into the unknown.
Upon arrival at the Institute, the Sole Survivor will find themselves in an area empty of life. As they progress through the teleportation chamber and then further into the facility, an unknown voice will be heard speaking to them, and how they anticipated this arrival, from the nearby intercom system.
After taking an elevator down, into the main body of the Institute, the Sole Survivor will meet a man that calls himself Father. It is soon discovered that Father is really the Sole Survivor's son, Shaun, who is, in actuality, over 60 years in age - a vast difference from the Sole Survivor's original assumption Shaun only being 10 years old still.
After revealing that he is the director of the Institute, he will advise for the Sole Survivor to become familiar with the Institute and its division heads, before returning to him and learning of the Institute's plans for the Commonwealth.
Depending on which faction the Sole Survivor chose to work with, in regards to building the signal interceptor, a holotape will need to be inserted into any of the terminals located within the Institute, in order to download data for, in return for their services.
The Sole Survivor will need to meet with the heads of: bioscience, advanced technologies, robotics and the synth retention bureau.
Quest stages[]
Enter the Elevator
I've finally reached the Institute. I need to find my son, and then find a way out.
Meet the Division Leaders
I've found my son, who is now sixty years old and the leader of the Institute. I've accepted his invitation to join the Institute, and need to introduce myself to the department heads.
Use the Network Scanner Holotape
Exit the Institute
I've found Shaun, who is now sixty years old and the Director of the Institute. I've turned down his offer to join him, and now have no choice but to leave the Institute.
Quest finished
At this point in the storyline, all negative actions towards the Institute will not have any serious consequences, although many of the scientists will occasionally mention certain transgressions, such as having taken down one of their coursers.