The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Ingram Mansion
F76 Ingram Mansion GateF76 Ingram Mansion
F76 358
Part ofSavage Divide
  • Scorched
  • Robots
  • Technical
  • Savage Divide location
  • Point of Interest
  • Dungeon
  • Fast travel destination
  • Wealthy theme
  • Large loot scale
  • Clearable
  • TerminalsIngram Mansion terminals

    Ingram Mansion is a location in Fallout 76.

    Points of interest[]

    • Up the cliff, on the access road, is a guardhouse by the gate to the Ingram estate.
    • The mansion offers a stunning view of Morgantown, with two floors to explore. The building is in a state of advanced disrepair and offers moderate loot, with the steamer trunk upstairs in the master bedroom. The surrounding areas can be searched to find numerous resource nodes for resin, firecracker berry, and wild carrot flowers.
    • On the ground floor behind the mansion is a room with a Nuka-Cola terminal that requires the Nuka-Cola Marketing Access Code holotape to operate.

    Notable loot[]

    Potential bobblehead
    • On the mantle of the stone fireplace, just left of the trunk, at the western end of the mansion, in the master bedroom.
    Potential magazines
    • On the low side coffee table in the living room with the two green couches and wicker rug, inside the mansion.
    • On the small painted side dresser at the far end of the upstairs balcony hallway (eastern end of the mansion).
    Dynamic spawns


    Ingram Mansion appears in Fallout 76.

