The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Ice cold Vim Captains Blend
Fo4FH VimBottle CaptainBlend
+700 HP
+120 AP
-2 Charisma for 120s
Scent of the Sea for 120 s
+15 HP for 10s (Wasteland Survival perk)
+60 caffeination for 100s (Survival)
HP regen: 10 seconds (~0.2 minutes)
Bonuses: 120 seconds (~2 minutes)
Editor IDDLC03Vim_CaptainsBlendCold
Base IDxx0088a8

Ice cold Vim Captains Blend is a consumable in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


The following section is transcluded from Vim! Pop Incorporated. To modify, please edit the source page.

Vim! Pop sought to capitalize on the regional specialty gimmick by embodying "the taste of Maine." By infusing classic Vim with fiddlehead greens, lobster shells, aster and some other extracts, this luminescent violet pop had a distinct fishy taste, but was well received by taste testers.[1] Unsurprisingly, after drinking a few bottles, consumers reported their sweat smelling like a pier,[2] but even stranger was the fact that lobsters were less prone to attack a commercial fisherman when he was removing them from the cages.[3]


This chilled blend of nautical flavors provides 700 hit points over 10 seconds and an instant 120 action point boost. Additionally, the drink makes one smell like a dock; this lowers one's Charisma by 2 for two minutes, but it also causes the sea creatures around the island (angler, fog crawler, gulper, and mirelurk) to be less likely to attack for the same amount of time. On Survival difficulty, it is also caffeinated, meaning one can stave off the effects of sleep deprivation for another 100 seconds.

