The hunting revolver is a large, double-action revolver that fires .45-70 Gov'tammunition. On the base on the hand grip, a generic serial number 05709234 is stamped into the metal. It does significantly more damage in comparison to the .44 magnum revolver and comes with a scope as standard, versus requiring a modification as with the .44 magnum. The hunting revolver scope also offers more powerful magnification at 2.46x, compared to the 1.86x magnification for the .44 magnum scope. Its high base damage is second only to the Ranger Sequoia when compared with other single-handed guns.
Despite being a one-handed revolver, the hunting revolver is not a holdout weapon, meaning that, even at a sneakskill of 100, it will not pass a search when entering a weapon-free location where you are asked to turn over your weapons.
PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360 If loading a saved game from the main menu in which you have a hunting revolver equipped and drawn, the reload animation takes twice as long as normal. This can be solved by simply switching to another gun and then back again.