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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Hunter's farm
FNV Hunter's Farm Ext
FNV Hunter's Farm Int
Icon settlement small
Hunters Farm loc
Map MarkerHunter's Farm
FactionsPowder Gangers
Cell NameHuntersFarm (exterior)
RanchHouseInterior01 (interior)
ref id000dac7d (exterior)
001037df (interior)

Hunter's farm is a location in the Mojave Wasteland, located south-west of Allied Technologies Offices.


This small farm on the southern edge of the Las Vegas Valley has been abandoned due to a combination of Fiends, powder gangers, deathclaws, and a general lack of irrigation. The fields lay in a fallow state, but a few hardy plants eke out an existence under the scorching sun.[1]

Points of interest[]

Hunter's farm is a farmstead with a small, ranch house with two powder gangers in the front and a number of fire geckos or golden geckos skulking around. The powder gangers rarely survive long enough for the player to make contact with them, but they might take out a fire gecko or two before being killed. The danger is further amplified by the presence of deathclaws in the surrounding areas, which may spawn near the player on repeated visits.

The farm can be used as a place for storing gear, as it is a marked location with numerous containers inside the house. The drawback is that it does not have any crafting stations and the critters and gangers respawn (though it does provide free XP on subsequent visits).

Notable loot[]


Hunter's farm appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.320: "[2.34] Hunter's Farm
    Due to increased Fiend activity, Powder Ganger escapees, and a lack of irrigation, the old farmsteads are in a depressed state, The farmland behind hasn't mustered any crops, but you can harvest wild plants."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)