The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Hunter's Ridge
F76 Hunter's Ridge 1F76 Hunter's Ridge 2
F76 358
Part ofThe Forest
  • Scorched
  • Technical
  • Clearable
  • The Forest location
  • Fast travel destination
  • Large loot scale
  • Outdoors theme
  • Dungeon
  • Point of Interest

    Hunter's Ridge is a location in Fallout 76.


    An interesting network of tree-mounted vantage points used by hunters to survey the wasteland for their prey. It appears the denizens have turned raider after listening to Rose's ramblings on the radio, though even earlier they were taking an increasingly hostile stance against non-members, especially those found poaching their traps. The spike pit at the bottom of the cliff was set up as an execution spot and deterrent against any would-be interlopers...[1]

    After the more extreme elements left for the Top of the World, the hunters thought they caught a break. However, Ethan and Carson, the two who left, soon came back at the head of a contingent of raiders and cleaned the Ridge out. The remaining hunters identified Carson, then decided to booby trap the area and leave for greener pastures.[2]

    Points of interest[]

    • The ridge includes three main treehouses connected by rope bridges, accessible by ramps leading up to the treehouse. There is also the pit to the southwest, although walking the plank only leads to a quick drop and sudden stop at the bottom. Note that this is a good place to stock up on meat, as there are radstags strung up on the trees that can be harvested. Ideal for carry weight farming.

    Notable loot[]

    • Potential bobblehead: On the corner of the wooden sub-floor attached to the roof of the northeast treehouse shack near the living tree trunk, with the mattress and metal bucket. It could have fallen onto the shack floor.
    • Potential magazine: Under the sofa, on the floor of the northeast treehouse shack near the living tree trunk, with the mattress and metal bucket. It could have fallen onto the shack floor.
    Dynamic spawns


    Hunter's Ridge appears in Fallout 76.

