The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Hopeville missile base
22380 20180920140709 1
22380 20180920140739 1
22380 20180920140703 1
Icon military
HMB loc
Map MarkerHopeville Missile Base - East Entrance
Hopeville Missile Base - West Entrance
Part ofHopeville
SectionsHopeville missile silo
BuildingsHopeville missile base headquarters
Hopeville missile base - loading station
Hopeville armory
Hopeville men's barracks
Hopeville women's barracks
FactionsBallistic Defense Division (pre-War)
Marked men
QuestsThe Job
Cell NameNVDLC04Road01World
ref idxx004334
Gametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNV LR

The Hopeville Ballistic Defense Station, called Hopeville missile base, is a location in the Divide.


Main article: Hopeville

Located in the western part of Hopeville, the missile base was separated from the highway and the town by a combination of chain link fences and fortified walls. The entrance built into the western cliffs led to the Hopeville missile silo - one of several ringing the base - while the base grounds proper stretch between the fences and walls to the east. The road bisects the base into two halves, with the northern section housing the command center and one half of the barracks, while the southern one housed the loading station and armory, together with auxiliary buildings.


The missile base is sandwiched between the walls separating the civilian part of Hopeville from the military and the chain link fence that marks the boundary of the public road to the southwest. On the elevated terrace to the north sits the ruined headquarters, with marked men holding positions on the roof and pillars around it. The women's barracks sits near the western entrance, opposite the Solitare gas station, while the analogous men's barracks is near the eastern entrance. The metal Quonset huts scattered in the middle of the base contain the stores, but only the armory remains accessible. Outside the missile base is the Hopeville missile silo, in the cliffs at the western edge of the base, and the loading station, just by the collapsed pass leading west.

The grounds are frequented by marked men of all stripes, who congregate particularly around areas of tactical value, like the headquarters or the loading station.

Related quests[]


The Hopeville missile base appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Lonesome Road.
