Publication Hoover Dam design document/5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() | The following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
This is part 5 of the Hoover Dam design document for Van Buren, the cancelled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
![]() |
The following is the original document or a transcript thereof. |
Scripting (See Room for Improvement)[]
Cut Scene[]
- The dam comes crashing down! If the player uses 5 C4 or 6 dynamite bundles on the construction debris on the Rim, which is enough firepower to bring the whole dam down. This should be a CGI movie that shows the explosion, the wall cracking, then large chunks of concrete bursting out from the pressure of millions of tons of water exploding outward. Then show the water crashing onto Downtown. The Rim area should be a broken, splintered wreck with nothing more than rebar and crumbled concrete left.
Task List[]
The Tasks section is a list of all the work that needs to be done for the area. It is a good summary for the producer, other designers, artists, and programmers as to what has been done in the area, who to check with if you have questions about certain tasks, and so on.
This section is only useful if it is used. If we're several months into the project and no one has been using it, then it will no longer be used or updated. There's no sense in wasting time doing additional bookkeeping if it's serving no purpose.
Sound Requirements[]
The Sound Requirements section is intended to cover every conceivable audio question you've had to answer for an RPG in the past. You know the drill. Some aspects to consider:
Area | Sound requirements |
Fallout Soundtrack – Track # 16 – Khans of New California | |
Very mild dust storm. Tarp and thin metal flapping in the wind. Mild surf sounds from the water splashing against Hoover Dam's concrete wall. | |
Very slight mumblings | |
Fallout Soundtrack – Track # 3 – A Trader's Life | |
Mild, hot breeze. Tarp and thin metal flapping in the wind. The occasional creak of an old metal door. A distant rock or two falling down over a hillside. Slight waterfall sound from the water passing underneath the town. The sound of bar music coming from Dusty's Desires. | |
Slight mumblings | |
Fallout Soundtrack – Track # 11 – City of Lost Angeles | |
Distant hum of giant generators from the back of the map. Hum gets louder as player gets closer to the generators. Occasional drip of water like in a damp cave. When player is near a trog, occasional butt-scratching sound. | |
Slight mumblings from passing trogs. | |
Fallout Soundtrack – Track # 7 – Vats of Goo | |
Bubbling goo sound. Occasional falling rock. Distant clicking like a giant insect (think 50's movies where giant spiders and such make clicking and screeching noises). Occasional squeal of a giant rat. | |
None. | |
MAP 5: Sub-Level 1 - Confidential | MUSIC DESCRIPTION |
Fallout Soundtrack – Track # 15 – Flames of the Ancient World | |
Murky water splashing here and there. The distant sound of a stream, or water trickling in from a hole. Occasional buzzing of water touching open electrical equipment and wires. | |
Again, nothing. Eerily quiet area. |
Room for Improvement[]
Room for Improvement:
- All of Hoover Dam
- Should the player blow up the construction debris on the Rim:
- The Rim will be nothing more than the main gate, a small stretch of concrete after it, and a crumbled drop off where there used to be homes, NCR HQ, and a dam.
- Player can no longer access the elevator to Downtown since Downtown has been washed away.
- Everyone is either gone or dead.
- Should the player blow up the construction debris on the Rim:
- The Rim
- If the player brokered peace between Hoover and Mason's.
- If the player did not broker a peace between Maxson's and Hoover (i.e. ignore the war between the two, or did very little to change things).
- Less and less people are in the Rim over time. Mid-game is 3/4 of what was there at PC's first arrival (maybe when 3 prisoners are returned to the pokey). Act II, after prisoners are returned, 1/2 the original population present at Hoover.
- At 3/4 population, Frieda's Firearms closes down, as well as the Look Out Below Café & Bar.
- At 1/2 population (Act II), General's Store closes down and 1/2 less NCR troops are present. Dodge has killed himself, and Ailis McLafferty has assumed Governorship. 3-Some is closed and the Giordano triplets are "missing." Can no longer do peace treaty quests.
- If the player wiped out Maxson's for Hoover.
- Overall cleaner look of area.
- Civilians walking about at night as well as day.
- Some more housing gets built.
- If the player blew the shit out of everyone and everything.
- Ghost town. The occasional raiders will pass through and take pot-shots at the player.
- If the player exposed Ailis.
- Crimson Caravan Company is closed.
- Look Out Below Café & Bar is booming in business.
- Downtown
- If the player brokered peace between Hoover and Maxson's.
- There are more civilians.
- Shanty shacks are upgraded to better built shanty shacks.
- If the player did not broker a peace between Maxson's and Hoover (i.e. ignore the war between the two, or did very little to change things).
- Less and less people are in the Rim over time. Mid-game is 3/4 of what was there at PC's first arrival (maybe when 3 prisoners are returned to the pokey). Act II, after prisoners are returned, 1/2 the original population present at Hoover.
- At 3/4 population (3 of 6 prisoners returned), Dusty's Desires closes down and 1/2 less NCR troops are present.
- At 1/2 population (Act II), Hock-it to Bob closes down and no NCR troops are present. Crops are dead and Farmer Dave is gone.
- If the player told Billy-Bob about Mary-Jo being a prostitute.
- After battle between trogs and NCR/Downtown: Dusty's Desires is shut down.
- Crops are dead. Farmer Dave is gone.
- If the player brokered peace between Hoover and Maxson's.
- Baseline
- If the player told Billy-Bob about Mary-Jo being a prostitute.
- After battle between trogs and NCR/Downtown: Baseline is empty of trogs.
- A couple of humans NPC's take over maintenance duties.
- If the player told Billy-Bob about Mary-Jo being a prostitute.
- Scum Pits
- If player kills off all the monsters and gets shipment of materials from Denver.
- Stage one (four months after completing last part of quest)
- Goo holes are covered by steel plates
- Debris is cleared all around.
- Stage two (eight months after completing last part of quest)
- Hydroponics equipment is set up and running. No crops.
- Stage three (twelve months after completing last part of quest)
- Crops are growing in new hydroponics farm.
- Stage one (four months after completing last part of quest)
- If player kills off all the monsters and gets shipment of materials from Denver.
- Sub-Level 1 - Confidential
- If the player cleared out the monsters.
- After five months, the waist high water is gone and the hole that led to the lake has been sealed. Also, some engineers are shuffling around the computers and such.
- Player has full use of science lab.
- If the player cleared out the monsters.
End Movies[]
The player blew up the construction debris on the Rim, destroying the dam. | Goto 1 |
The player had the satellite fire on Hoover Dam | Goto 2 |
If the player brokered peace between Hoover and Mason's | Goto 3 |
If the player did not broker peace between Hoover and Mason's | Goto 4 |
Nothing done about the virus | Goto 5 |
PC distributes smooch through Dr. Yuri | Goto 6 |
1. Catastrophe! (WTG)
What took five years to build, only took seconds to destroy. In one fell swoop from a carefully placed explosive, millions of tons of water and concrete washed away the lives and ambitions of people who longed for a better future. Hoover Dam, in all its glory and engineering marvel, was no more. | Show crumbled dam face with green water cascading over jagged concrete and rebar. |
Though the missiles of the Great War never touched Hoover Dam, the missiles of B.O.M.B. – 001 did. The atomic warhead incinerated everything. Now Hoover Dam is nothing more than irradiated sludge and scattered rebar, just like so many cities that fell victim to the Great War. | Show a smoldering crater. |
3. Peace between NCR and BOS (WTG)
With peace came cooperation, and with cooperation came growth. Hoover Dam blossomed under the new peace between the Brotherhood of Steel at Maxson's Bunker and the NCR under Governor Joseph Dodge. | Show Hoover Dam's Rim with new housing and happy people mingling with power armor clad BOS soldiers and NCR soldiers. |
4. No peace between NCR and BOS (WTG)
War, no matter how big or small, always has a high price. Governor Dodge and Hoover Dam could not maintain an extended war with the Brotherhood of Steel. Moral ate away at Dodge's men, and soon there was no one left to protect Hoover Dam. Governor Dodge shot himself as the BOS stormed through the front gates, and the NCR became a forgotten memory. | Show Dodge with a gun under his chin, an explosive exit wound on the top of his head, and a couple of Brotherhood soldiers busting through his office door. |
5. Limit 115 goes unchecked (WTG)
Limit 115 takes its toll on Hoover Dam. Those who do not die from the plague, flee Hoover Dam when others perish. Half of those who choose to remain become sterile. Over time, the population of Hoover Dam dwindles, and no matter what mechanical or social successes came before it, the plague eventually wipes out another community. | Show ground perspective of the Rim; empty of life, with a child's doll crumbled on the ground looking at the camera. |
6. PC distribute smooch through Dr. Yuri and never creates anti-toxin (WTG)
The impact that smooch has on te citizens of Hoover Dam is overwhelming. Soldiers, police, and the common citizens all succumb to the addictive pleasures of smooch. Soon, mechanical equipment shuts down, systems fail, people starve, and lives are lost. Hoover Dam eventually turns into a ghost town, complete with the rotting corpses of its former citizenry. | Show ground perspective of the Rim; empty of life, littered with clothed skeletons, with one skull smiling at the camera.. |
Random Notes[]
Previous: Part 4 | Up: Hoover Dam design document |