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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Hoover Dam checkpoint
Hoover Dam Checkpoint
Icon section
Hoover Dam loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Hoover Dam)
FactionsNew California Republic
Cell NameHooverDamIntCheckPoint
ref id00133880
Hoover Dam cp loc

The Hoover Dam checkpoint is a location in the Mojave Wasteland.


The Hoover Dam checkpoint building is a fortification built on top of Hoover Dam. It is inaccessible to the player until the final mission. The checkpoint building is scrappy, with lockers and metal boxes strewn about the room. There is nothing of value to take, except if you have convinced the Followers of the Apocalypse to help NCR, in which case there will be a medical supply kit in the shack. In the room you can find a ladder that leads to a watchtower that looks over Hoover Dam.


  • Inside the shack towards the south on a table is a terminal which shows information about the Dam's Generators. There's also an option to run a diagnosis of the generators. If the player has a detonator in his inventory, it's possible to rig the generators to detonate them. Detonating them will show an EMP like effect around the checkpoint, killing any Legion troops on the other side of the checkpoint (during the NCR quest Eureka! respectively).

Behind the scenes[]

  • David Lieu created the tileset and handled the propping and lighting in the location.[1]


Hoover Dam checkpoint appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

