The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Holt Combes' dialogue
Game Information
NPCHolt Combes
Data Filefallout4.esm

Full dialogue table[]

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Idle That damn fool Austin went and got himself bit. Worried
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Have you seen my boots? Alexis: They're under the bed. Irritated Conv_Alexis_Holt_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Alexis: They're under the bed. I thought I left them at the door. Alexis: You did. But they were filthy. Again. Irritated Conv_Alexis_Holt_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Alexis: I cleaned them and put them under the bed. I didn't ask you to clean them. slight emphasis on ask / Irritated Conv_Alexis_Holt_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Alexis: I wish you would help out more in the depot. Hey, I'm there every day. Alexis: For a half hour here or there. You're gone more than you're there. defensive, irritated / Irritated Conv_Alexis_Holt_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Alexis: For a half hour here or there. You're gone more than you're there. Can we do this later? Erin needs to get to class. Alexis: Oh, fine. irritated. lowered voice, to not alarm his daughter / Irritated Conv_Alexis_Holt_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Horatio: Same as always. Stiff in the morning and achy at night. Alexis sharpened your razor. You can pick it up whenever. Horatio: Thanks. I'll swing by later. Friendly Conv_Horatio_Holt_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Horatio: This chair is stuck too. Can you take a look at it? Me? I'll send Alexis over to fix it. Might not be until tomorrow though. Friendly Conv_Horatio_Holt_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom How's the arthritis, Horatio? Holt: Alexis sharpened your razor. You can pick it up whenever. Friendly Conv_Horatio_Holt_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Horatio: You need me to cut that mop you call hair? Hey! What's wrong with my hair? Horatio: What isn't wrong? Concerned Conv_Horatio_Holt_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Horatio: What isn't wrong? You're the one that trimmed it. Just last week too. Irritated Conv_Horatio_Holt_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom It should be good for a while yet. Irritated / Irritated Conv_Horatio_Holt_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom NPCMHoltCombes: So, you're the new guy. I heard we let someone into the Vault. How long do you plan on sticking around? Player Default: Long enough to have a good look around. Suspicious. Doesn't trust the player / Suspicious Vault81HoltGreet
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Well, hopefully that means not long. We can take care of ourselves here in 81. We don't need to be letting in every stray traveler that comes our way. Suspicious and slightly rude. Doesn't trust the player / Suspicious Vault81HoltGreet
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Long enough to have a good look around. Well, hopefully that means not long. Holt: We can take care of ourselves here in 81. We don't need to be letting in every stray traveler that comes our way. Suspicious. Doesn't trust the player / Suspicious Vault81HoltGreet
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: That's none of your business. Yeah, well screw you, too. Holt: We can take care of ourselves here in 81. We don't need to be letting in every stray traveler that comes our way. Angry Vault81HoltGreet
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Not sure, we'll see. Yeah, I guess we will. Holt: We can take care of ourselves here in 81. We don't need to be letting in every stray traveler that comes our way. Suspicious. Doesn't trust the player / Suspicious Vault81HoltGreet
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Player Default: Why do you want to know? I'll ask the questions. I'm the one that lives here. I have a right to know. Player Default: Long enough to have a good look around. Irritated / Irritated Vault81HoltGreet
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I'm heading out. Don't wait up for me. Alexis: Again? But I need your help here. don't question me / Stern Vault81AlexisHoltArgue
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Alexis: Again? But I need your help here. Please, you haven't needed my help in years. derisive / Disgust Vault81AlexisHoltArgue
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Whatever it is, it can wait. Alexis: Oh, so Erin and I can just wait? dismissive / Irritated Vault81AlexisHoltArgue
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Alexis: Whatever happened to loving husband and father? Stop nagging at me, Alexis. yelling, angry / Angry Vault81AlexisHoltArgue
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting So, you're the new guy. I heard we let someone into the Vault. Holt: How long do you plan on sticking around? Suspicious. Doesn't trust the player / Suspicious Vault81HoltGreet
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting So, you're the new gal. I heard we let someone into the Vault. Holt: How long do you plan on sticking around? Suspicious. Doesn't trust the player / Suspicious Vault81HoltGreet
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Hey, thanks for the advice with my woman problem. Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Does it always have to be about sex and Jet? Let's just talk for a while. A little sullen, a little whiny / Pleading
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I brought you some Jet. conciliatory / Amused
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Just let me eat in peace without any nagging for once. mildly spiteful / Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello You need to eat everything on your plate, young lady. gentle chiding / Stern
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Austin got himself bit by a Mole Rat, so now they got us cooped up in here to watch Erin. It's ridiculous. Irritated he has to spend time with his family. / Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello I heard you let that boy die. I don't see how any of you sleep at night. Disgusted with the player for letting a child die. / Disgust
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Typical outsider. Only care about yourself. Disgusted with the player for letting a child die. / Disgust
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Erin told me how you saved Austin's life. I guess you're not bad for an outsider. Slightly apologetic, but almost reluctant to accept the player. Hates being wrong. / Neutral
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Keep walking, outsider. Just because you wear a Vault suit doesn't mean you're one of us. Rude, doesn't like outsiders. / Irritated
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello You're still here? Rude, doesn't like outsiders. / Stern
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Whatever you want, forget it. I can't be bothered with it right now. surly / Stern
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello Hope you don't have anything that needs fixing. I really don't feel like working. surly / Stern
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hello If you need something, ask Alexis. I can't make heads or tails of her sorting. mildly irritated. given up trying / Irritated
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Forsythe: If you are going to wander around in my clinic, stay out of the way. Sure thing, doc. You won't even know I'm here. trying to be disarming / Friendly Holt_Forsythe_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom If I go back to the store, Alexis is just going to put me back to work anyway. Conspiratorial Holt_Forsythe_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom So I'll just hang out here, quiet as a mouse. I'll be so quiet you won't even know when I leave. Forsythe: This is your idea of quiet? Friendly Holt_Forsythe_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Forsythe: This is your idea of quiet? Just making idle chit chat, doc. No harm in that is there? Forsythe: I don't care if you hide from your wife, but stay out of my way. Close that diarrheic mouth of yours. meant no insult / Surprised Holt_Forsythe_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Forsythe: I don't care if you hide from your wife, but stay out of my way. Close that diarrheic mouth of yours. Shutting up now doc. Not a word. Not even a cough. Forsythe: Holt! reassuring / Surprised Holt_Forsythe_02
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Hey, doc. How's business? Forsythe: I've told you before, I don't appreciate you referring to my services as a business. cheerful / Friendly Holt_Forsythe_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Forsythe: I do serious work here, healing the sick and researching new medicines. Lighten up, doc. It's just a saying. friendly ribbing / Friendly Holt_Forsythe_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom My back is acting up again. I thought you could fix me up. Forsythe: Seems to be getting worse. Are you doing anything that would strain it? He's faking being hurt. / InPain Holt_Forsythe_01
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Forsythe: Seems to be getting worse. Are you doing anything that would strain it? Alexis is working me like a dog. It's all the lifting and carrying. Forsythe: You? Working hard? She must be really riding you. False complaint, trying to persuade the doc to give him meds / InPain Holt_Forsythe_01
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput You gonna say something or not?
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput Well, don't just stand there.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous WaitingForPlayerInput So...?
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Alright! Enough! GenericBrawlPlayerWinsScene
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Well this is gonna be a joy for you. You get to nag me and I can't go anywhere. AlexisCombes: Oh, real nice, Holt. Make this about you. Sarcastic bickering DN077Depot
Scene SceneDialogue Custom AlexisCombes: Your daughter could get sick like Austin, and you're whining about spending time with your family? I have things to do. We don't have to hide away in here. AlexisCombes: You are so busy, Holt? You have so much to do? Please, explain to Erin why your needs are more important than her safety. Angry Arguing DN077Depot
Scene SceneDialogue Custom AlexisCombes: You are so busy, Holt? You have so much to do? Please, explain to Erin why your needs are more important than her safety. Just nevermind. AlexisCombes: Idiot. You have been put in your place. DN077Depot