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Herbert Dashwood
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood
Herbert Dashwood
Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Caucasian
AffiliationTenpenny Tower
The Railroad
RoleRetired adventurer
LocationTenpenny Tower
Dialogue FileHerbert Dashwood's dialogue
QuestsTenpenny Tower
A Manhandled Manservant
SPECIALStrength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 4
Derived StatsHit Points: 25 → 120 → 170 (Broken Steel only)
Tag SkillsMelee Weapons: 31 → 100
Small Guns: 31 → 100
Sneak: 31 → 100
Level1 → 20 → 30 (Broken Steel only)
Base ID000156df
0005c32a (dead)
Ref ID00017a11
ActorPaul Eiding

Maybe you've heard the GNR radio play? The Adventures of Herbert "Daring" Dashwood? That's about me, you know. Based on my, um... earlier days. I even had a Ghoul manservant. Let me ask you -- you ever met a Ghoul before?

— Herbert Dashwood, Fallout 3.

Herbert "Daring" Dashwood is a retired adventurer residing in Tenpenny Tower in Fallout 3.


Herbert Dashwood, born in 2207, spent his younger days as a traveler and adventurer, and amassed a big enough fortune to buy his way into Tenpenny Tower for a comfortable retirement. But while he equals the other residents of Tenpenny Tower in wealth, Herbert Dashwood is friendly, down-to-earth, and possesses a self-ingratiating sense of humor. In other words, he’s a normal guy—not a stuck-up pseudo-aristocrat like everyone else. Dashwood is also a great resource; because he’s traveled everywhere, he possesses a wealth of information about the Capital Wasteland. If asked, he’ll gladly talk about the things he’s done, places he’s been, and creatures he’s encountered. He occasionally sneaks into the rooms of other people as a way of keeping himself amused and keeping his adventuring skills honed in case he ever needs to come out of retirement. His exploits are often played on Galaxy News Radio. "The Adventures of Herbert ‘Daring’ Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle" is a favorite program across the Capital Wasteland.[1]

His adventures earned him great prestige and acclaim, though in Galaxy News Radio's dramas, Dashwood is portrayed as little more than a mouth while his 'stalwart ghoul manservant' Argyle does all the work and fighting. Although Argyle really did save Dashwood's life more times than Dashwood did his (Dashwood himself admits this in his journals), Dashwood was still a capable fighter and adventurer. Their adventures ended when Dashwood was seduced by Penelope Chase into leading her to the secret underground society of Rockopolis of which only Dashwood and Argyle knew. Despite Argyle's warnings, Dashwood took her there where she revealed she was a double agent for the slavers of Paradise Falls. Argyle quickly ripped her heart out before she could kill Dashwood, but it was too late to stop the slavers from attacking the underground society. In the confusion, Dashwood and Argyle were separated. Dashwood never saw Argyle again but refuses to believe he died, believing that "He's still out there somewhere."

Daily schedule[]

Herbert will walk around Tenpenny Tower and occasionally play a joke on Irving Cheng by messing with his terminal.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character starts quests.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


  • A Manhandled Manservant: If you have found Argyle's body you can tell Dashwood of him and gain a key to his safe, which has some good loot. Be aware that taking the contents of the safe will cause you to lose karma and turn Dashwood hostile even though you have the key.
  • The Replicated Man: Dashwood is in possession of a Replicated Man holotape.
  • Tenpenny Tower: While you are looking for the Key to Tenpenny Generator Room, he implies you should steal it from him as a game. If you do try to steal it and fail, he goes hostile in the usual way. Just ask him to give you the key, whereupon he will tell you that you are no fun.


Icon armored vault suit
Dirty pre-War relaxedwear
Assault carbine icon
Combat shotgun
Laser pistol
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Assuming his radio drama is true, it can be inferred that he alone is solely responsible for the citizens of Rockopolis' capture to slavers.
  • For the entries in his terminal, see Herbert Dashwood's terminal.
  • Daring was elected "honorary ghoul" of Underworld.
  • In the Italian and Spanish language versions of Fallout 3, Dashwood speaks French.
  • He has recently taken a mistress, Tenpenny's own Susan Lancaster, and can be heard teasing her about their shared "stealthy hunts."
  • If Dashwood gives you the key to his safe, retrieving the rewards will still be considered stealing and cause Herbert to attack you if caught.
  • Dashwood will still be killed by Roy Phillips and his gang despite being pro-ghoul, this prevents you from being able to complete the A Manhandled Manservant quest if you haven't done it already.
  • To complete A Manhandled Manservant quest, the Tenpenny Tower quest must remain unsolved, as otherwise, Dashwood will not talk about Argyle anymore.


Herbert Dashwood appears only in Fallout 3.


  • Sometimes Herbert continues dialog thanking the Lone Wanderer for helping the ghouls and opening the minds of the Tenpenny residents, even if the ghouls are killed. Further dialog options to gain access to the safe are still not available however.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 If the ghouls are allowed to take over, Dashwood and sometimes others may survive the attack and resume life in the ghoul-occupied tower.
  • PCIcon pc Herbert may not carry the key to his safe on him for pickpocketing. Instead he will carry a generic key called "Tenpenny Tower Resident's Key", which will not work on his safe. Thus, if the player does not speak to him about Argyle before killing Roy Phillips, they will be unable to obtain the key and access Dashwood's safe.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.76: "Herbert "Daring" Dashwood
    Herbert Dashwood (70) spent his younger days as a traveler and adventurer, and amassed a big enough fortune to buy his way into Tenpenny Tower for a comfortable retirement. But while he equals the other residents of Tenpenny Tower in wealth, Herbert Dashwood is friendly, down-to-earth, and possesses a self-ingratiating sense of humor. In other words, he's a normal guy—not a stuck-up pseudo-aristocrat like everyone else. Dashwood is also a great resource; because he's traveled everywhere, he possesses a wealth of information about the Capital Wasteland. If asked, he'll gladly talk about the things he's done, places he's been, and creatures he's encountered. He occasionally sneaks into the rooms of other people as a way of keeping himself amused and keeping his adventuring skills honed in case he ever needs to come out of retirement. His exploits are often played on Galaxy News Radio. "The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle" is a favorite program across the Capital Wasteland."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)