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Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Fo3TP Haven
Icon monument
Haven loc
World map: The Pitt
Map MarkerHaven
Part ofUptown (The Pitt)
QuestsFree Labor
Toys for Tots
Cell NameDLC01AshurPalace (interior)
DLC01HavenEntrance (exterior)
ref idxx0011ad (interior)
xx007d87 (exterior)
TerminalsHaven terminals
Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

Haven is one of the most distinguishing landmarks of Pittsburgh, one that managed to survive the ordeals of the Great War and the centuries of deterioration that followed. By 2277, it became part of The Pitt Uptown as the palace of Lord Ishmael Ashur and his family: Sandra Kundanika (wife) and Marie (daughter).


The building was built in the Late Gothic Revival style, as a skyscraper called the Cathedral of Learning, catering to the students of the University of Pittsburgh. But when the Great War came, the building was abandoned and left to rot, as Pittsburgh became the center of a hellish triangle of mutation.

As the centuries passed and Pittsburgh was torn apart by seemingly relentless violence, the Cathedral stood, maintaining a grim vigil over the city. But change came when the Scourge tore through the city in 2255. The Brotherhood of Steel culled the violent aggressors and salvaged what they could, losing only one man: Ishmael Ashur. Buried under rubble inside the Mill, he was thought dead. But he wasn't. Ashur abandoned the Brotherhood's ideology, taking up his own banner to organize and lead people of the Pitt into a new future. To build a city from the ashes. The Cathedral was christened as Haven, and Lord Ashur took residence within its ancient halls, as the new ruler of the city. A fitting choice for a king.[1]


The Cathedral is the ultimate destination of The Pitt Uptown, towering over a large plaza. Before the entrance is a wicker man, with a dead body burning inside, likely a rebellious slave or raider from Ashur's army.

Haven entrance[]

The ground floor of Haven is the three story high Commons Hall, with rooms converted into sleeping quarters and storerooms for Ashur's personal guard. An elevator opposite the entrance connects directly to Haven proper, while the three floors surrounding the hall can be accessed through staircases on the eastern and western walls of the building.

Pitt raiders watch over the area, usually in a squad of three.


Ashur occupies one of the Cathedral's largest offices on the upper storeys of the Cathedral. Though most of the floor collapsed, his office remains intact and is in remarkable shape for a 200 year old building. The corridor leading to it is protected by Ashur's personal guard, while the large office is additionally outfitted with a pair of ceiling turrets, just in case.

The office exits into two additional sections. The left (relative to the entrance) one leads to Ashur's and Sandra's bedroom, complete with his personal safe containing a series of memoirs to his daughter. The right one leads to Sandra's laboratory with Marie's creche, where the ruling family of the Pitt tries to isolate the cure for the mutation plague affecting the former city of Pittsburgh.


Notable loot[]

  • Ashur's diary - four holotapes addressed to Marie are found inside Ashur's personal safe.

Related quests[]

  • Free Labor - The player is asked by Wernher to kidnap Marie from her parents. If the player goes through with this plan, Haven is locked down and becomes inaccessible for the remainder of the game.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Haven assets were created by Megan Sawyer.[2]
  • Haven is the Fallout version of the Cathedral of Learning, though it is placed in an incorrect location.
  • The burning wicker man on the plaza in front of Haven is based on the mythical wicker men, allegedly used by ancient Celtic pagans for human sacrifice. No archaeological evidence has been found to support this as anything more than a folk tale.


Haven appears in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.


  1. Ashur's diary: "Marie, you know those fights in the Mill's arena? Well, its first fight was when I woke up to someone pulling me out from a pile of rubble. At first I thought it was my brothers pulling me to safety. Instead, it was a scavenger trying to steal my armor. She didn't get it. But I learned she had a whole family of scavengers. They'd make raids into the city for gear from the Mill. And that gave me an idea. This was the only working steel mill we'd ever seen. In a world of leftovers, it was a chance to build again. And that was worth any price. The scavengers saw me as a god, so along with my Brotherhood know-how, it was easy to set up the basics. We started to build a city."
  2. Megan Sawyer's portfolio