The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
AffiliationTwisted Hairs
RoleLeader and founder

Harpy is the leader and founder of the tribe, Twisted Hairs. Like most of his tribe, he was either enslaved or executed by Caesar's Legion.


Once a powerful tribe in Arizona, the Twisted Hairs forged an alliance with Caesar in the early days of his Legion to act as scouts for him during his conquest of that state. Once the Legion had secured victory, Caesar promptly rewarded their aid by breaking the alliance and betraying them; conquering and enslaving them as he had done to all the other tribes of Arizona. Their tribal identity was erased and those that resisted were crucified along the sides of Interstate 40.


Harpy was to appear in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2.

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