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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Harpers Ferry
F76 Harpers Ferry
F76 358
Part ofThe Mire
BuildingsHarpers Ferry Armory
FactionsFree States (formerly)
MerchantsVendor Bot Wallace
  • Scorched
  • Super mutants
  • Chance for normal spawns
  • Chance for scorched variant spawns
  • Connections
    Connects toThe Burrows
    QuestsTracking Unknowns

    Enclave Event: A Real Blast

    Enclave Event: Dropped Connection
    TerminalsHarpers Ferry terminals

    Harpers Ferry is a location in Fallout 76.


    See also: Harpers Ferry on Wikipedia

    Historically, Harpers Ferry was a vital junction point for travel across the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers. The natural confluence of the two rivers led to the establishment of a ferry connecting the two shores, and eventually the foundation of a settlement in 1763, called Shenandoah Falls at Mr Harpers Ferry. The town steadily developed, with major expansions including the United States Armory and Arsenal in 1799, which together with the Springfield Armory in Massachussetts became the primary supplier of small arms. The town grew and prospered until the beginning of the American civil War. John Brown's raid on the arsenal in 1859 was the beginning of a streak of bad luck for the town. Although the abolitionist was tried for treason and hanged, his attempt to touch off a slave uprising captured the imagination of the nation. When the Civil War erupted, Harpers Ferry suffered greatly due to its strategic location on the railroad map and at the mouth of the Shenandoah Valley. The warring between Union and Confederate forces between 1861 and 1865 reduced the town to near ruin, as it changed hands eight times and was the site of bitter fighting that included the largest surrender of U.S. soldiers to a hostile power until the Battle of Bataan, 80 years later. The town did not recover fully due to the changing economy and industryscape of the United States, becoming primarily a historical attraction.[1]

    In the decades leading to the Great War, Harpers Ferry became a focal point of the Free States movement. Skeptical of the intentions of the United States government, the Free Staters used the town as a staging area and supply point for the bunkers they were building deep within the Mire. As Harpers Ferry was a small town that depended on tourism, this put them at odds with the growing movement, whose conspiracy theories put off patriotic visitors.[2] It also endangered what few lucrative contracts the town had with larger corporations, such as Med-Tek, which used Harpers Ferry as a proving ground for their Sympto-Matic automated medical unit from September 2076 onwards.[3]

    The situation steadily escalated as the Sino-American War deteriorated. In late 2076, the Free Staters started buying up supplies at stores throughout the Ferry, ranging from canned goods to camping gear. Although the shopkeepers found it a little strange, they paid in cash and that was all that mattered (although it did scare some of them when they realized just how much ammunition the Free Staters were buying up).[4] The situation rapidly deteriorated in early 2077, as the divide between the Free Staters and the denizens of Harpers Ferry grew. Street fights between Staters and "patriots" became disturbingly common, tearing the Ferry apart and attracting government attention.[5] At first, the interest was limited to surveillance and documenting Free States membership and their associates. Secret policemen visited Ferry vendors and coerced them into handing over names and addresses, winning a battle and losing the war, as the shopkeepers started to realize that the Free Staters may, in fact, be right about the government.[6] However, the visits also had a notable chilling effect, as by May, many started outright refusing to provide services to Free States members.[7]

    By June, the United States military seized on the resentment and launched a propaganda campaign against the Free States, and following up with seizure of property belonging to known members of the movement. Although the signs referred to them as being seized for seditious activity, the propaganda posters left no doubts as to who was the intended target.[8] The piece de resistance came midway through June, when the public prosecutor pressed charges against Raleigh Clay, the leader of the movement.[9] In response, the Free States openly seceded from the United States and by September 2077, completely isolated themselves from the outside world, waiting for the bombs to drop. The military, lacking the resources to fight a protracted counter-insurgency campaign, decided to let them be for the time being.[10]

    When the bombs did come, Harpers Ferry was largely abandoned in the turmoil, as emergency services and local survivors struggled to cope with the influx of refugees. The town did not experience a rebirth until the Free States emerged from their bunkers around July 2079. They retook Harpers Ferry and started intense rebuilding efforts, turning it into a major fortress and trading post near the heart of the Mire. Using salvage and scrap gathered from the surrounding area, they established fortifications to protect themselves and people under their care - many of whom formerly despised them for their convictions - from the encroaching mutations.[11] By 2084, the town was a prosperous outpost, providing support and food to those in need. The Free States cooperated closely with the Brotherhood, despite Clay's misgivings about Taggerdy and her outfit.[12]

    The Grafton Dam outpost in particular shielded their western flank and allowed traders and travelers to move safely through the Savage Divide to the Ferry. It was also a key route connecting the Free States with the Responders in Charleston, at least until the town was destroyed by raiders in 2082.[13] However, this prosperity would not last. The situation deteriorated after the release of the scorchbeasts by President Thomas Eckhart. The monstrosities wreaked havoc on the region, bringing the scorched plague in their wake. Harpers Ferry held out until 2086.[14] After the scorchbeasts breached the automated AAA perimeter and started spreading out into adjacent regions, Harpers Ferry was hit hard and fast, wiping it out and forcing the Free Staters back into their reinforced bunkers. Raleigh Clay issued a general order banning all recovery efforts.[15]

    Points of interest[]

    • Harpers Ferry is a large town with densely packed residential buildings and a myriad of blind spots. It can be roughly divided into two sections: The fortress, built on the hill surrounding St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church (the neo-gothic building was converted into barracks), and the outer areas, bounded by the state route in the west and the railways to the north-east and south-east.
    • The outer areas consist primarily of townhouses in the northern and eastern section, with John Brown's "Fort" (19th century firehouse) in the east, where Brown made a stand and was captured in 1959. It has been turned into a museum with numerous civil war-era items
    • Harper's Ferry armory is to the south. The armory requires an access code and contains a plethora of weapons, a steamer trunk, and three workshops (weapons, armor, and tinkering). Potomac Street running northwest to southeast in the northeast part of the town is also part of the outer ring.
    • Outside the fortifications are two manhole covers (North and South) leading to The Burrows
    • There is a trading post at the northern edge of town, at the northern end of Shenandoah Street, just behind the buildings. It contains a vendor bot for the Free States and a chemistry station.
    • For those running for president, the Harpers Ferry polling station is located to the east, by the eastern gate, opposite the clinic.
    • Inside Harpers fortifications navigation can get confusing, due to the packed environment and passages between houses. At any rate, major points of interest include:
      • The Harpers Ferry clinic, by the southeastern gate. The bottom floor contains the medical lab and storage, along with a plethora of chems. There is, however, a pressure plate at the bottom of the stairs that releases a grenade bouquet.
      • The aforementioned St. Peter's church, which makes for a useful landmark and scavenging spot, which contains the Free States barracks and another two workbenches for weapons and armor. Just north of it is a small garden with a cooking station.
      • A dead vault dweller is sitting on an upstairs sofa

    Notable loot[]

    Holotapes and Notes
    Plans and Recipes
    • One plan/recipe spawns in a display case in the top floor of house #394.
    • One plan/recipe spawns in a display case in the top floor of house #394.
    • One plan/recipe spawns on a metal barrel behind the cooking station north of the church.
    • One plan/recipe spawns inside an oven in the ruined house just to the side of the Free States vendor bot, Wallace.
    • An armor plan and a recipe spawn in display cases on the top floors of the house destroyed by a train.
    • One plan/recipe spawns on a locker shelf on the top floor of house house #106.
    • One plan/recipe spawns on the end table on the roof of house #402, next to Jesus Sunday's Holotape - Part 1.
    • One plan/recipe spawns on an outdoor parasol'd table in front of house #108.
    • One plan/recipe spawns on a metal barrel inside the church, next to the armor workbench.
    Dynamic spawns


    Harpers Ferry appears in Fallout 76.


    1. Real-life history
    2. Fallout 76 loading screen hints
    3. Harpers Ferry terminals#Med-Tek Sympto-Matic Terminal
    4. Harpers Ferry terminals#11.16.76: "Sales at the shop have really picked up this month. A bunch of folks are buying up all sorts of camping gear, survival equipment and canned goods.
      When I ask them what they're up to, they start talking about "preparing for the end of civilization" and "the collapse of society." Sounds like crazy talk to me, but they're paying cash, so they can say whatever they like.
      Of course, it gets a bit scary when they buy cases of ammunition. I don't exactly feel comfortable knowing we've got these kooks living in the mountains sitting on that kind of firepower."
    5. Harpers Ferry terminals#01.01.77: "It's not even a single day into the new year, and a fight breaks out in the street over politics.
      No one knows who started it, but it didn't really matter - it's was the same old story again. One guy mouthed off about how lousy the government is handling everything and then a patriot stepped in to tell him that he was wrong. Discussion led to shouting, shouting led to insults and then the insults led to blows.
      The police eventually broke it up, but this divide isn't getting any smaller. Harpers Ferry is tearing itself apart."
    6. Harpers Ferry terminals#03.20.77: "Had a fella in a fancy suit stop by the shop today. He was wearing dark sunglasses, had an earpiece and looked clean-cut. Almost too clean-cut if that makes any sense. I knew he was government way before he showed me his ID.
      He started asking questions about the folks who've been stockpiling all the supplies, then asked me to give him names and addresses. I refused at first, but then he asked to see my tax records. I caught his drift, so I gave him the copies of my receipts. He left without even saying thanks.
      Maybe those doomsday folks aren't so crazy after all."
    7. Harpers Ferry terminals#The Carson Family: "-----------------------------------------------------
      In commandeering this terminal, I found the following entry:
      "As of May 23rd, this clinic no longer serves the Carson family. This includes Caleb, Elizabeth, and their children Madeleine and Max.
      You can refer them to Morgantown or Charleston, but due to their constant involvement with the Free States, our doors are closed to them."
      I just have no words. To think the people here hated us this much. And now here we are, saving their lives... "
    8. Charleston Capitol Building terminals#Subject: No Luck: "[Wed 02 June 2077 17:03:12]
      Hey Sam,
      I did my best trying to convince the military to take down all those signs, but the General outright refused. On the bright side, at least they don't specifically call out the Free States by name... yet. Stafford was pretty pissed when I approached him about it, so they must really be on his shit list.
      Sorry I couldn't do more. Hope we're still on for dinner.
      >>You Replied Thu 03 June 2077 01:41:21"
    9. Charleston Capitol Building terminals#Subject: Advice: "[Fri 11 June 2077 08:01:33]
      Senator Blackwell,
      I highly advise staying far away from the Raleigh Clay case. I know he's a close friend, but this has "set up" written all over it. Someone wants to take him down for the Free States movement, and they won't hesitate to tie you to that sinking ship. We can't afford that type of publicity.
      Curtis Cline
      Deputy Chief of Staff
      >>No Response"
    10. Sugar Grove terminals: "Sugar Grove IntraMail - 10-13-77
      From: Jamison, B
      To: Gould, W
      Subj: Free States
      Here's the latest on the Free States. After the secession, we were picking up loads of activity. But they've been pretty quiet ever since the real interesting ones, like Blackwell and Clay, locked themselves up in their bunkers last month.
      For what it's worth, we managed to infiltrate a few of their lines of comunication. But again, they mostly seem to be staying put and waiting for bombs to drop, as if the enemy actually has the guts to pull a move like that on American soil.
      I'll update you if anything noteworthy happens. As far as I'm concerned, They can sit there and stew as long as they want, or at least until we can free up the resources to deal with them good and proper."
    11. [[ ]]: "6.8.2079 Sender: [K.Baker]
      >> They've left their bunkers
      Chandler got back last night. Said that the Free States have left their bunkers and retaken Harpers Ferry. Those tinfoil hats may have had the right of it all along cause they seem to have plenty of food and supplies.
      We still haven't been able to figure out what's been creating that weird mire out there. She did see some other paramilitary looking folks out at the power plant, but they didn't seem to be with the Free States. Said they had power armor so she didn't try to approach.
    12. Sam Blackwell's bunker terminals
    13. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminals: "We've been able to set up a few small trade routes which have been risky but successful. We found a couple more communities out there. Some people are building up in the trees, others managed a decent shanty town, for lack of a better word.
      Then of course there's the route we secured to Charleston to work with the Responders. It's been a decent exchange so far, and hopefully we can build it up."
    14. ?: "My dearest Geneva,
      It's been a while. I haven't written on this terminal since we left for Harpers Ferry, but we're back. It was a seven year effort, but a failed one. This new world is more dangerous then we anticipated.
      There's a new creature out there we call the Scorched. It takes over an organism somehow. Bears, deer... and even people. Until we can devise a way to face them, we're back in the bunker where I can keep Abbie and Cal safe. We lost the Cohens to this abberration. I won't lose our children."
    15. Free State notifications: "-----------------------------------------------------
      To all:
      I'm not sure how many people this will reach after the attack on Harpers Ferry. But rest assured, we are working hard on a solution for this new threat.
      From the Brotherhood's last transmission, we know we're on our own, and we know their reports were real.
      All we can advise for now is to remain in what shelters you may have found, and, if you must leave, stay under as much cover as possible.
      - Raleigh"