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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Harbor Grand Hotel
377160 20160520105725 1
Fo4 Harbor Grand loc
Map MarkerHarbor Grand Hotel
FactionsSuper mutants
QuestsBetter Left Forgotten
Cleansing the Land
ref idxx000000
TerminalsHarbor Grand Hotel terminals

The Harbor Grand Hotel is a location on Mount Desert Island.


An expansive, opulent pre-War resort, the Harbor Grand Hotel catered exclusively to the wealthy visitors to the island. Offering luxurious accommodations and plenty of activities for the discerning customer, it holds more than one secret — including a certain nuclear key.


The hotel must be visited as part of the main storyline and is a gauntlet of super mutants. Overran by creatures who have no appreciation for fine woodwork or art, it is a tough nut to crack, as mutants have the high ground and plenty of cover, while the player has very limited means of attack and is always outnumbered and outgunned. The exterior allows for using trees and junk as cover, particularly in the western and eastern approaches, but once inside the courtyard and rear garden, it's easy to become overwhelmed. The pool contains a steamer trunk with the location reward.

The interior can be accessed by doors in the eastern part of the building and is largely straightforward. The main lobby allows access to the most important areas of the hotel, but is also a cul de sac, a killing zone for anyone who enters. Stay out of the pantry and make sure you have at least one way out at all times; the super mutants have a tendency to bum rush and corner any invader.

The goal is the safe room, accessible through the hole in the kitchen pantry's wall. Simply open it, mosey inside, and use the terminal to get the holotape. Listening to it gives the location of the nuclear launch key.

Notable loot[]


  • There is a gnome on the toilet reading a newspaper while holding a toothbrush.
  • There is the skeletons of a lesbian couple that were watching the television on the bed.


The Harbor Grand Hotel appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
