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Fallout: New Vegas dialogue project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas dialogue project. This project is designed to allow users to link to pages containing a character's dialogue for simpler and cleaner references by sorting through, cleaning up and categorizing quotes from every major character in Fallout: New Vegas.. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
Hanlon's dialogue
Game Information
Data FileFalloutNV.esm

Full dialogue table[]

Dialogue file
Topic VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch You must be the courier folks have been talking about. Word on the radio is that someone wronged you back in Goodsprings. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F50_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch The Mojave has a way of burning decent people up, but it sounds like you've done right by the NCR. It's appreciated. Now what can I do for you? VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F50_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch I know a bit about you, courier. Heard someone messed you up pretty bad over in Goodsprings. I heard a few other things too. Some good, but not all. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F51_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch If you're going to be associating with rangers, you'd best stay on their friendly side. With that out of the way, what can I do for you? VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F51_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch I'm surprised to see you here. Folks with your kind of reputation, I expect to see them cooking in the sand with some {forty four}.44 slugs to keep them company. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F52_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch If the rangers haven't caught up to you yet, they will. Myself excluded, of course. {joking}The only thing I catch up on now is chair time. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F52_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch VCampGolfHanlonRepBranch I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting before. What can I do for you? VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4F_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}After the death of Chief Hanlon, the power of NCR's Rangers was broken for years. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C4_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Their organization, so reliant on the wisdom and guidance of its elder members, became a shadow of what it once was to people across the wasteland. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C4_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Defying Chief Hanlon's worst fears, NCR's rangers persevered and distinguished themselves during the second Battle of Hoover Dam. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C5_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}The rangers, along with NCR's many troopers, shared the glory of victory. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C5_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Hanlon wisely stayed out of the spotlight, crediting General Oliver's leadership for NCR's success. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C5_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}After a brief fanfare, Hanlon stepped down as chief and returned to the peace and quiet of his ranch outside of Redding. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C5_4
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}During the attack on Hoover Dam, Chief Hanlon and his rangers threw themselves into the path of the Legion assault, dying to the last man and woman. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C6_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}In the aftermath that followed in the NCR, bitter citizens and opportunistic senators were quick to denounce President Kimball and General Oliver. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C6_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Hanlon and his fallen rangers were revered for their bravery and sacrifice. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C6_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Despite distinguishing themselves during the second Battle of Hoover Dam, the rangers' victory was short-lived due to the Courier's interference. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C7_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Chief Hanlon personally directed the evacuation of the rangers to Mojave Outpost as they fell back into NCR territory. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C7_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Bitter over the waste of life in the Mojave, Hanlon stepped down from his post. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C7_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}After a campaign in which he denounced Oliver's and Kimball's hawkish, imperialist ways, Hanlon was elected as the senator of Redding. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C7_4
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Although they performed admirably during NCR's defense of Hoover Dam, the rangers fell into decline soon after. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C8_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrated}With Hanlon's plot against the occupation exposed and Oliver hailed as NCR's new war hero, many rangers were greeted coldly on their return home. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C8_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Few openly blamed the rangers for Hanlon's treachery, but public and political support for the organization quickly dwindled. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C8_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}With Caesar's victory came a small measure of vindication for the rangers' late Chief Hanlon. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C9_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Upon the military's return, debate raged within NCR's senate about who was to blame for the loss of Hoover Dam. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C9_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Though some in NCR regarded Hanlon as a traitor, many believed he was the only military commander who saw the futility in defending New Vegas. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C9_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Although they performed admirably during NCR's defense of Hoover Dam, the rangers fell into decline soon after. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CA_1 VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1C8_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}With Hanlon's plot against the occupation exposed and Oliver denounced for losing Hoover Dam, many rangers were greeted coldly on their return home. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CA_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Few openly blamed the rangers for Hanlon's treachery, but public and political support for the military as a whole quickly dwindled. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CA_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}The rangers assisted the troopers admirably during the Legion's ill-fated attack. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Though General Oliver and Chief Hanlon were both praised for their leadership, the chief quietly stepped out of the spotlight. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}After a brief fanfare for a life full of accomplishments, Chief Hanlon retired and returned to the peace and quiet of his ranch in Redding. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_4
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CC_1 VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}The rangers heroically assisted NCR's troopers in their ill-fated defense against the overwhelming power of Caesar's Legion. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CC_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Though many NCR military officers fled the territory soon after the dam was lost, Chief Hanlon remained at Camp Golf to surrender to the Legion. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CC_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Out of respect for Hanlon's composure and worth as an adversary, Caesar had him beheaded. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CC_4
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CD_1 VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}The rangers heroically assisted NCR's troopers in their ill-fated defense against the overwhelming power of Caesar's Legion. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CD_2 VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CC_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Though many NCR military officers fled the territory soon after the dam was lost, Chief Hanlon remained at Camp Golf to surrender to the Legion. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CD_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Despite the late Caesar's respect for Chief Hanlon as an adversary, Legate Lanius had Hanlon crucified along with all of the other rangers. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CD_4
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CE_1 VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_1
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}The rangers assisted the troopers admirably during the Legion's ill-fated attack. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CE_2 VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CB_2
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Though the Courier snatched victory from NCR, only General Oliver was blamed for the loss of Hoover Dam. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CE_3
Topic VEndingRangers VEndingRangers {narrating}Hanlon, exhausted after a lifetime of service to the NCR, stepped down from his position in the rangers and retired to his ranch in Redding. VEnding_VEndingRangers_0015C1CE_4
Topic HanlonConfession HanlonConfession Rangers, this is the chief. I know I can ramble on sometimes, but I need you to listen close for the next minute or so. I've got some bad news. VCampGolfH_HanlonConfessio_001084A4_1
Topic HanlonConfession HanlonConfession I messed up. Made a mistake. I thought I could help get us out of here, but... it didn't work out. VCampGolfH_HanlonConfessio_001084A4_2
Topic HanlonConfession HanlonConfession Rangers get injured all the time. It's part of the job. But if you lose a few fingers, get a bad break, that's it. You step down. VCampGolfH_HanlonConfessio_001084A4_3
Topic HanlonConfession HanlonConfession We rely on each other too much to let our infirmities become a liability. A ranger knows when it's time. Only I didn't. VCampGolfH_HanlonConfessio_001084A4_4
Topic HanlonConfession HanlonConfession Somewhere along the way, something broke inside me. I couldn't find us a way out of this desert. I wrestled with it, and it took me down a dark road. VCampGolfH_HanlonConfessio_001084A4_5
Topic HanlonConfession HanlonConfession I wish I could explain it to you. The old chief's finally at a loss for words. VCampGolfH_HanlonConfessio_001084A4_6
Topic HanlonConfession HanlonConfession Send me all the Legion you can. I'll be waiting for them. VCampGolfH_HanlonConfessio_001084A4_7
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic015 Let's talk about something else. Shoot. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00157B51_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic016 Goodbye. Adios. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00157B53_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic012 Tell me about yourself. Folks around here call me the chief{han-luhn}, but Hanlon's just fine. The rangers run themselves pretty well, but I try to lend a hand. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2B_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic012 Tell me about yourself. Mostly administrative work, helping coordinate intel on the radio. That and keeping an eye on the fires growing across the water. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2B_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic025 What do you know about Caesar? The best of the best, worst of the worst. He came out of NCR, one of the Followers of the Apocalypse. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F36_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic025 What do you know about Caesar? Like a lot of the Followers, he went out in the wilderness with a partner to try to help those who needed helping. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F36_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic025 What do you know about Caesar? Not much different from how the rangers used to be, except with books and medicine instead of guns. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F36_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? It's no secret that we've had better campaigns. Holding this whole length of river isn't easy. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F63_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? We're stretched thin and the Long 15 just keeps getting longer. Slow to get supplies. Slower to get reinforcements. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F63_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? NCR's senate has got funds tied up at the Boneyard and President Kimball ordered our most experienced rangers to chase ghosts down in Baja. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F63_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? Even Caesar knows that General Oliver's coming back to Hoover. Colonel Moore's doing a fine job of running things over at the dam. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F64_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? In her own way, of course, when she's not trying to wrangle my rangers into helping her. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F64_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? But just keeping that dam secure and operational day to day is enough work for one person, never mind building a defense against the Legion. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F64_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? Mojave Outpost sent word through the stations. The rangers coming up from Baja moved through Dayglow a week ago. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F65_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? Some of the patrol rangers have reported that Oliver's power armor heavy troopers are starting to reinforce the front lines. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F65_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic029 How is NCR doing? Wish they got here a bit earlier, but that's the senate for you. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F65_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? Not too long ago, they took Nelson and Searchlight. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5D_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? They've got some camps on the eastern shore of the Colorado, and the monstrosity on the hill across the lake - that's for Caesar. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5D_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? Some folks don't believe he's here yet, but you can tell. He's the eye of the storm. It all roils and spins around him. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5D_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? You don't have to see the man to see the effect he has. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5D_4
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? Intel says the legate's coming. {lan-ee-us}Lanius. They call him the Monster of the East. If he's half as bad as Graham was, we're in for a heck of a fight. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5E_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? With Caesar and a new legate here, the Legion's not going to fall for the same old bag of tricks. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5E_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? Word is that the Legion's old timers have shown up, Caesar's veterans from the Red Okie {sen-tur-ee-ah}Centuria and what was the Painted Rock tribe. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5F_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? They're the best of the best and the baddest of the bad. Short of a centurion or {pray-tor-ee-an}praetorian, they don't come any tougher. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5F_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic030 What's the Legion been up to? You come across a pack of them, weigh your options carefully. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5F_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic031 Tell me about the rangers. I could tell you a lot if you had the time, but at my age I'm not sure which of us would get tired first. What do you want to know? VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3E_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic032 Do you ever stop talking? I didn't realize you were in such a hurry. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F56_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic032 Do you ever stop talking? I get so used to sitting in this chair and listening to radio reports, sometimes I forget people are getting ready for a war out there. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F56_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic033 I'm investigating some intel problems for Technical Sergeant Reyes. Interesting that she would wrangle someone else into sorting out the problem. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F35_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic033 I'm investigating some intel problems for Technical Sergeant Reyes. But I suppose you're in the right place. A lot of intel comes through here. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F35_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic033 I'm investigating some intel problems for Technical Sergeant Reyes. This again? All right. What do you want to know? VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00157B52_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic034 I know you're the one who's been manipulating intelligence data. Hold on. If we're going to have this conversation, let's go somewhere more private. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F69_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic034 I know you're the one who's been manipulating intelligence data. {joking a bit}Don't worry. Not much bite left in this old dog. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F69_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic035 Do you know anything about the problems? I don't know Technical Sergeant {ray-ess}Reyes, but coordinating intel can be messy sometimes. Things get mixed up, people get confused. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_001572C4_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic035 Do you know anything about the problems? Heck, I get confused and I've been doing this for a long time now. What he - or she - sees as a problem might be standard operating procedure. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_001572C4_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic035 Do you know anything about the problems? That's not to say Reyes is wrong for being concerned, but it's easy for the sand to get in your eyes out here. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_001572C4_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic036 Can you give me any advice? Well... {thinking}the logical thing to do is to check with the patrol rangers and comm officers. Don't be too discouraged if some things don't match up. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F75_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic036 Can you give me any advice? Different people see different things, and sometimes the meaning gets twisted, lost in static from person to person. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F75_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic037 How do you coordinate the intel? It's a simple system, when it works. Patrol rangers radio intel to ranger stations. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F38_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic037 How do you coordinate the intel? Comm rangers send the intel up the station chain until it reaches Camp Golf. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F38_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic037 How do you coordinate the intel? Then I or one of the other rangers on duty organize the data, evaluate it, and send information to camps or troopers in the field. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F38_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic038 Why don't the ranger stations send the intel directly to the troopers? Comm rangers might have an incomplete picture of the situation. There's a lot going on out there. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F40_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic038 Why don't the ranger stations send the intel directly to the troopers? Intel needs to be coordinated through Golf so we can verify and advise appropriately. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F40_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic038 Why don't the ranger stations send the intel directly to the troopers? Troopers have enough to deal with. We don't want them questioning their intel. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F40_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic039 But you're inventing your own intelligence reports. I've seen the logs and talked to the rangers. {smiling a bit}You have, have you? {Beat, more somber}Misdirection. When you're pinned down, outnumbered, and two days from any help, it's just about the best friend you can have. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F30_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic039 But you're inventing your own intelligence reports. I've seen the logs and talked to the rangers. Misdirection's what's saved me all these years. It's what saved us at Hoover Dam. But it's been five years now and {see-zar's}Caesar's right across that lake. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F30_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic039 But you're inventing your own intelligence reports. I've seen the logs and talked to the rangers. He's closer now than he ever was before. {bit angry}I was a young man once. I know what it's like to want to fight for your home, but this isn't it. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F30_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic040 Why did you do it? It's never going to end. This fight with Caesar. People back home don't know what these young men and women are in for. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F61_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic040 Why did you do it? The Legion is the worst enemy we've ever faced, but we can't stop Caesar here, not without getting a lot of good people killed. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F61_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic040 Why did you do it? More than anyone cares to count up. And even if we do stop him, I don't see how we're ever going to be able to pull out. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F61_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic041 Aren't you fighting for the people of New Vegas? We're fighting on their behalf, but Mr. House and the families are stringing us up, inch by inch. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F34_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic041 Aren't you fighting for the people of New Vegas? They'll drain us dry while we fight and die over this dam. We offered them sanctuary in NCR territory before, but they won't listen. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F34_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic041 Aren't you fighting for the people of New Vegas? Troopers and rangers have been dying here for more than five years while the families sit pretty behind that... damned wall. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F34_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic042 How does spreading false intel help anything? {exasperated}People back home don't listen. They don't care. Senators, Brahmin barons, folks who are just trying to make it from day to day. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3D_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic042 How does spreading false intel help anything? It's been so many years that people forget about it. Conscription brings in fresh troops to die here every month. Like it's routine. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3D_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic042 How does spreading false intel help anything? {getting more worked up}And even if we hold this dam, what then? Are we going to send the NCR's men and women to die here for another five years? Ten? VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3D_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic042 How does spreading false intel help anything? Patrol the whole length of the Colorado for hundreds of miles? Holding this dam. {pause, downbeat}It'll be the death of us. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3D_4
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic043 What do you think I should do about this? First thing that comes to mind is to turn me in. But that might not be the best play, all things considered. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2C_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic043 What do you think I should do about this? Even if your heart's in the right place, I reckon it might do a lot more harm than good. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2C_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic044 You're dead. Hold on. This is ranger headquarters. There might be a dozen rangers within earshot. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F54_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic044 You're dead. Think twice before you decide to give the old chief a gut full of lead. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F54_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic046 But what does that accomplish? {pause, quieter}Creating fear and instability among the troopers without causing harm, it's the only thing I could think of to shake things up. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F47_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic046 But what does that accomplish? It took some people getting killed to realize I had gone too far. I had to stop. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F47_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic047 Too bad. I'm turning you in. Fair enough. You want to do this the right way, go get one of the rangers. Don't worry. I'm not gonna run out on you. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F67_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic048 What will you do if I don't turn you in? Oliver can't stand that rangers got credit for victory at Hoover. Whatever I recommend, he does the opposite. I said I wanted them on the ridge. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2D_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic048 What will you do if I don't turn you in? He put them right on the western part of the dam itself. We don't have enough firepower to hold that spot. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2D_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic048 What will you do if I don't turn you in? If the troopers fall back, and they will, the rangers will advance to cover Oliver's retreat. We lose the dam, Oliver and the senate are ruined. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2D_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic049 What about you and the rangers? Rangers are volunteers. Every man and woman who signs up is willing to die for the NCR, myself included. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6A_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic049 What about you and the rangers? A lot of this is my fault. It's only right that I stand with them. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6A_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic050 That's crazy. Maybe fifty rangers will die on that dam. We lose over a thousand troopers every year. Being here is crazy. Getting out's the only sane thing to do. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F66_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic051 Caesar's dead. The Legion can't hold itself together for five years, much less ten. It's a gamble either way. Even with Caesar gone, we still might not outlast the Legion. I suppose that's a risk I'll have to take. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4A_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic051 Caesar's dead. The Legion can't hold itself together for five years, much less ten. For our sake, I hope you're right. I guess I should thank you for bringing me to my senses. So... thanks. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4A_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic051 Caesar's dead. The Legion can't hold itself together for five years, much less ten. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to walk out that door and pretend we never had this talk. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4A_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic053 Caesar's dead. What more do you need? {a little angry}The Legion is more than just Caesar! It's got the momentum of thousands of men behind it. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F33_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic053 Caesar's dead. What more do you need? They're not just going to roll off into Arizona if we give them a good shove. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F33_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic055 You've convinced me. Your secret is safe. I don't know if you're working for Caesar or if desperation's made me a heck of a lot more persuasive. Either way, this is the right thing to do. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F55_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic055 You've convinced me. Your secret is safe. Now, I trust we're done discussing this. I'm going to step through that door and pretend like we never had this talk. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F55_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic058 Doesn't matter. Your time's up, Hanlon. Well, you got that right. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_0015888A_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic059 Fires? Legion fires. They burn high wherever the Legion goes. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6D_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic059 Fires? Caesar's a hard man to figure out, but he always wants you to know when more troops are at your front door. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6D_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic060 Where did he go? Out to the Grand Canyon. He met a missionary from Utah, a man by the name of Joshua Graham. Graham helped translate for the Followers and the tribes. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F29_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic060 Where did he go? All three of them got nabbed by the Blackfoots down there, back when they were still at war with every other tribe in the southwest. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F29_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic061 How did a Follower wind up becoming Caesar? Somewhere along the way, he realized he needed to educate the Blackfoots or they were going to get wiped out with the rest of the tribe. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F41_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic061 How did a Follower wind up becoming Caesar? Showed them how to use guns, how to make explosives. Once he taught the Blackfoots a thing or two, they needed him. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F41_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic061 How did a Follower wind up becoming Caesar? And he no longer needed the Followers, NCR, or anyone else. He decided he could remake the tribes of the southwest, whether they wanted it or not. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F41_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic061 How did a Follower wind up becoming Caesar? He became Caesar and Joshua Graham became his legate, his right hand. And that's where Graham stayed until Hoover Dam. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F41_4
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic062 What happened to Graham after Hoover Dam? Losing the dam was the worst defeat the Legion ever suffered. Graham had been with Caesar since the beginning, but he had to set an example. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F60_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic062 What happened to Graham after Hoover Dam? The praetorians covered Graham in pitch, lit him on fire, and down into the Grand Canyon he went. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F60_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic063 Are the Blackfoots part of the Legion? Yes and no. The Blackfoots don't exist anymore, just like any other tribe that gets swallowed by the Legion. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3F_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic063 Are the Blackfoots part of the Legion? Caesar takes the tribal out of the tribe. Scrapes and burns off tattoos, breaks up families, forces mixed breeding so all the old loyalties die away. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3F_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic063 Are the Blackfoots part of the Legion? The only tribe in the Legion is the Legion. Caesar is their chief, father, and god all rolled into one. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3F_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic064 So that was the end of Graham? It's not that clear cut. You have to understand, Graham was the toughest son of a gun anyone around these parts had ever seen. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F74_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic064 So that was the end of Graham? Before Hoover, we had five kill reports on Graham from rangers and 1st Recon sharpshooters who tried to take him out. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F74_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic064 So that was the end of Graham? Some folks think he's still alive, call him the Burned Man. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F74_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic065 Why are funds tied up at the Boneyard? Senate elections are coming up. Local representatives don't want to push any more funding to the Mojave campaign because it's unpopular. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F62_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic065 Why are funds tied up at the Boneyard? Most of the folks around the Boneyard haven't been to New Vegas and probably never will. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F62_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic065 Why are funds tied up at the Boneyard? All they know is that their money gets sucked away to this desert and their brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters die here. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F62_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic066 What's going on in Baja? It's complicated. Goes way back. I told President Kimball that we need more rangers here. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F42_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic066 What's going on in Baja? He accepted that, but took the most experienced ones and sent them south. Patrol rangers are good men and women, but we're about to fight a war. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F42_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic067 What about the troopers? You've seen it yourself. Some of them don't even have proper service rifles or armor. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6C_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic067 What about the troopers? Our heavy infantry, power armor units, they're back in NCR territory protecting the interests of Brahmin barons against small-time raiders. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6C_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic067 What about the troopers? Brahmin barons only have one vote at the ballot box, but they have a lot of money to throw around. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6C_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic068 Tell me about General Oliver. Oh, well... now, you'll have to excuse me. The general and I don't always see eye to eye on things. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F39_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic068 Tell me about General Oliver. Maybe it's best that I just say that he is a trooper, through and through. The man will not give up an inch for anything, least of all to the Legion. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F39_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic069 Colonel Moore's "way"? The colonel is an effective commander - one of the best - but she sharpened her claws on the Vipers and the old Jackals. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F31_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic069 Colonel Moore's "way"? Did four tours against the Brotherhood, too. She used to be ranger until an injury took her out of action. Happens to a lot of us, unfortunately. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F31_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic069 Colonel Moore's "way"? She's better at making graves than making friends. Bring in Moore and the earth will be razed. Fields will be salted. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F31_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic070 Is Moore in charge of all the NCR troopers out here? No, and thanks to General Oliver for that. Colonel {shoo}Hsu is at McCarran. Most of the New Vegas troopers are under his command. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F58_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic070 Is Moore in charge of all the NCR troopers out here? He's more sympathetic to the locals than Moore, but he's got the Fiends to deal with. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F58_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic070 Is Moore in charge of all the NCR troopers out here? No, and thanks to General Oliver for that. Colonel {shoo}Hsu is at McCarran. Most of the New Vegas troopers are under his command. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F59_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic070 Is Moore in charge of all the NCR troopers out here? He's more sympathetic to the locals than Moore. Now that the Fiends aren't giving him grief, we should see more troopers assigned to the front lines. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F59_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic070 Is Moore in charge of all the NCR troopers out here? Good work on that, by the way. Hope you got good bounties out of it. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F59_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic071 What do the new rangers mean for NCR? The Baja rangers can do more advance night scouting and sharpshooting to assist the troopers. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F49_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic071 What do the new rangers mean for NCR? Ranger combat helmets are old Pre-War gear. They have built in low-light optics. Makes a big difference. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F49_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic072 Tell me about the heavy troopers. They have the best equipment the NCR can get its hands on, power armor salvaged from our war with the Brotherhood. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4B_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic072 Tell me about the heavy troopers. Techs strip out the joint servos so you don't need special training to wear it. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4B_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic072 Tell me about the heavy troopers. It feels like you're carrying a Brahmin on your back, but it can take a heck of a lot of punishment. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4B_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic073 Tell me about Nelson. Nelson was barely set up. We had a big stretch of unprotected land between Forlorn Hope and Searchlight, and Nelson was the solution. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6F_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic073 Tell me about Nelson. A {deh-can-us}decanus named Dead Sea took the place and caused a lot of damage. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6F_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic074 What happened at Searchlight? Searchlight was worse. One of Caesar's {froo-men-tar-ee}frumentarii must have found something in there, flooded the whole camp with radiation. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4E_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic075 [Continue] By the way, I appreciate what you did for the troopers down there. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3A_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic075 [Continue] Nelson might not be the most strategically important place, but taking Dead Sea out means a lot to them. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3A_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic076 [Continue] I can't say I think the legionaries at Cottonwood deserved the same fate, but what's done is done. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F68_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic076 [Continue] Thanks to you, that's one less pack of slavers for people to worry about. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F68_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic077 Why do they call Lanius the Monster of the East? Oh, the usual reasons. People say he's enormous, carries a big sword, chops peoples' heads off. That's not what makes him a good commander, though. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2F_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic077 Why do they call Lanius the Monster of the East? Folks say he came from a heck of a tough tribe, took Caesar a long time to conquer. It was thanks to Lanius. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2F_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic077 Why do they call Lanius the Monster of the East? But once Caesar broke him, he was born again. He'll go anywhere and do anything to win. Legion says he can smell weakness. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2F_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic077 Why do they call Lanius the Monster of the East? Once he finds out where an army's vulnerable, he'll go to it like a dog for the throat. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2F_4
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic078 How bad was Graham? He was a missionary from Utah who hooked up with Caesar at the Grand Canyon, became his translator. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F44_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic078 How bad was Graham? Graham helped Caesar with the Blackfoots after they got captured together. Up until Hoover Dam, he was Caesar's legate. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F44_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic078 How bad was Graham? You wouldn't think a man of god could turn so brutal. Cruel to his opponents. Did the sort of things that make you sick to talk about. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F44_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic079 Was Graham a good commander? He wasn't a brilliant strategist. Wasn't tactically flexible, either. There was something about him, though. Menace, indestructibility. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6E_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic079 Was Graham a good commander? It made everyone afraid of him. Heck, the praetorians burned Graham four years ago and some of the tribes are still afraid of him. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6E_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic079 Was Graham a good commander? They say the Burned Man still walks the land, blackens the earth wherever he sets foot. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6E_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic080 What makes the veterans so tough? Take a regular legionary and age him ten years. Whatever they lose to age they make up for with experience. Life expectancy isn't long in the Legion. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F57_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic080 What makes the veterans so tough? You live ten years in Caesar's army, you're a force to be reckoned with. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F57_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic081 Tell me about centurions. There's no real equivalent to them in the NCR. Centurions are battle-born, elite officers who earned their rank with blood and sweat. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2E_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic081 Tell me about centurions. They wear special outfits, too, pieced together from the armor of all their defeated enemies. Good commanders, tough opponents. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2E_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic082 Who are the praetorians? Caesar's elite guard. They travel with him wherever he goes. A bit of insurance in case any of his guests get funny ideas. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F43_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic082 Who are the praetorians? They aren't the toughest legionaries, but they're the most devoted to Caesar. They believe in everything the Legion stands for. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F43_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic083 Have any good stories to tell? Suppose it depends on what you think is "good." Most folks want to hear about Hoover Dam and Boulder City, but it's a long story. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5A_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic083 Have any good stories to tell? If you want some tall tales about hunting down slavers or busting up gangs, talk to one of the younger rangers. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5A_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic084 How long have you been in the rangers? Oh, well. I guess it must be coming up on... forty years or so. Back before {eh-leez}Elise was chief, anyway. It was a heck of a lot harder then. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F70_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic084 How long have you been in the rangers? Weren't as many of us to go around. But I think it was a lot easier to tell the good guys from the bad. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F70_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic085 What do the rangers do? Well, there's what we're supposed to be doing and what we're actually doing. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4D_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic085 What do the rangers do? There's a big gap between those two things, about as wide as that lake out there. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4D_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic086 Why are the rangers here? There's a lot of answers to that question, but it started with the Ranger Unification Treaty. We weren't always the only show in town. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3C_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic086 Why are the rangers here? Nevada had its own posse, the Desert Rangers. They fought Caesar even farther east, out in Arizona. Didn't go well for them. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3C_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic086 Why are the rangers here? Years back, we met with the Desert Rangers at Mojave Outpost and agreed to help them against Caesar if they would join the NCR. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3C_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic087 Okay, what are you supposed to be doing? To protect against all forms of tyranny. As simple as that. Thirty, forty years ago, the wasteland was full of despots. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F53_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic087 Okay, what are you supposed to be doing? Slavers. Raiders. Tough-talking hoodlums with gangs who liked to kick around towns. Back then the NCR military was still young. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F53_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic087 Okay, what are you supposed to be doing? Couldn't cover much ground. It took groups like ours to tip the balance back to the good guys. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F53_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic088 What are you actually doing? Sitting on the shore of Lake Mead, looking east. Listening to a radio. Trying to not get too many people killed. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3B_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic088 What are you actually doing? I'm too old to be slapping leather, but I had hoped for something else. More than this, anyway. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F3B_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic089 There must be something good the rangers have done that you're proud of. [SUCCEEDED] It's kind of a long one, but all right. About twenty, twenty-five years ago, a group of NCR settlers pushed way south into Baja. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F71_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic089 There must be something good the rangers have done that you're proud of. I guess it doesn't seem so far now if you look at a map, but back then, they were out a ways. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F71_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic089 There must be something good the rangers have done that you're proud of. They built this little shanty town around a well in the middle of nowhere. Called it {rat-ul-tayl}Rattletail. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F71_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic090 Come on. You must have lots of stories. [FAILED] I do, but I'm tired of telling them. Time changes how you look at things. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F2A_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic091 So what happened at Hoover Dam and Boulder City? In big battles, Caesar deploys his legionaries in waves. Recruits up front, prime soldiers behind the recruits, old guard bringing up the rear. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F37_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic091 So what happened at Hoover Dam and Boulder City? Opponents wear themselves out dealing with the first two waves, if they survive that long. When the veterans step up, there's not much fight left. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F37_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic091 So what happened at Hoover Dam and Boulder City? Caesar can adapt, though, and when required, he can run any mix of legionaries as skirmishers and still retain order in the ranks. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F37_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic092 [Continue] Word got back to one of our stations that raiders had been attacking the place. I went out with six rangers. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6B_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic092 [Continue] We must have been on the trail for a week before we got to Rattletail. We lost one woman to Night Stalkers and another almost died of dehydration. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6B_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic092 [Continue] When we reach the place, it's six shacks set up around an old well. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F6B_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic093 [Continue] There's over two dozen bodies lying in the dunes way outside of town and five men with {three-oh-eight}.308 rifles crouched behind sand bags. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5B_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic093 [Continue] And these bodies, these people out in the sand, they aren't raiders. Aren't even heavily armed. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5B_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic093 [Continue] They're just people who were trying to get to the only well in fifty miles. I didn't have to talk to the men to see that they did not care one bit. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5B_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic094 [Continue] They had planted an NCR flag over the well and they would not budge until every last one of them was laid out, dead and cold. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F46_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic094 [Continue] So I walked up and told them there was a group of raiders coming, one hundred strong. {laughing a bit}I made up some cockamamie name for them and everything. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F46_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic094 [Continue] The men looked at each other, looked at us, and asked me what we were going to do about it. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F46_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic095 [Continue] I told him we would take them back into NCR territory because we had already lost ten rangers on the way out. Ten rangers, five men with .308 rifles. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F48_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic095 [Continue] Well, that was enough for them. They packed up what they could and we took them back north. Last I heard, they settled somewhere in {ahn-zah}Anza-{boh-reh-goh}Borrego. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F48_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic095 [Continue] Raised Bighorners. Had some tough times, but it worked out okay for them. So there you go. That's my one bit of good. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F48_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic096 [Continue] Joshua Graham, Caesar's old legate, he's wasn't so flexible. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F32_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic096 [Continue] When the Legion attacked Hoover Dam, General Oliver ordered his troopers back to the middle ground just after first contact. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F32_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic096 [Continue] Graham pushed all of the legionaries onto the dam, filling the east side with recruits up front and veterans in the back, by the book. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F32_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic097 [Continue] But once they were in, they were stuck there. Oliver's troopers were entrenched and wouldn't give a foot. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4C_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic097 [Continue] That's when we ordered the rangers and 1st recon sharpshooters to start picking off veteran legion officers from a high ridge west of the dam. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4C_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic097 [Continue] That only lasted about a minute before Graham ordered the back ranks to push through to the front and rush the ridge. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F4C_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic098 [Continue] Caused total chaos among the younger legionaries, and Oliver's troopers fell back to the side walkways and stayed out of the veterans' way. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5C_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic098 [Continue] By the time the veterans got to the ridge, we were already in Boulder City. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5C_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic098 [Continue] They followed us down there, but we were out before they realized what was happening. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F5C_3
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic099 [Continue] We had packed the old city with C4 and dynamite. Crude, but it did the job. Those who didn't die in the blast were in no position to mount a defense. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F45_1
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic099 [Continue] The ones left on the dam didn't know what to do. The troopers routed them. Graham pulled the remaining legionaries back, but the battle was over. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F45_2
Topic VCampGolfHanlon2CHanlonTopic099 [Continue] He went south, back to the Grand Canyon, back to Caesar. And that was the last we saw or heard from Joshua Graham. VCampGolfH_VCampGolfHanlon_00156F45_3
Topic GREETING GREETING {serious}I don't believe there's anything left for us to talk about. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_0015C121_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Go on. Go fetch a ranger and do this right. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_0015BAC6_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Sorting and manipulating intelligence is what I do. It's what rangers are supposed to do. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_00156F73_1
Topic GREETING GREETING {joking a bit}This job isn't all gunfighting and gulping shots of whiskey, no matter what the boys and ladies out there say. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_00156F73_2
Topic GREETING GREETING I'm occupied at the moment. Come see me when I'm on the balcony. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_001084A3_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Back west, you don't see too many of these. Lakes, I mean. Natural or man-made. Any kind, really. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_00156F72_1
Topic GREETING GREETING We neglected the dams or pumped all the water out a long time ago. Owens, Isabella, the San Luis. Drained the aquifers of everything they had. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_00156F72_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Just a lot of mud and dust now. It's a different feeling, watching the sun come up over the water. Takes some getting used to. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_00156F72_3
Topic GREETING GREETING But if you're here long enough, it starts to seem normal. That's what a ranger's life is now. Looking east. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_00156F72_4
Topic GREETING GREETING You've come back to see the chief. Nice of you to humor the radio tender. What can I do for you? VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_001084A5_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Like I said, I won't run out on you, but I can't let my people get dragged through the mud for this. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_0014F41B_1
Topic GREETING GREETING You did good and you did it well. Work a ranger would be proud of. I'll handle the rest from here. VCampGolfHanlon_GREETING_0014F41B_2
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse Man down! vDialogueN_DeathResponse_0015724B_1 Do not record.
Combat Assault Assault Check your fire! vDialogueN_Assault_001750FF_1
Combat Death Death Gaaah! vDialogueN_Death_00175186_1 death scream
Combat Death Death Urgh! vDialogueN_Death_00175187_1 death scream
Combat Death Death Aaaah! vDialogueN_Death_00175188_1 death scream
Combat Flee Flee Fall back! vDialogueN_Flee_0017525D_1 Do not record.
Combat Hit Hit Hmph! vDialogueN_Hit_00175244_1 Do not record.
Combat Hit Hit Ahh! vDialogueN_Hit_00175245_1 getting hit/wounded in combat
Combat Hit Hit Argh! vDialogueN_Hit_00175246_1 Do not record.
Combat Hit Hit Oof! vDialogueN_Hit_00175247_1 getting hit/wounded in combat
Combat Hit Hit Ugh! vDialogueN_Hit_0015B6C4_1 Do not record.
Combat Attack Attack Get some! vDialogueN_Attack_001751EB_1
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive Fire in the hole! vDialogueN_FireExplosive_00157250_1