For an overview of HN Needler cartridge ammunition types in various games, see HN Needler cartridge .
HN piston-propelled needle
Mag. Size N/A AC Mod N/A damage mod N/A DR mod N/A Weight N/A Value N/A
The following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
HN piston-propelled needle is a type of ammunition that was to appear in Van Buren , the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios . It also featured in the Van Buren tech demo game files.
Characteristics [ ]
They were initially loaded with sedatives and tranquilizers, which would cause a target to take much more fatigue damage than from a regular attack.
Weapons using this ammunition [ ]
Variants [ ]
HN NAI piston-propelled needle
HN SI piston-propelled needle
HN TI piston-propelled needle
Location [ ]
Van Buren tech demo[ ]
While it doesn't appear in the Van Buren tech demo, it is still present in the game files and can be spawned with the console command CreateEntity Ammo22_Injector.amo .
Van Buren [ ]
Carried by Victor Presper , aboard Ballistic Orbital Missile Base 001 .[1]
Gallery [ ]
HN NAI piston-propelled needle
HN SI piston-propelled needle
HN TI piston-propelled needle
References [ ]
↑ Van Buren B.O.M.B.-001 design document. [1]