The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Gulper Lagoon
F76 Gulper LagoonF76 Gulper Lagoon cavern house
F76 358
Part ofThe Mire
  • Chance for normal spawns
  • Chance for scorched variant spawns
  • Gulpers
  • Fast travel destination
  • Outdoors theme
  • The Mire location

    The Gulper Lagoon is a location in Fallout 76.


    An ideal congregation spot for Gulpers, this lagoon is formed by a creek that flows downhill into a stone flanked pool. Many gulpers hang from the trees that surround the area and are likely to ambush anyone who gets too close, so keep eyes peeled. Past the cliff is the rest of the swamp where the water from the lagoon falls off too.

    Points of interest[]

    • A shack with a tinkers bench is at the bottom of the nearby cavern. Strangler vines have grown to create a ramp to easy climb down to it.
    • the large Strangler-infested tree in the center of the lagoon can be used as a vantage point to escape the numerous gulpers

    Notable loot[]

    Dynamic spawns


    Gulper Lagoon appears only in Fallout 76.
