![]() | This is a lore summary, presenting intradiegetic or in-universe information about the subject. For game characteristics and similar data, consult the table on the right. |
A grenade is a thrown weapon that appears in all of the Fallout games. Most contain an explosive payload designed to inflict damage in a wide blast radius. Certain grenade models are more effective against some targets, and less effective against others.
Frag grenade[]
A generic fragmentation grenade. Contains a small amount of high explosives, the container itself forming most of the damaging fragments. Explodes on contact.[1]
Pulse grenade[]
An electromagnetic pulse grenade, generating an intense magnetic field on detonation. Doesn't affect biological creatures, but is highly effective against robots and power armored foes. Contact fuze.
Plasma grenade[]
Plasma grenades, as their name suggests, emit a powerful burst of plasma energy when detonated, as opposed to using chemical explosives like those in a frag grenade.
A Nuka-grenade is a craftable custom weapon in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, which exploits the explosive properties of Nuka-Cola Quantum when mixed with some common household chemicals. It does more damage than a standard frag grenade, and explodes in a colorful periwinkle fireball.
Bio-gas canister[]
This grenade does not explode by itself, but instead releases highly-flammable bio-gas vapors upon hitting the ground. The vapors can then be ignited from a distance with an energy or incendiary weapon, causing the leaking gas to erupt in a spectacular fireball. In this way, they function as portable gas-leaks.
Cryo grenade[]
Whether these devices are the brainchild of Elliot Tercorien or cryoscientists of the Commonwealth is debatable, but the concept is the same.
Cryo grenades do only one point of damage, but release frigid liquid nitrogen upon detonating, freezing any opponents caught in the blast, and rooting them in place for several seconds.
AN-205 incendiary grenade[]
The incendiary grenades that appears in the Mojave Wastelandrelease a blast of burning material on detonation, making it especially effective against fleshy foes. Super mutants and robots are significantly less affected by the blast.
Flash bang[]
A less-lethal alternative to a traditional grenade. Flash bangs deal very little physical damage, but the blinding light and deafening bang it creates deal significant Fatigue damage.
Microfusion cell grenade[]
MFC grenades are easily-constructed, less-powerful facsimiles of plasma grenades, created by intentionally short-circuiting microfusion cell ammunition.
Tin grenade[]
Tin grenades are homemade explosives made out of tin cans packed with pistol gunpowder. Roughly the hand-grenade equivalent to Powder charge mines.
Acid grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout Tactics and some details might contradict canon. |
Acid grenades spray a sticky, corrosive substance upon detonation, dissolving anything caught in its blast. They appear to have increased effectiveness against the metal shells of robotic opponents.
Flash grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout Tactics and some details might contradict canon. |
Flash grenades, by themselves, do very little harm. They instead use a magnesium core to release a blinding flash upon detonation, stunning opponents caught in its blast radius.
Incendiary grenade[]
Incendiary grenades release a blast of burning material on detonation, making it especially effective against fleshy foes. Super-Mutants and Robots are significantly less affected by the blast.
Home-made bomb[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
A home-made bomb is a crude grenade made out of household chemicals and old pipe-fittings, and typically filled with nails and other scrap for shrapnel. A relatively weak explosive.
Toxic grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
This grenade does very little damage initially, but releases a cloud of poisonous vapours upon detonation, inflicting Poison Damage over time to anyone caught in its blast.
Mini-nuke grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
As its name would imply, the mini-nuke grenade is all the power of a mini nuke, packed into a hand-held explosive device. Only one exists in the entirety of the game.
Bio grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
![]() | Section needed This section is needed but has not been written yet. You can help The Vault by writing it. |
Mirelurk bait grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
Mirelurk bait grenades were to be in Fallout 3, but have since been cut from the game. They would've been used to draw mirelurks to the point where they detonated. This allowed you to either distract them, or to lure them into a trap.
Smoke grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout 3 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
The smoke grenade was planned to be used in Operation: Anchorage, but was cut. Smoke grenades were also planned for Fallout Tactics, but didn't make the cut either.
Stun grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
The stun grenade deals fatigue damage to the target, potentially knocking them to the ground, paralyzed.
Gas grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
A non-lethal grenade that lets out a cloud of gas/smoke upon detonation. Whether it was to be used as smokescreen cover or flammable gas is unknown.
Chemical grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout Tactics cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
The chemical grenade was a combination of the acid grenade and the cut smoke grenade. The gas released was designed to be horribly toxic against organic targets.
Tangle grenade[]
![]() | The following is based on Fallout Tactics cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
The tangle grenade was designed to be able to ensnare personnel with a tangler polymoid. It was planned to be in Fallout Tactics, but was never added.
Concept art by Adam Adamowicz
See also[]
- Molotov cocktail
- Homing beacon
- Institute beacon
- ↑ Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.5-16: "The fragmentation grenade is extremely useful as a defensive weapon. A small, but concentrated, explosive charge connected to a contact fuze will spread over 1,000 metal fragments over a 2.5 meter radius area. The small explosion area means that these grenades can be used at a closer range than ever before, without possible harm to the user."